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The Fact Danger Behind Of Sugar For Body Healthy

The dangers Of Sugar For Health

With increasing diseases in relation to the increase of the consumption of white sugar and food products made from white sugar, now the society needs to given some knowledge of using sugar goodness Ron. sugar, or other sugars that have been mashed, delicious pastries can bring a great disaster to our agency.

because sugar takes the place of the important place in your food, the dangers will be vitamin deficiency you will feel when you consume a lot of sugar and sweet pastries.

Picture Of The Fact Danger Behind Of Sugar For Body Healthy

modern food experts have given the new facts and the reasons so that the sweets that he get a reduction in sugar. and modern food expert also told us how not only sugar that cause obesity and make the teeth be hollow,  but that excessive sugar consumption that cause many disease called the disease of deficiency, and the disease may suffer by comparison with human 3:4.

research experts, now began to talk about the use of sugar is too much Doctors Clive M. McKay, from Cornell University, an expert on the most famous food in the United States say that we will all be much healthier if the sugar not allowed as a part of human food or drink.

the abundance of sugar consumed by humans are truly shocking, in 1955 in the United States alone has used not less than eight million tons of sugar and have been spending money as much as 5.500,000,000 to stimulate the five sense to their taste.

most of the money it will spend for the purchase of sugar, the sweet drinks, pastries and breads, as well as sweets.

there is a possibility of a usual would consume about a hundred pounds of sugar this year, half of it is the use of sugar in the kitchen, and the rest will come from the beverage or soft drink in bottles, pastries, which means ten times as much sweets are eaten by our grandmothers.

objections to the sugar, so is shown by Ministry of Agriculture United States is if eating too much sugar by as much a hundred pounds per person, and we lack a body builders consume foods contain substances protein, fat, and charcoal containing substances such as mineral calcium and iron, as well as food that contain vitamins A, B and C.

the more sugar that is consumed, the less likely that is on yourself to get the important food factors, in fact only 10 percent of the calories the foods you entirely in daily should consist of sugar.

one of the most common vitamin deficiencies, obtained by doctors at the time it is vitamin B complex, a reason for this is the in consumption with a lot of sugar.

the agency requires levels of vitamin b complex high sugar to burn it, therefore, a food ingredients mashed does not contain Vitamin B complex, and the body of vitamin b complex will borrow from the existing reserves in our body to burn excess sugar.

in the end it will burn all the backup, so that there is a deficiency of vitamin B complex which is great, it gives one a feeling of weariness to the sufferer and shorthanded.

better you removing sugar from your food list, add food ingredients that have natural sugars and contains vitamin B complex deficiency disease sufferer, then it will be better and healthier.

make a list of foods as nutrition experts do-remove sugar from your diet except for use a little sugar you should use in cooking or seasoning the food.

evidence that sugar causes holes in teeth, expressed by, Dr. L.S. Fosdick of Northwestern University, who has been investigating the 809 students for two years, Dr. L. S. Fosdick take leftovers from the students that for samples, and retrieve a list of the food ordered that students, and from the list of foods that are booked by the student is a little food using sugar, and it turns out that students who consume less sugar there are no holes in their teeth.

another scholar who held a research about the teeth, Dr. Herman Beck, at the University of California, persuaded of his patients so that the distance between 1,500 sugar from his life for one year only. in 81 percent of all patients who take away sugar, there is no hole on the new dental patients.

although the types of sugar are very refined were very harm to our body, because substances vitamins and minerals had been dumped in the sugar refining process, a natural candy is better existence, when God made human food, God put the natural sugar in the ingredients were in the cells of plants to make food more interesting and more interesting and more luscious.

God knows what is best for mankind, God also put in the cells of substances certain vitamins and minerals, and substances the body builders should be eaten together with sugar it.

if you like the ingredients of a hearty meal and many, than take the natural preserves, which contains iron, calcium and vitamin substances more naturally, try to eat dates, dried figs, and apricots or mango a ripe mango (ripe contains a lot vitamin A and vitamin-vitamin a body builder and other mineral substances.

you can also consume papaya, because papaya contains sugar as Ron coupled with important food substances more needed by our body.

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