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Circumcise A Baby And danger Circumcised A Baby

Circumcise Babies
should a baby boy circumcised or not? of uncircumcised, how do we as parents taking care of a baby that his penis was circumcised? circumcision has become such common things we know, in cutting the skin covering the tip or head of the penis. the main objective of circumcised is not maintain proper hygiene in addition to contain religious value to people who are Muslim and Jews.

circumcise a baby and danger circumcised a baby
circumcise a baby

the skin of the penis head valve it produces whitish-coloured substances such as the colour of the cheese called Smegma. smegma is piled up to the plot that connects the head of the penis and the pubic shaft.

the cover of smegma which is not cleaned will easily cause infection, if by chance there is a germ that rested there and germs that breed. to maintain the cleanliness of this flow whenever you bathe your baby's skin and open must clean up the plot.

if the skin is discarded, then there shall be no smegma sis produced. circumcision being performed while the baby will not provide any psychological effect on a baby later in life. and the baby need some time again after circumcised to heal his wounds.

to protect the wound and keep the scratched no diapers, then you should give the ointment Boorzuur reviewed thin coating on the sterile gauze 4 x 4 cm and about in wrap to the tip of the penis.

this ointment will keep the gauze in place anyway, if cuts scratched by diapers may be you will find a little blood in the diaper. and you don't have to worry and fear if it finds blood on the baby's diaper.

for babies who are not circumcised, here will be given tips to clean your baby's penis, the trick is : pubic skin pull baby towards the pubic shaft at the time the baby is bathed, then wash the groove with this very carefully and clean all the substances that looks like cheese (smegma) you get in the groove. and do this every day when you are bathing the baby.

these actions must be done with smooth and carefully, because it can cause pain to the baby and the parents may be afraid to do that, because it's often he hole of this skin is very small in the first few months the baby in his life. so many parent who find it difficult to encourage pubic skin to clean grooves in pubic.

this way actually less well, since often stimulates the penis, another way is to be left with just the penis with the risk of the baby will be exposed to infection at some time, but the risk of infection in the baby's penis is quite small when compared to the a baby boy who had not been circumcised.

The Danger Of Circumcision In The Newborn After The Baby Grew Into A Large
as we know, the soul of science, psychologist found that babies aged 3-6 years, the center of attention is the boys on his penis (know as the Phallic Phase in science inhabitants).

children aged 3-6 this year will be very anxious, if they thinking the possibility of lost or injured, his anxiety is causing the boy wants to protect his dick always. children will often hold a penis to make sure whether it still exist or not in place.

also interested to note and toying his dick, because in this whole center of attention after the kids is on his dick. it is understandable, if the child was circumcised at the age of 3-6 years.

children will feel very frightened and suffering, because the through the old man had robbed her of her right to be happy (because the penis is central to his life). this fear will be so marked in the soul of every child and will last a lifetime.

therefore, doctors and psychiatric experts would prefer if the baby circumcised at the time was a kid once, so as not to cause psychological effects which means, or after children get through this Phase Phallic i.e. pase age 7 years or older.

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