Gastrointestinal Track In Infants And Babies Digestive System Problems - Medical Info -->

Gastrointestinal Track In Infants And Babies Digestive System Problems

Gastrocolic Reflex Symptoms In The Baby's Digestive System
In general the contents of the stomach will be compelled to under as soon as someone eating, because with input stomach, as if milk gets the stimulus to work, and these symptoms called the Gastrocolic Reflex.

Gastrocolic meaning Gastro (stomach) Colic of the colon (large intestine). activities of the Stomach and intestines is improved in the morning after someone finished breakfast, so generally people easier e.g, bowel movements a day.

gastrointestinal track in infants and babies digestive system problems
digestive system problems in infants

sometimes this reflex worked too diligently in the first months of a baby's life, especially babies who get breast milk, so they immediately defecation (chapter) after completion of the feedings.

occasionally some babies are very sensitive, so he will soon be defecating so mom started to nurse him. there are some babies who may also feel the urge to defecate as she started to breakfast fed, but could not get out.

each time the nipple attached to the baby's mouth, every time the baby want to defecate. it did bother him, making it difficult to breastfeed the baby. for babies, you have to be patient to wait for approximately 15 minutes to allow the gut to become calmer and you can start to nurse him again.

immediately after birth, or on the first day in the life of the baby, the baby's digestive tract will secrete the shit its greenish black with the consistency of hard and somewhat sticky.

this shit is called meconium, after meconium out, dirt on the baby will then be coloured yellow or brownish. if on the second day, the baby has not yet issued a dirt or meconium, the slightest, you should immediately contact your doctor to check whether there are abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Digestive System In Infants Who Received Breast Milk And The Stool Colour
these babies usually defecate several times a  day in the first week, some babies defecate whenever he finished feedings. the colour of the stool is usually light yellow.

consistency is usually almost like pasta or somewhat condensed a little. generally not baby shaped stool and also not hard. at the age of 1-3 month the frequency of defecation to this baby will decrease in infants fed breast milk. some babies defecate only once a day or even two days.

generally we maintain that healthy people should bowel movements per day, so if you find your baby only two bowel movements a day, you may be anxious.

actually you don't have to worry, if your baby looks-final. stools in infants remains soft, although the defecation just 2-3 day. sometimes, babies who drank breast milk will feel uncomfortable at his stomach if not defecate during the 2-3 day.

normal;y the stool would seem like pulp dilute, if then the baby could defecate. this baby has trouble defecating probably due to the stool that is too dilute, so not quite a strong push of the intestinal wall in part to cause the stool becomes more viscous, so it can provide sufficient pressure to stimulate reflexes like to defecate.

we recommend that you add a little solid food in his diet, maybe this will help, even through maybe the baby is still too small to begin to get solid food, or give your baby fruits such as bananas in order to be easily digested.

don't give drugs a laxative or drugs medications are entered into the anal or other ways to drain the stomach of the baby, because it was feared the baby would be very dependent om drugs it.

Digestive System In Infants Who Get Milk From The Bottle And The Stool Colour
babies who get milk from the bottle usually defecate 1-4 times a day on the days of the first born, although general excreting babies 6 times a day.

if it gets larger, the baby will defecate only 1-2 times a day only, the amount of waste not only the defecate problems if the consistency of the stool either and the baby looks very fine.

stools in infants who get the milk from the bottle will be yellow-brown or white.bowel disorder that is most common on babies who got milk from a bottle this is a hard stools.

some babies get milk from the bottle tend to remove the coloured greenish stools in the first few months, and will be getting worse with the abundance of sugar intake that is added to the milk bottle.

if you don not immediately go to the doctor checked your baby, try to reduce the amount of sugar you normally give your baby milk, as long a the baby is still healthy, you do not need to worry even through the stool in your baby is still green.

Change The Colour And Shape Of Stools In Infants.
you do not need to hurry and worry, if your baby's stools are different from other babies faeces during the baby looks healthy and grow well.

you have to look at is if there is a sudden change in the stool, a stool consistency as toothpaste, then the longer the more malleable, until finally be diluted once, especially if accompanied by increased frequencies to give instructions that's most likely the baby suffered disruption in the channel of ulcers, maybe even also suffer mild digestive tract infections or a little heavy.

the frequency of defection are often coloured stools once with greened and smell the change, indicating the possibility of infections of the bowel. if one day your baby or your child do not defecate, and next in the next day of defecation accompanied form. colour or odor change, your child may be suffering from a disease outside the colon, such as disease, influenza, sore throat and other disease, especially if your baby's body temperature is high.

diseases is slow bowel movement, so that the desire to eat at the baby to be declining due to the stomach feels full. the most important is a change in the smell and consistency than the colour change and the amount of feces, mucus in the stool is often found at the time of a baby suffering from diarrhoea. this is a gut that is undergoing a titillation.

maybe snot is indicative of the digestion disorder or disruption of the respiratory tract or the bay being in a state of cold. sometimes there are some healthy babies in the first weeks of his life often found the snot in the stools.

babies who have got solid food if it gets vegetables, might we find a little bit of the vegetable in the stool, with shapes and colours like vegetable that goes into his mouth.

and this symptom is a sign that there is a bit of indigestion. and to overcome this problem you can temporarily stop vegetable allotment of time and then slowly add little by little in the next day, if there are no signs of indigestion yet, you can provide vegetables that continue to shots.

the fruit Bits can cause stool red, the stool ifs left exposed to air for some time will change colour. to brown or green. this does not need to be considered, a little blood on the outside of the stool in infants may be caused by the blisters around the baby's rectum caused by friction by hard stools.

the blood itself was not too important, but you need to bring your baby to doctor to checked why stool in your baby becomes hard, a lot of blood in the stool is very rarely found, this may be due to deformity or diarrhoea or intestinal intusseceptio.  in this case the child should immediately be brought to doctor.

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