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Causes Of Measles, Signs, Symptoms And Measles Treatment

Causes Of Measles, Signs, Symptoms And Measles Treatment

What Is Measles? - Measles is a contagious fever caused by a virus, not a children's immunization in infants at the time often suffer these infections during early child entered school age. adults can also be affected by measles and could even be more severe if he had not gotten the immune system. in early life with a attack of measles immunization, provide life long immunity.

Picture Of Causes Of Measles, Signs, Symptoms And Measles Treatment

safe and effective immunization against measles routinely offered at the time of children aged one year, after completing a series of DPT immunization, polio and immunization. but not all mother shaped children's with measles immunization when the child is still an infant, and as a result many children suffering from measles, and there are even some between children suffer permanent disability. measles vaccine is now given with just one shot and the side effects are very rarely seen, if a side a effect has occurred it is very light, different from side effects complications that can arise from an attack of the disease that occur naturally.

Signs And Symptoms Os Measles.

at the early at stage, the measles disease is difficult to distinguish from severe colds and fever, on the nose of the child will produces mucus, sore eyes, coughing and fever. but if you look into her mouth at this early stage, you will sea a small white patches on the side of his cheek, near the teeth in graham. these patches ( patcheskoplick ) this is typical for an attack of measles.

after three to four days, then will develop rash initially arose behind the ears and in the neck and face, rash red spots it will quickly spread to all parts of the body, and limb bad-ab frequently move frequently move will slightly exposed rash or blotches.

this rash lasts 3-4 days, if the rash begins to subside, fever in body will start to come down and the state of the patient would be better, as long as the mounting measles, children will be suffering from dry cough.

Complications Of Measles.

measles side effects or complications that make the highly contagious fever is dangerous :

  1. this infection can spread to the ears of and make an acute otitis media, the lungs of children will suffer pain because coughing will exacerbate lung conditions, and fever in children will settle down. doctors can differentiate the classic sign of broncopnemonia at the time of the child's chest with hearing used all stethoscope.
  2. the most serious of all, measles can cause encephalitis, a brain inflammation and encephalitis it will developed approximately one thousand of measles sufferers, where measles patients will fell drowsy, it looks sick and complained of a headache during the 7 day after you begin suffering from measles.

Treatment of Measles To Children

attack of measles without complications do not require treatment in addition to care with public affection, do not forget also to many submitted a cool drink, try to make to child's be diet  ( but don't be forced if the child doesn't like supporting a light diet foods) , give it enough rest, need not be sent to rest in bed unless the child wants it.

antibiotic has no place in the treatment of measles this attack if the patient did not experience complication of other diseases, because the disease is caused by a virus attack and drugs like it are powerless against measles infection work.

but complications arise, then needed antibiotics, because secondary infections with bacteria being the cause of most complications, so if your children also suffer from v=continuous cough, headaches, body limp and often sleepy and felt pain ear or otitis media. then you immediately contact a doctor as soon as possible.

sore eyes is a common description for the emergence of measles and this can be overcome by means of eye wash with warm water, or ask for a prescription of doctors to recommend a good eye drops drugs for the condition of the patient, and use carefully in accordance with the prescription and the rules of use.

remember that measles is a disease that weakens the immune system of the child, and if the attack of measles had ended, then don't be so rush to your child's outside the home or go to school or hanging out with his friends, because after the attack of measles, the patient's body will easily suffer from any other infections that occur around them, therefore make sure that the patient is completely free or rash and fever before he returned to hang out around the environment or before your child back activity.

the first sign of measles appears 10-14 day after contact with the disease, which is transmitted from the four to five days before the onset of rash or blotches on the body of the sufferer. with the availability of vaccines, such as measles and polio drifter should have been entered into the list of disease that never arise again. but the number of children suffering from attack because it is not in immunization even though immunization can then immediately immunization before it's to late.

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