Causes Of Cancer And Causes Of Breast Cancer - Medical Info -->

Causes Of Cancer And Causes Of Breast Cancer

Causes Of Cancer And Causes Of Breast Cancer

Definition Of Cancer and Tumor Definition - Cancer is any abnormal formation of new tissue and are malignant. while the definition of a tumor is a group of cells with suddenly became wild and multiply rapidly and cause a swelling or lump. in breast organ. breast cancer is very very sick and bloated and feel pain until the sleeves.

Cancer Type :

  • Skin cancer
  • lung cancer
  • gastric cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • cancer of the uterus
  • blood cancer
  • other cancers.

and here will be discussed about breast cancer

Breast Cancer

it cannot be denied, breast cancer is one disease killer cancer for women, breast cancer is the most 2 to ninth as a cause of cancer, according to the WHO, a total of 8-9% of women will experience breast cancer in her life. each year more than 580,000 new cases found in many developing countries, and approximately 372,000 patients died of the disease of breast cancer. however, until recently the cause of breast cancer is still unknown.

there are several thing that can increase the risk of breast cancer, among others are : age, health story factors, heredity, hormonal factors such as first menstruation to menopause too fast and early. in addition, the effort of postponing pregnancy or pregnancy that first occurs above the age of 30 can also increase the risk. unhealthy lifestyle, for example, often consuming foods that contain fat are evil, or lack of exercise, can also magnify the risk of developing breast cancer.

in general the disease sufferers in not waiting to surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy, because in addition to the cost of an expensive, also worry about side effect that are caused, such as weakness, lethargy, insomnia, lack of appetite, and so on.

Causes Of Cancer

according to the interpretation of the experts, more than 80% of all tumors in humans caused by the influence of exogenous carcinogenic substances (external factors), including a diet that would be animal fats but poor vegetable fibers.

there are some cancer caused by the virus, for example : cancer of the jaw, blood cancer and cancer tissue fastener, shines with a radioactive substance as with X-rays also turned out to increase the risk of developing cancer of the blood.

How breast cancer can grow because eat sausage and fresh bread?. Scientists in Sweden, found that eat processed meat as much as 50 gram a day, could increase the risk of cancer of 19 percent, processed meat that much, the equivalent of a single sausage, hot dogs, or half of the burger, it's seeing cancer referred to as the silent killer, because there are no symptoms that appear at first.

breast cancer and how breast cancer can grow because food

the research has been published in the British Journal of Cancer that already analyze result from 11 other studies involving 6.000 patients with pancreas cancer.

pancreas cancer has low survival rate, so it is important to understand what can increase the risk of the disease. one cause is smoking and processed meat.

in addition to increasing the risk of cancer of the pancreas, processed meat such as sausage can also increase the risk bowel cancer, but the risk posed by eating meat is substantially lower than that of smoking, which was found to increase the likelihood of cancer pancreas as much as 74 percent.

The Foods Are Causes Of Breast Cancer

eat fresh bread and potatoes may increase the risk of breast cancer growth, like wise, said recent research conducted the University Of California, San Diego.

a study found, people are followers of the diet rich in starch, are more at risk than those tumors they would rarely consume starch, the research are not yet able to explain these tendencies. however, they assumed that an increase in insulin levels which triggered the "refined carbohydrates like starch it could trigger the growth of cancer cell.

research studied the eating pattern of 2,651 sufferers of breast cancer for 12 months. they found that people who frequently eat starch have 14,2 percent risk of breast cancer. this higher level of risk compared with people who rarely consume starch, which is above 9.7 percent.

the results of the study showed that not only the overall carbohydrate ( that could potentially increase the risk of cancer ), but especially starch consumption, "it said researchers from California, Jennifer Emond. research has not been able to provide recommendations for a good diet to prevent breast cancer.

initially, the intake of carbohydrates in woman is 233 gram per day, researchers surveyed the eating patterns in woman the following year suffered a relapse of the disease. women who relapse of disease was generally increase the intake of starch consumption as much as 2.3 grams per day in the first year. mean while, sufferers don't experience a relapse of the disease generally reduce the intake of starch 2.7 gram daily.

breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. the disease is sufferer around 46.000 woman each year. carbohydrates are the most important fuel for the muscles and to the important sources of energy for the brain and central nervous system. refined carbohydrates like bread higher starch and contains a lot of comparison on grains such as rice.

breast cancer campaign's CEO, Baroness Delyth Morgan, take appreciation invention. "this study showed that reducing consumption of starch may be able to reduce the risk of breast cancer or can reduce the recurrence of breast cancer survivor.

How Breast Cancer Prevention

  1. checking your breast once a month by grasping your breast and check with your doctor.
  2. reduce eating foods that can trigger cancerous growth as explained above
  3. if you are not sure of the shape or pain on the lump in my breast, you should immediately consult a doctor, do consultations with doctors at least every 3 years, and have done since the age of 20-30 years, and do any consultation with a doctor once a year when aged 40 years and above. you have to undergo monogram every one or two years from the age of 40 years.

also do a breast exam by your self, when done on a regular basis, you are more easily observe if there are changes in your breasts.

women need to avoid the use of drugs that contain estrogen hormones, or avoiding the use of drugs to slimming body or body slimming drug.

avoid fatty foods, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption. and good for women consume a lot of the vegetables and routine exercise. why does food become a factor in the onset of breast cancer.

7 How To Check Or To Detect Breast cancer

1. prepare yourself in front of a mirror to notice if there are any lumps or changes in the shape of the breasts

2. lift both arms upwards so that the shape of the breasts are clearly visible, and even more so if there are any lumps, then it will be easily detected.

3. done while lying down and put a pillow in the back body as a buffer so that the breast forms flatter and more easily touched.

4. point your right hand and your left breast with touch for the left arm and above the up. as for the right breast, use your left hand with right arm raised upwards.

5. feel with use the palm of your index finger, middle finger and ring finger to palpate gently start from the area around the breast.

6. remember, when the hand approaches the nipple area, touch harder to know more detail about whether or not there is a lump, and note if there is liquid coming out of the nipple, a clear liquid, blood, or milk. whar's more if you are not breastfeeding. 

7. the best of the best itself is checking each after menstruation. when the breast is usually still soft, so if there are any lumps will be easily detected.

breast cancer and lumps in the breasts often make the women concerned, because the possibility of breast cancer symptoms when there is a lump in the breast, don't panic, not all lump in the breast are a sign of the existence of breast cancer, but is could also be due to other disorders. and let's recognize the lumps in the breast from the beginning.

when the woman suddenly found a lump that is not before, may be anxious. it happens, because they do not know the lump that is in the breast. they thought the lump was a breast cancer, but not all of the bumps in the breast is breast cancer.

Learn About The Types Of Lumps In The Breast

there are many lumps in the breast that have characterized and forms of the disorder are different, these are the kinds of lumps in the breast.

Breast Cysts

breast cysts are sacs filled with liquids are harmless, this SAC grew and grew up in the mammary glands and surrounding tissues, breast cysts cause hormonal fluctuation is during the menstrual cycle. when touched, the cyst breast felt as a bump that is smooth and slippery, like a water balloon. in addition to shaped bumps, cyst of the breast can also cause thickening of the breast tissue. breast cyst usually grow on both sides of the breast, which can vary in size and its density during the menstrual cycle.

breast cysts can be single or more than one, which is near the surface, easier to find and distinguish it from other types of breast lumps, but if deeper, difficult to distinguish from other types of breast lumps, hidden behind a the network layer may be dense and hard. 

breast cyst commonly appear at the age of 30-50 years, nut most commonly found in women approaching menopause, these disorders rarely found in postmenopausal women. breast cyst are easily overcome, the doctor may do a fine needle aspirations using a syringe. this procedure removes fluid from inside the cyst so make it deflated. 


fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor found on the breasts of women. the shape is in the form of lumps of solid, round and supple that move freely on the breast when the driven and usually does not cause pain. fibroadenoma is the result of excessive growth in milk glands (lobulus) and the surrounding breast tissue.

fibroadenoma is most often found in women aged 20-30 years, these bumps usually shrink themselves after menopause. however it is often difficult to ensure that a lump is a fibroadenoma. the only way to verify is to pick it up or doing the biopsy against bumps.

a large fibroadenoma could make uncomfortable and stressful. if discomfort already felt very disturbing, doctors might paint oral contraceptives or other medications to reduce the pain around the time of the menstrual cycle..

Intraduktus Papilloma

intraduktus papilloma is a small lump of non cancer in breast milk duct (duct laktiferus). that is usually shaped irregular spots around nipples. when busty under nipples, these bumps do not always feel/ can we handle them.

intraduktus papilloma can be found on both sides of the breast and may cause the discharge of liquid nipples (nipple discharge). due out liquid nipples is also a sign of breast cancer. should immediately checked myself if you have these symptoms.

these bumps usually occurs in women aged 45-50 years, the disorder is not need the treatment, if the symptoms do not diminish or does not go away or is very disturbing, the doctor may recommend to remove the lumps.

Fat Necrosis

this condition occurs due to trauma (injury suddenly) on the breast, though patients may not realize have experienced it. the trauma causes the formation of clumps of dead fat that are painless, other than because of the trauma, surgery and radiation in the breast can also lead to necrosis or fat.

Breast Cancer

breast cancer lumps followers usually have the following characteristics : at times touched hard consistency, pain while on hold, attached to the base (hard in moved), there are signs of inflammation (redness) around the lump, and enlarged in time relatively brief, in addition, the presence of other symptoms such as discharge of fluid smelling or blood on the nipple, decreased appetite, decrease body weight, as well as the enlargement of the lymph nodes that usually arise in the armpit.

How If The Lump Was Cancerous

when the lump turned out to be cancer, should immediately get quick and precise handling, up to now not yet know with certainly the cause of breast cancer. there are only a few factors that could facilitate the emergence of risk of breast cancer, such as the existence of a history of breast cancer in the family, get early menstruation (under 12 years of age), has no children, pregnant over age 35 years, not breastfeeding and slow due to menopause.

Level Of Breast Cancer

level of breast cancer is divided into four stages, namely : stadium one until stadium four. on the zero stage usually bumps yet palpable. the presence of breast cancer will be seen in the photo after whereas in stage one, breast cancer can already palpable, and the long bumps usually 1-2 cm. usually sufferers have yet to feel the pain. at the stadium, to long bumps was 2-5 cm, three-stage between 5-10 cm. and stadium four, large lumps are over 10 cm.

breast cancer is easy to spread and uncontrolled, though its size is still small, but have the capability of spreading in different directions, the spread of breast cancer through the lymph nodes, organs of the body being the object of dissemination include : liver, body of several, heart, bone, brain and kidney. until now there has not been a drug that could cure breast cancer, one of the ways of overcoming breast cancer is by way of surgery. 

Breast Cancer Treatment

in treating breast cancer, these are several options that you will specify on the basis of some consideration. for that, doctors will form a team of anthology (cancer), radiologist (radiation therapy), cancer surgeons, nurses, pathology, the surgeons to reconstruction (plastic surgery). the team can also involve medical rehabilitation therapist, psychologist, as well as nutrients.

keep in mind every cancer survivor have different conditions, so the therapy and may not be the same as the therapy result by others. a number of factors into consideration physicians in deciding appropriate therapy, among others are :

1. types of breast cancer

  1. stadium and the degree of breast cancer tumors, the magnitude of the spread of the cancer, and away deployment.
  2. are hormone-sensitive cancer cells
  3. the age of the patient
  4. the desire and passion of patients to be cured of breast cancer it is.

therapy for breast cancer is composed of :

1. Radiation Therapy (radiotherapy) 

radiation therapy or X-ray therapy is often called, is usually done after the taking of the tumor or after mastectomy on cancers that have already spread.

2. The surgery 

starting from the disposal of the tumor, the appointment on one breast, lymph nodes, until the appointment of the second breast.

3. Biological Therapy (therapy targets)

used to attack cancer cells and abnormalities in the cells that cause the occurrence of cancer

4. Hormone Therapy

used on a type of hormone-sensitive cancers. can be done after surgery or other therapy to prevent recurrence of cancer or make small children spread.

5. Chemotherapy

to prevent a recurrence of cancer or treat cancer that has already spread to other parts of the body. can aslo be given to shrink the tumor before surgery.

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