Joint Dislocation Of The Hip Since Birth And How To Overcome Joint Dislocation In Child - Medical Info -->

Joint Dislocation Of The Hip Since Birth And How To Overcome Joint Dislocation In Child

The hip joint dislocation usually occurs at birth, many years ago, this situation caused some children (especially girls), grew up with an obvious limp legs, of course this should not happen at the time now.

each baby's hips checked at the time of birth, the examination is repeated on the children at the age of six weeks, to ensure that this situation does not exist. if she determined early on, then treatment can correct this error.

dislocation of the hip joint in child

the hip joint is the joint "bullet". part of the ball is spherical tip of his thigh bone (femur), which is right in the crook of the "asetabulum" hips.

on the dislocation of hip joint since birth, bottom lip grooves on the pelvis in not supposed to be formed so that the head of the femur bone can slip out of the area of the joint. Causes of joint dislocation in children from birth are unknown, but it is more common on girls than on boys.

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Examination For Dislocation of Joints
baby on lying on its back (baby should without diapers) with the knee in being crooked, carefully limbs is joint while in movement, if this situation exists, to ensure the diagnosis in cases of suspected, then created a photo Rontgen the hip joint.

How To Treat A Dislocation Hip Joint Since Birth 
the baby's limb on the scan to a position known as "frog" position during the period of about thee months. this guaranteed a fixed femur head in position tang proper. this help the formation of grooves in the normal pelvis baby, which is required to hold the joints in his position, and the results of these treatments are very satisfying and the child with the problem of early dislocation of joints will grow with a normal hip joint.

at first, it many seem impossible keeping baby clean and dry while in the scan in this position. but with a mother's amazing will quickly be able to learn how to fold the new diaper on child who suffered a dislocation of joints. and small difficult  like this soon will be alleviated when a mother sees her child can run normally at a later date.

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Why The Hip Joint Reads "click"
sometimes this can be heard at the time of the hip joint in movement for change a diaper on a baby, he can also heard at the time the doctor checks for dislocation of the hip joint since birth, this mean wrapping round the joints more slack than usual, so that this portion of maligned fractures joints when moving (this does not cause any pain to the baby)

the doctor who discovered this situation on examination will check the infant's hip joint regularly in the next few months. sometimes a mother give advice to put on two diapers on babies for several weeks, because this will put the baby's into the modification of the position of "frog" that would substantiate a healthy growth. this simple treatment results are very satisfactory.

permanent deformities due to dislocation of the hip joint since birth only happened in the past, but every mother should make sure that the baby's hips have been checked at the time of birth, as well as on the development of the six week examination and ideally for third time of the age of nine months.

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