Bird Flu Or Avian Influenza Virus How Prevent Bird Flu With Natural Food
Bird Flu is currently back sticking out, but you don't have to worry. there are few things you need to be aware of avoid the bird flu disease.
Professor FKH Gajah Mada University, R-Wasito, had stated some times ago that the public be fully alert to bird flu attack, moreover, the flies might just serve as a mechanical vector and biology vector of avian influenza virus or bird flu.
Baca Juga
in connection with this he appealed to the public to be careful to pay attention to the following things :
- keep the environment clean so from dirt and rubbish because a pair of flies within three to five months can produce trillions of the flies.
- chicken ranch by residents who kept wild in order to be kept in a cage, so that in case of a bird flu outbreak could be overcome.
- monitored only the people of farm and must be strictly observed and monitored because, usually when there is one people's farm on chickens that died and were felt alone and this could make the virus spread. if the breeder is usually grown-up management had been nice and clean.
- do stamping out, i.e. when there is a dead chicken, should immediately be buried face down and given a disinfectant.
- do change management become close house, that made the enclosure is closed extension supported on an ongoing basis with community awareness so that they can do what needs to be done when there are cases of bird flu as well as always keeping environmental health in order to prevent the occurrence of avian influenza outbreaks.
no need for mass vaccination, because, type and sub types of avian influenza virus that much at all. research conducted by the AGRICULTURAL University of Gajah Mada, Indonesia. a chickens against death and pain and in isolates in the year 2003 there are 9 isolates so, when the vaccine comes from the H5N1 type virus while H5N1 is not influenza, the antibody can not recognize, so useless. at this time all around the world there are already 85 bird flu virus isolates.
besides communities also are suggested in order to avoid contact with sick poultry, always familiarize hand washing using SOAP, always keeping health and medical treatment immediately when the body begins to show the signs symptoms of pain.
This Is The Natural Way To Prevent Bird Flu Virus Attacks.
one of the most common ailments suffered flu and fever. to prevent fever, you need to increase the body's immunity. kinds of food below recommended by a Professor of nutrition at the Culinary Institute of America, Suki Hertz to be consumed when breakfast so that the immune system increases.
orange contain vitamin C and contain powerful antioxidants but low in calories.
egg yolks are a good source of the minerals that support immune system. the protein in the egg white has a very high content. consume eggs, both part of yellow or white part of the eggs is very helpful to increase the durability of the good body, a combination of roasted egg. spinach and tomatoes are the best menu for your immune system.
tofu is a complete protein. preparations of this soy is a great source of calcium and omega three fatty acids all the existing content may strengthen the immune system.
papayas contain anti inflammatory substances or anti inflammatory. papaya is also a good source of vitamin C, papaya contains photo- nutrients that carotene, a can be changed into vitamin A in your body and keep your eyes and skin moist.
kiwi contain between 90 and 110 milligrams of vitamin C, fruit contain minerals that are essential to increase the strength of the muscles and nerves. the kiwis are excellent for improving immune because it contains flavonoids and carotenoids as antioxidants that help the respiratory health and the heart.
Soft Cheese
cheese contains selenium, a powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system.
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