Deafness - How To Sign And Symptoms Of Deafness Also How To Treat And Test Deafness
There are two types of deafness that may arise :
1. Conductive Deafness
conductive deafness occurs when a number of state stop the sound waves reach the inner ear.
2. Knowledge-Neural Deafness
occurs when the auditory nerve has been damaged, in fact there are also deaf suffered since birth-congenital deafness. deafness can occur due to number of factors, most notably in the form of damage to the ear that are developing in early pregnancy due to smallpox attack or because of rubella.
the failure of the development mechanism of hearing prior to birth, descent, factors, or medications taken during pregnancy can also result in child born with deafness.
How Do Our Ears To Hear?
1. Outer Ear
consist of the earlobe (folds of skin and cartilage is shaped on each side of the head) and the ear hole that leads to the eardrum the eardrum is a thin membrane that is strained, which separates the outer ear and the middle part of ears and vibrates because sound waves that pass through the auditory channel.
2. Middle Ear
a small, enclosed space contains three small bones which vibrant in response to the vibrations of the eardrum.
3. Ear In
consists of the cochlea (the shape resembling a snail's house) and "channel half circle" are both very special to do with balance. the cochlea also delivers electrical impulses to the brain. brain processing the impulses so that the resulting awareness of the sound.
How To Sign And Symptoms of Deafness
congenital causes of anything for the deaf will be found at the time of children aged two years in group of two to five years of age. and this common conductive deafness, it is usually due to an infection in the upper respiratory track, middle ear and pass causes of ear pain. a child can suffer from a number of deafness. so attacks recurring infections should be aware parents will likely onset of deafness.
another warning sign is if the child repeatedly not responding to request, or does not respond to what you say, especially if the child can not understand what you are talking to your child. do not assume that no response just mirrors the delinquency of a child.
another sign for the chances of hearing problems is if the child is requesting elevated television sound volume if there is any doubt about your child's hearing, ask the doctor to take a formal hearing tests.
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deafness may also be caused by damaged due to attacks of severe viral disease, such as measles, so any suspicion about his hearing after such an infection should be check to doctor.
How To Test The Deaf
hearing loss may be difficult to measure with precision at the ages of two to three years. they may need to follow the clinic using techniques specific to check diversion hearing.
children aged four to five years can be checked with these tones in a variety of frequencies through head-phones separately into each ear. but to ensure the accuracy of the tests :
First : the child must be made comfortable and serene setting against the wearing of head-phone.
Second : the child must be able to provide the appropriate response (usually the child will knock stick to the table or by moving to another to toys stone) on the response of different sounds of children could listen to, and this requires concentration. many children love to do these tests and give the right results.
How To Treat Deafness
little can be done to improve hearing in case of damage to the auditory nerve in the event of damage to the auditory nerve, for example because of measles.
but much can be done to remedy deafness conductive :
1. nose drops decongestant will help reduce swelling that is still fluid diversion remaining and allow whatever is stuck in the middle part of the ear.
2. the surgeon's ear, nose and throat may find the presence of a lot of fluid in the middle ear, which need to be drained out under general anesthesia in the hospital. often then in pairs of small plastic vent pipe called a grommet to allow free air circulation through the middle ear and prevent a recurrence of this situation. usually this little pipe out own spontaneously after a year or eighteen months later.
most cases of deafness conductive be response against this treatment, but maybe need to drain the middle ear fluid more than once if the infection often occurs.
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