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Anatomy Physiology And Bodily Fluid Displacement

The Transfer Of Bodily Fluids
Body fluids and substances that are dissolved in the body is in a constant accept and process mobility and continuous discharge.

oxygen, nutrients, and electrolytes are transported to the lungs and digestive tract, and then brought to the whole body through the circulation.

Fluid in the blood vessels and the substance that is dissolved in a quick exchange with CIS through the capillary membranes. CIS and substances that exist within exchange with CIS through selective permeable cell membrane.

anatomy physiology and bodily fluid displacement
bodily fluid displacement

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the physiological events that occur. the tendency of the solvent molecules are moving into areas that had higher soluble substances, can be prevented with the use of pressure on the more concentrated solution.

the pressure required to avoid the transition of solvent called pressure osmotic effective solution. osmotic pressure, namely that thrust of water produced by particles of dissolved substances are more viscous and seeps through the membrane.

The Basic Principle Of Osmotic And Osmotic Pressure
Liquid Isotonik
if a cell is inserted in an aqueous solution with dissolved substances are impermeable (cannot be bypassed), the cell does not swell or constrict due to fluid balance between intracell and extracell

Hyper-tonic Fluids
the cell concentration of dissolved substances in solution impermeable higher then the water will flow out of the cell and into the root cells and extracellular in the fluid shrinks.

Principle Basic Fluid Balance
fast -moving water across cell membranes due to the osmolaritas fluid intercellular and extracellular barely equal one another.

the cell membrane is very nearly impermeable against many dissolved substances as the number of extracellular fluids in osmol intracellular or constant.

the molecular ion movements tend to fill the entire room is available, the dissolved blood always in movement that dishevelled, spread from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration to the concentration of the same in the entire solution. the speed of diffusion through the barrier will be slower than the speed of diffusion in water.

filtration is the event when a fluid is forced across the membrane or the screen because the difference in hydro-static pressure on both sides. the smaller molecules can pass along liquid, whereas large molecules survive. this occurs when hydro-static pressure in the vessel is greater than pressure in the network (outside of the vessels).

Body Fluid Compartments
under normal circumstances protein in plasma concentration 70-80 grams/ liter, 40-50 grams of albumin/liter. at the other end of the arterial and capillary hydro-static pressure is greater than the osmotic pressure of plasma and interstitial fluid formation so help free from protein. colloidal osmotic pressure exceeds the hydro-static pressure of the liquid had reduced and the network pulled back into the room intravascullar.

Sodium In Water
the balance of sodium in water involves different mechanisms and overlap. water balance mechanism is governed by thirst and antidiuretik hormone (ADH) and sodium balance is regulated bu aldesteron with the aim of maintaining the volume of fluid and tissue perfusion extracellular.

the balance of water and osmotic setting affected by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and kidney tubules. intake of water stimulates the thirst and ADH stimulates collective duct permeability to increase renal re-absorption of water. as a result, an increase in the volume of water body that will restore the osmolity plasma back to normal and the formation of urinary water thick.

Sodium Balance Settings
maintaining the volume of plasma is important, that means for the functioning of the network, it is very concerned with setting the balance of sodium. setting secretion sodium by the kidneys is most responsible for setting the volume of fluid in the body.

Potassium Setting At CES
the main control mechanism is aldosteron for secretion of potassium in renal secretion, increased nefron aldosteron causes reabsorption of sodium, water and potassium excretion. a decrease in the secretion of aldosteron excretion of sodium, causing water and diversion of potassium.

potassium excretion was influenced by acid-base and speed flow in distal tubules. on the state of alkolosis potassium excretion is increased, and in a state of acidosis will plummet, metabolic acidosis will increase the excretion of hydrogen and lower the secretion of potassium.

capillary walls is a baffle between the plasma and interstitial fluids are different from one network to another network and in contrast to skeletal muscles organ. the pores in capillary walls is the meeting place between the endothelial cells of narrower conjecture to enable protein plasma colloidal and other the way with a number of means.

Special Body Fluid Systemystem 
this body fluid systems carry out specific functions for the body fluid system is concerned, it has properties that are similar to one another, the interstitial fluid properties, for example :

1. serebrospinalis liquid, which fill the entire room walk around of the brain and medulla spinal's which had a volume of approximately 1650 ml.

2. intracolateral liquid, there is on the eyes and divided into two, namely :
a. Aqueous Humor in front of and beside the lens, which is a liquid move freely
b. Vitreous Humor, the fluid that is located between the les and the retina.

Dehydration, Oedema 
oedema is be buried fluid in the tissue due to disorders of fluid balance in the body. oedema occurs because :
the existence of a very high hydro-static ouble onpressure in the capillaries. for example, where the blood flow venous congestion.
osmotic pressure is too low because the plasma protein especially albumin is very low
lymph vessels on blockage, development on the armpits and folds of the thighs
the trouble on capillary walls so that plasma can blood seeped out and into the network so that it raises the osmotic pressure of the protein in the bloodstream.

dehydration is the lack of fluid or the reduction of the volume water that occurs in the body due to excessive fluid expenditure or a depreciation is not replaced so that it does not have enough supplies.

5 factor Causes Dehydration

  • excessive perspiration
  • vomiting and diarrhoea, intestinal absorption disorders
  • do not want to or cannot drink and eat, so the inclusion of the reduce food
  • burns, spending excessive fluid through the skin
  • a high body temperature.

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