Mumps - How To Sign And Symptoms Also How To Treat The Mumps - Medical Info -->

Mumps - How To Sign And Symptoms Also How To Treat The Mumps

What Is The Mumps
the disease mumps is one of infectious fever at the time of the children one of the symptoms is the absence of rash, the disease is due to virus that spreads if the person is inhaling the virus from someone Else's mouth and nose.

in the United States, mumps immunization given routinely in infancy in immunization conjunction with other immunization, but as this is not yet routinely available in other countries, now in the United Kingdom mumps immunization was given only if there is a epidemics such as in school, an attack would cause mumps immunity for life expect for some rare cases.

mumps disease
mumps disease

Signs And Symptoms Of Mumps
the first sign of mumps infection are often not very clear, the child will generally feel unhealthy, irritability, decreased appetite, and may be suffering from a mild fever, but after two to three days he will complain that the jaw was injured and painful at the time chewing food. 

at this stage you will see a typical mumps swelling occurs , swelling occurs happens in a pair of glands that produce saliva, below and in front of the ears, swelling occurs may affect only one of these glands. or the other glands that produce saliva-located under the jaw - could also be involved and swell. 

although only about one of the gland, there will be immunity to subsequent disease attack, swelling lasts between ten to fourteen days, during which time the child will feel unwell, irritable and suffer pain.

Complications From The Mumps
complications are not common although there are stories circulating about the risk of infertility after a mumps attack on the boy.

1. in the testes of boys and girls the ovaries can be affected by the mumps virus, but this is rare, infertility arises only in a little cases and usually when the disease is afflicting a grown man, the pain in the testes showed that these people are stricken with complication of mumps virus.

2. the pancreas (stomach salivary glands), gland located in the abdomen, sometimes can be too exposed to the mumps virus, mumps will only cause pain dulled in the stomach in addition to pain on the jaw, bad enough but not serious.

3. encephalitis, a brain inflammation, can also arise on mumps infection, but this rarely happens. if your child is drowsy, without pain, and suffering from a headache, then immediately contact a doctor.

How To Treat Mumps.
antibiotics do not play a role in treatment of mumps, because the disease is caused by a virus. antibiotics have no power against the virus.

junior aspirin or paracetamol will relieve pain in jaw-but, for better children given aspirin in liquid form, because aspirin in tablet form would be difficult in the thrash. if the dose given is about half an hour before eating a light meal (eating food that is soft like porridge), eating will be easier.

you need to give a good, fluid input because most children with the disease mumps accepts a variety of drinks and liquid foods like soup and milk, and give drinks a large eye dropper through will make it easier for children to receive food intake than giving food via spoon, because children are feeling the pain at the mouth.

if there are complications involving fruit phallus, ovaries, or pancreas, then the doctor will likely prescribe an additional treatment.

two week is usually the benchmark for a person suffering from mumps to return activity, even if the mumps without complications, during this time the selling occurs will be lost and the children will be better. incubation period of the disease mumps is long-seventeen to twenty one days after contact- so that epidemic disease mumps is not persisted, but more children can recover from mumps disease at an interval of three weeks.

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