Ulcer And 3 Best Option To Cure Ulcer Disease - Medical Info -->

Ulcer And 3 Best Option To Cure Ulcer Disease

Cure Of Ulcer or Cure Heartburn
People with a history of stomach ulcers can have difficulty in choosing a remedy of heartburn that can help resolve and prevent digestive disorders, which are consumed in accordance with the indications. very lucky right there are a number of medications that can cope with heartburn, such as :

ulcer disease and the cure for the disaese ulcer
the ulcer disease

Antacids ulcer drug, this might be the most widely known and consumed freely, because it has to work fast, antacids are very popular among the public, this medication is available in chew able tablet form which is usually coloured green, or in the form of syrup is thick white like milk.

antacids serves to reduce acidity in the stomach, due to excess stomach acid can cause bloating, sore and taste like burning in the chest, especially if there is a wound in the stomach or in the duodenum (duodenal).

antacids work with neutralise the acids in the stomach, thus, the sense of burning in the chest and stomach pain can subside immediately. however, despite working quickly, the effects of antacids will also be fast disappearing, so need to be taken several times a day if stomach acids is still high.

there are several types of antacids, but the common usually contain aluminium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium trisilikat, antacids is also often mixed with other ingredients, such as simeticon (to relieve, and symptoms of wind) and a alginat ( to prevent stomach acid rise into the esophagus).

antacids suited to cope with symptoms of indigestion are lightweight, so work quickly and optimally, the drug in tablet form chew able preferably chewed until smooth before it is swallowed, a remedy in the form of syrup whipped up should also be evenly before poured and taken appropriate doses.

antacids in the form of a syrup can usually work faster, antacids may be taken 1 hour before or after eating if you busy day you forget to eat, or want to drink fizzy drinks or eat spicy food, it's good antacids consumption before eating to prevent relapse of stomach pain.

especially if the symptoms usually arise immediately after eating, antacids can also be consumed when the stomach is already starting to feel the pain, if the pain is felt when sleeping at night, antacids can be drunk before bed without having to eat it first.

even though it is sold freely, drank antacids also can not indiscriminate and should adhere to the recommended dose, moreover, a medication that is contained in the antacids can provide other effects if taken with different doses.

Baca Juga

antacids not recommended for consumption by children without a doctor's examination and for people with kidney disorder, this medicine may also interact with other medications that you are consuming, side effects that occur include diarrhoea, constipation, stomach cramps, wind and vomiting.

antacids not recommended for consumption in the long run, if symptoms of gastric pain does not improve, you should consult a doctor, to find out the real cause, or you may require additional fuselage of the other drugs.

H2 Receptor Antagonists
H2 receptors antagonists or H2 blockers are drugs that work lowering the production of gastric acid by inhibiting histamine-2, i.e. the substance that gives signals to the stomach to produce acid.

this drugs in order to indicate gastroesofagus reflux disorder (flipped it over gastric acid into the esophagus), inflammation of the esophagus, ulcer and peptikum along with antibiotics, H2 receptors antagonists which included, among others, cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, and rantidine.

H2 receptors antagonists can be given in the form of tablets and injections, medication is usually in the consumption of twice in a day, i.e. on the morning and afternoon to control the production of gastric acids in the afternoon and evening, this medication can also be given once a day, i.e. at night before bed.

contrast with antacids with reduce stomach acids, H2 receptor antagonist prevent the production of stomach acid is not excessive, however, the effect is to cope with symptoms that have already occurred are no better than antacids.

therefore, H2 receptors antagonists can be given along with the antacids, especially in the case of antacids alone is not enough to overcome the symptoms of stomach acid, H2 receptor antagonists may be much less given in the long run, it's better if necessary, or on a regular basis, at any time when the symptoms of ulcer relapse, however, long work the drug cimetidine may be shorter if taken together with antacids.

Proton-Pump Inhibitor (PPI)
Proton-pump inhibitor or PPI, known for works by reducing the production of stomach acid, which included, among others, the PPI Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Rabeprazol. Pantoprazol, and Dex;ansoprazole.

these medications can relieve the symptoms of reflux, ulcer, peptik and treat throat injuries due to stomach acids that flipped to the esophagus.

PPI is very effective to prevent the occurrence of stomach disorders, medication is often given in the recipe to prevent gastric acid production more result in used medicines that stimulate the production of stomach acid, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.

in addition, in the case of gastric disorders caused by Heliobacter Pyloru germ, it is also used along with antibiotics for several weeks to prevent stomach disorders do not relapse again.

PPI is available in the form of tablets and capsules, which can be taken once a day, i.e. 30 minutes before breakfast in the morning. PPI can be absorbed quickly and begin working within 2-3 hours, but if it is used to treat wounds in the stomach or duodenum may take a longer time, generally, the time required to decline symptoms was 1-4 day.

PPI can be drink every day rarely cause any side effects, side effects that may occur include headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea and itching. prolonged use should be consulted with a doctor, give the possibility of infection and broken bones.

PPI can also interact with other medications, seizure medications, such digoskin, contraceptive pills, and blood thinning medication (warfarin or clopidogrel).

How To Select A Remedy Ulcers
to cope the symptoms of gastritis are lightweight, use antacids, antacids can also be in the drink of the moment was about to eat spicy food or fizzy drinks, and these drugs can be consumed at any time when symptoms arise, this is because antacids can work quickly, but if symptoms of gastric disorder lasts a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.

if the disruption lasts a long time, maybe you can consider granting H2 receptors antagonist, this medication can be administered together with antacids, with  pause time of the giving of the approximately 1-3 hour, thus, the production of stomach acids is reduced and high stomach acids will be neutralized.

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