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How To Keep The Blood Sugar Level Stay Balance

In Regulating The Energy Wise Tips

We know that in order for our body to function and healthy, our bodies need energy input on a regular basis in the form of calories provided by the food we eat.

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but, it's not just the food that are needed by our bodies, unhealthy diet or irregular internal system because us to be slow in working. and make our body's internal systems becomes clogged by the toxins that we consume.

as result, we are constantly experiencing fatigue and lack of energy, therefore, to maximize the vitality, our bodies need foods that can boost your metabolism and keep your blood sugar and energy levels in order to remain constant.

Energy Supplies

our food consists of carbohydrates, protein, and fats, although some energy provided by fat and protein, most energy in our diet comes from carbohydrate foods are more easily converted into simple sugars -i.e. glucose-which is fuel to obtain energy.

but you can't just increase your intake of carbohydrates to increase energy production, because it can make your blood sugar levels is garbled, conversely, packed with regular and combines protein and fat with carbohydrates on any meals will keep your blood sugar levels remain stable because the process of digestion is slowed down.

it will allow the body burns carbohydrates as fuel and take other nutritional substances that are required from other meals.

Glucose-Body Fuel

when ingested, all carbohydrates-good starch or sugar-release glucose into the blood stream, ideally, every time we should have about 2 teaspoons sugar dissolved in the blood.

blood glucose or blood sugar, these need to be maintained at a level that has remained, for the sake of energy, alertness, and concentration. the rate of release of glucose into the bloodstream by eating different carbohydrate foods-it affects our energy level.

Glycemic Index  is a ranking of the rich food with carbohydrate ranging from zero to 100. the nutritional value is given for a specific food indicates the speed of the effect on blood glucose levels.

the higher the GI, the faster increase in blood sugar, with a low GI food will release sugar more slowly, such food should be the largest portion of our diet, there is no easy way to determine the GI of a food.

in general, foods with low GI foods are natural and a little experience of the process, as for the high content of fibers help slow release of sugar into the blood stream.

An Example :
wholegrain (such as brown rice, millet, oats, barley, quinoa), wholewheat pasta, wheat bread, corn, black beans, long beans, and fresh yogurt, as well as variety of fruit and vegetables raw.

foods with a high GI carbs have the easy release glucose tends to be is a processed food or sugared foods are poor fibre, composed of confectionery that is easy to digest, which is broken down into glucose with fast enough.

An Example is :
sport drinks, candy, chocolate biscuit, honey, sugared breakfast cereal, dried fruit, white bread and white rice.

How To Keep Down The Rise In Energy

consuming high-GI food would overwhelm the blood with lots of sugar in a short time and result in increased energy suddenly that it feels uncomfortable.

the body must release large dosed of insulin in order to overcome the high blood sugar levels, the response can lower blood sugar levels in your body becomes lower, so you are more tired than before and require additional energy again.

the rise and fall of blood sugar like it known as "reactive hypoglycemia:. it has a great influence, both on the level energy as well as our moods, increase and decrease blood sugar levels as it can lead to severe health problems over time.

the best way to ease the effect of high-GI food is by combining fast carbohydrates release glucose with protein.

How To Avoid The Rise And Fall Of Sugar Levels In The Blood

eat a piece of chocolate or biscuits gives your body a pure sugar intake can provide an increase for a moment in the form of artificial energy.

however, this will immediately make your feel the more tired than before, because your body is trying to repair that sugar levels not in balancing.

if you want to grab your snacking, eating cherries, grapes, apples, or so that the levels of sugar in the blood rises slowly and stamina you are more durable, for increased energy quickly, it is better you eat a ripe banana.

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