5 Trouble Spot On Baby's Skin - Medical Info -->

5 Trouble Spot On Baby's Skin

Trouble Spots On A Baby's Skin
If your baby is experiencing skin problems then immediately bring your baby to the doctor and ask his opinion about all the patches of skin that you encounter in your baby. never though you treat yourself about problems on the patches in the skin of your baby just because hearing advice from other people who said this and that or you try to give drugs that they have ever receive from a doctor for treat spots on your baby's skin.

5 trouble spot on baby's skin
5 trouble spot on baby's skin

1. The Bluish Spots On Baby's Skin
the babies have bluish skin and pallor in his skin, if your baby does not use clothes.

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2. Diaper Rash (exiting patches in areas that come into contact with diapers)
all babies have a very sensitive skin in the first months had borne, in the area is directly related to the diaper, especially in the folds of the thighs, buttocks, and thighs. the skin is very easy abnormalities to suffer.

often we find babies aged 1 week with many blisters around his ass, therefore you should be careful in taking care of babies who have sensitive skin.

the form of abnormality in this area, or what we call with diaper rash is red spots and rough spots in the middle of an area that is more red than the surrounding skin. abnormality spots is infected then it will develop small waves contains pus.

if the bubble it will arise the crust around the area are yellowish. sometimes it appears a large splotches and coarse.

at first suspected it was caused by a wet diaper and baby that still irritate the skin soft. these patches can be about babies of all ages.

very light spotting abnormalities, it is highly recommended so that parents do not give waterproof or pants that clean while spotting still on baby's skin. during spotting haven't gone, don't give a tight pants, because more ease the onset of more extensive skin disorder (waterproof trousers can hold urine in it and make the area of the thigh or buttocks most moist).

if you clean your baby after baby is nocturnal enuresis of defecating, clean the baby's buttocks and thigh areas well and pat dry before immediately put pants or diapers on your baby, after giving the SOAP when you bathe your baby, clean this area carefully, and do not till there is a remainder of the SOAP on the area of the buttocks and thighs.

keep your baby in diaper hygiene, wash to clean when you wash your baby's diaper and rinse with clean water repeatedly, before being dried. because the SOAP still there or left in diapers will very easily cause irritation on your baby's skin.

if needed, you can protect your baby's skin with some kind of pasta called Lassar Ointment or Zinc Axide Ointment. and the more your baby grow, it will be increasingly reduce sensitive of the skin.

but that does not mean you can become less careful washing the diapers, that it is best if the diaper can be sterilised because with regular washing is not possible all bacteria can be killed.

bacteria's of type Ammonia-genes can decipher the urine and form a substance called Ammonia. these bacteria cannot be killed with just washing your diapers normally. bacteria may be accumulated in diapers, clothes or linens on the babies and secretly outlining existing and urine become substance Ammonia. the smell may be uncomfortable from the substance Ammonia this will you know when you take care of a baby cot.

3. The Smell Of Ammonia Are Substances Smell Of Urine
if your baby is suffering from diaper rash that also failed to recover, then if often smell of urine from clothing or bed linens or mattress on baby, then you should immediately cleaning this stuff to kill of the bacteria Ammonia.

the mattress you can dry in the place are exposed to sunlight directly. sunlight will kill bacteria. clothing and linens can sterilised with boiling with water for a few minutes, before it or before washed with SOAP or detergent.

after that bathing under the Sun, or you can immerse the baby clothes and linens it with an antiseptic substance that you can use to kill more bacteria on baby clothes.

for skin disorder on the baby, if it gets worse, especially if the more festering spots on the skin, you should not put any clothes on your baby's body, try not to put the diaper on baby, let the bottom of the body of a naked baby for few of hour in a day. with the to be expose this section we hope to open air spots on skin disorders or will soon dry and cured, generally it works for all types of diaper rash.

babies often get diaper rash should be replaced the diaper of ten as possible, and the diaper should be sterilised by boiling. diarrhoea which can often cause many blisters and redness around the coloured area of the rectum of an infant. the fix is the same, i.e., after the baby is nocturnal enuresis or bowel movements, you have to clean the area with water only, do not need to be cleaned with SOAP, and then dry it and give Zinc Ointment.

after that you can pair a dry and clean diapers, be exposed this area into the open air can also help heal skin abnormalities in the baby. diaper rash and failed to recover despite all the ways of prevention has been done should be in another skin disease into IE Seberahere Demalilis.

4. Skin Disorders Or Skin Patches On The Face Of A Baby
we often find abnormalities on the skin of face of the baby is a few months old, most often we find is these spots will disappear by itself if the baby grew up.

another form is the form of a bunch of freckles and reddish spots on the cheek area, this disorder usually take a while, so often parents feel anxious. these patches are often missing and arise in irregular and it seems that the granting of a wide variety of ointments have absolutely no influence.

these patches may disappear by itself and does not ever arise again without treatment. sometimes there are blotches that are rough and wide spread throughout the cheeks of infants. these spots usually disappear arising and will disappear with naturally.

in the first weeks of the baby's life, we often find any blisters on lips white babies, these blister occur because movement suck at the movement the baby suckle. it blisters will heal naturally without leaving scars.

5. Sweat On The Mast
usually found around the neck, shoulder and baby shoulder due to weather changes from cold to heat. skin disorders in the form of a set of spots like small bubbles pink coloured pinkish area surround too.

in addition to attacking the neck area, and shoulder baby, if the disease is severe, then it can also attack the chest, back,around the ears and face are part of the forehead on the baby.

the baby will probably be want to and agitated because of the abnormalities on his skin felt itchy by babies, you can alleviate the suffering of babies by giving these patches on compresses several times a day with a solution of bicarbonate soda (1 tea spoon soda the pie dissolved in 1 cup water) compress by using a piece of gauze that folded in 3 layers. once decompressed you can give a TALC to reduce itchiness on the baby's skin patches.

the most important thing to keep your baby does not feel the heat, if necessary, you can open the baby clothes entirely if temperature of the hot air or you can put a very thin clothing on the body of the baby.

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