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What Is Typhoid Fever, Symptoms, How Ovecome And Typhoid Fever Treatment

Typhoid Fever

The definition typhoid fever - typhoid fever is an infectious disease in humans that is caused by bacteria that invade the digestive tract in the intestine, and the bacteria named Salmonella Ty-pi. typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease are characterized by bacteria, change the system reticulated endothelial.

Picture of What Is Typhoid Fever, Symptoms, How Ovecome And Typhoid Fever Treatment

Anatomy Physiology Intestine

Intestine, the digestive system is part of the food rises at pylorus and ends at the cecum and has a length of approximately 6 m. the function of the intestine it is receiving food substances that are already digested to be absorbed through the capillary blood and lymph channels, absorbing protein in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates are absorbed in the form of a mono saccharine.

10 Signs And Symptoms Of Typhoid Fever

  1. fever
  2. headache
  3. muscle pain
  4. dizziness
  5. anorexia or no appetite
  6. nausea
  7. vomiting
  8. discomfort in the abdomen
  9. cough
  10. epistaksis 

Causes Typhoid Fever

the cause of bacterial typhoid fever was due to salmonella type A, B, C para type

Pathophysiology Of Typhoid Fever

the entry of bacteria and Salmonella Type Paratyphoid into the human body, occur through food contaminated by bacteria. most bacteria are destroyed in the stomach, some bacteria escape and enter into the intestine and later breed.

when intestinal mucous hum-oral immunity response is not good, then the germs will penetrate the epithelial cells (especially cell M), in case of intestinal perforate bleeding and complications, the bacteria penetrate the lamina propriety, get into the flow of the lymph be sterile lymph glands become and enter the blood stream through the thoracic duct.

bacteria can live and multiply in macrophages and positioned next brought to plaque ilia m and then into the lymph nodes.

4 Typhoid Fever

  1. bleeding and perforation of the bowel
  2. miocarditis  
  3. psychosis
  4. abscess on the nodes

3 Complementary Inspection Typhoid Fever

  1. examination of the peripheral blood complete
  3. test in the begin 

Medical Treatment Typhoid Fever

  • antibiotics
  • antipretik 
  • analgesic

How To Cope And Treat Typhoid Fever

1. treat typhoid fever can use the juice of earthworms, i.e. by way of worms 2 worms ground medium-size, and then cleaned or washed clean, and then in juice along with a tablespoon of honey, add a quarter of a glass of boiled water an to drink on typhoid fever sufferers.

2. salmonella therapy or provide 500 mg (3x1) for 4 days, sevoraksin 1 gr (3x1) for 4 days, ranitidine 50 mg (3x1) and give it a compress with cold water on the forehead.

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