What Is Stress And 12 Symptoms Of Stress - Medical Info -->

What Is Stress And 12 Symptoms Of Stress

Medical Info, What Is Stress And 12 Symptoms Of Stress - Stress is mental tension which exceed conditions usually. Within reasonable levels, stress is helpful to make we are more meticulous and concentration. But constant stress can be dangerous. Many diseases are caused by stress, such as ulcer disease, allergic reactions, head pain and other.

Image What Is Stress And 12 Symptoms Of Stress

The pressure of life and burden of work often lead to stress. Its effects can be bad for the digestive system such as irritation of the digestive organs even cardiovascular disease and stroke, however, we often do not realize that actually there are symptoms and signs we are exposed to stress. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, please use stress management techniques to free up your mind.

12 Stress Symptoms

The Jaw Pain

Not just because of toot hence, emotionally stress can make muscles sore jaw, these symptoms usually happen when waking up or when sleeping. in general, look at what you've experienced, so that when the symptoms return, you already know that to do. focus on make relax of jaw when you feel panic.

Itchy Skin

Stress make change to the immune cells that are found in skin and make it more active. Stress can result in some conditions such as rocacea, and psoriasis, or it could be worse, eczema. if the skin feels itchy day by day. Note the level of stress in your life, and take immediate steps to minimize. you also can visit doctor specialist skin to help to leave this problem.

Eye Twitch

Although the cause of the real of the eye twitch is unknown, this could be a sign that you need to rest and relax, sometimes the twitch will be lost after we slept soundly at night, but can also occur up to three weeks, fatigue and excessive consume caffeine can be a major contributor to the eye twitch, to reduce the things that can make the stress is the main way of stopping the eye twitch.

Painful Gums

Stress increases cortisol hormone levels, which in the end create as burning sensation throughout the body including feeling pain in the area of the gums, it also can weaken the immune system, which triggers the growth of bacteria in the mouth and triggers irritation and inflammation of the gums. In addition to tooth brush and gargled with liquid cleaner mouth, boost the immune system by eating balanced meals good nutrition, enough sleep and vitamin consumption.


Stress also triggers the discomfort in the stomach. high stress levels showed increased symptoms such as abdominal pain, which is partly due to the hormones that are released the result of stress of anxiety. the body produces a reaction in defense of stress, which can trigger heart pounding and adrenaline increase. sports is a great way to combat stress, including nausea. food also plays an important role. so reduce the consumption of coffee and stay away from food that wear a lot of seasoning.

Headache On Weekends.

The decline in the rate of sudden stress can cause migraine headaches. therefore, it is advisable to regulate sleep patterns, eating patterns you don't a lot on weekends.

Menstrual Cramps

Woman who are experiencing stress, dual times more likely to be exposed to a painful menstrual cramps. sports light and go to traveling can reduce the attack.

Strange Dreams

The dream is usually a positive thing because you will feel better after waking from sleep, but when you stress you will often wake up to, so the process is disjointed. nightmare or spooky can occorrding sleep. you can reduce this rial by good sleep habits and not drink the coffee towards the bed.


Stress make no share of hormones that trigger the onset of acne. you need to keep skin hygiene to prevent secondary infections, so acne is not inflamed.

Hobby Drink And Sweet Foods 

Stress can make people become like to eat that tastes sweet, be careful when you have diabetes.

Severe Allergies

Stress hormones trigger the production of I.E, a protein that causes allergic reactions.

Abdominal Pain

Anxiety and stress can cause pain in the stomach, headache and back, and may cause insomnia, increases stress hormones can trigger ulcer disease.

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