How Benefits Of Essential Fat or Healthy Fats For Healthy Body
How Benefits Of Essential Fat or Healthy Fats For Healthy Body
Fat is often regarded as a cause of obesity, fat is also often considered to be the cause of various chronic disease arise, but, is it true that all types f fat are only detrimental to the body?. fat is a nutrient substances and solvents as an energy source of vitamins, fat are composed of saturated fatty acid (SAFA), trans fats (TFA) and unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated acids i.e. plural unsaturated fatty acid or PUFA and monounsaturated fatty acid or MUFA.
excessive saturated fat consumption will increase the fat levels in blood and increase in cholesterol that could cause the risk of chronic disease such as coronary artery disease, stroke, and blood fat abnormalities and cause hypertension.
declaring the results of basic medical research against the consumption of fat, it was found that consumption of fat on the Indonesia is enough quantity, but the quality is not adequate. where people still consume the fat of unhealthy food, such as fat on fast food such as fried foods with a lot of oil and others.
preferably there are rules how many servings of fat in the body so that the consumption benefit from the fat. 30 percent of the total fat intake into body, it's the saturated fat of 10 percent, 20 percent unsaturated fats composed of plural unsaturated fatty 6-10 percent mono unsaturated fat and 10 percent.
intake of essential fats are balanced between omega 3 and omega 6 beneficial for health, Cardiovascular the nervous system and hormones, essential fatty acids also improve absorption of nutrients, maintaining cell health and durability.
the habit of eating foods with fat nasty not only occur in the hobby community eating fast food only, but in the society among secondary down rarely consume fast food turned out many consume foods that many fried are also prone to excess due to trans fat cooking oils used repeatedly.
preferably there are rules how many servings of fat in the body so that the consumption benefit from the fat. 30 percent of the total fat intake into body, it's the saturated fat of 10 percent, 20 percent unsaturated fats composed of plural unsaturated fatty 6-10 percent mono unsaturated fat and 10 percent.
intake of essential fats are balanced between omega 3 and omega 6 beneficial for health, Cardiovascular the nervous system and hormones, essential fatty acids also improve absorption of nutrients, maintaining cell health and durability.
food sources of omega 3 and omega 6 which were sourced from the of grain, the type of fish, eggs, meat, and oil such as canola, VCO, evening primrose, sunflower seeds, forage oil, and blackcurrant.