4 Tips Skin Problem That Was Discovered At The Age Above Of 35 Years - Medical Info -->

4 Tips Skin Problem That Was Discovered At The Age Above Of 35 Years

While the start of enlarged pores, freckles adorn the face, skin feels loosens and pimples popping up, don't be afraid. it's normal!! all these are problems of skin, usually found at the age of 35 years and above, this is the solution.

beauty tips skin problem and how to discover at the age about skin problem
healthy skin

1. The Enlarged Pores
types of oily skin are more susceptible of an enlarged pores around your face, this problem occurs because of a blockage, the under the skin due to dead skin cells and oil produced one of the sweat glands, in addition, the reduced collagen production which starred in the suppleness and firmness of the skin, can be a trigger factor for enlarged pores.

it's true, large pores is one of the signs of premature aging, but you don't have to worry about with this little snag, you simply doing routine activities such as caring for skin with masks, at least once every two weeks, can reduce the risk of getting dilates the pores.

try a mask made from Areca Nut who is capable of forming a layer of collagen and shrink pores, the content of antioxidants in vitamin C may be a sufficient intake of collagen needed skin. do not suppress forcibly and take out the blackheads by hand, this activity can lead to enlarged facial pores.

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2. Black Vlek
"the stars" small black above the surface of the skin of the face, giving influence on the appearance of women overall, black vlek (melasma) on the face, is in fact a classic problem for women who live in tropical countries.

his biggest trigger came from sun exposure that lasts a long time, calculated from the time the kids, once this black stain approaches, care routine that the process is not required, any intermittently rays of the Sun can also process of aging skin, like wrinkles and dry skin.

to avoid this, you can use sunscreen with applying regularly can reduce the risk of be sticking age spots on the skin of the face, squeeze to do facial once a week, spirunila is one of the ingredients of facial that are able to clean the face of the Black vlek, Sea Algae is packaged in the form of mask and ready to reduce the presence of black vlek, because of its shape like a scrub, you will also find spirulina capsule form and is taken as a supplement. do not wash face with cold water after exposure to sunlight, as a consequence porters face can be striped.

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3. Acne Rock
of all types of acne, acne rock has the potential of damaging the skin of acne, physically, it looks like an inflamed red bumps on the skin's, but the eye pimple can not seen clearly.

the main causes are : dead skin cells and dust that accumulate for too long, to prevent it, we must cleanse the face of every activity, using water-based cosmetics. do not remove the makeup in the eyes with a cleanser, acne can cause stones, use eye makeup remover to the area.

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4. Fine Lines
in our age the impact of bad sun exposure and pollution, are starting to appear on the skin, collagen production will naturally decrease, giving rise to a line of fine wrinkles. these traits include intrinsic factors - causes premature aging of the skin-which is much influenced by the age and genetic. 

but sooner or later it will be experienced by all women, with exception, however, you can slow the aging process in many ways and efforts. to prevent the occurrence of damage to the skin from environmental influences, it is very important to consume foods containing antioxidants, such as vitamin E and vitamin A.

both of these vitamins will help removing toxins in the body and protects the skin from free radicals, it's good, if you begin to schedule care Microdermabrasion, this method uses a Crystal (Corundum) to scrape layers of damaged cells and skin die, the results of subsequent annihilation smoked by the vacuum, so that the process of skin cell regeneration so better, you also have to must have habit yourself to drink green tea every day has a high antioxidant content.

do not sleep with a position sideways, the way a break like this speeds up the onset of wrinkles on the cheeks and chin.

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