Benefits Of Hioko Mushroom, And Contains Of Hioko Mushroom - Medical Info -->

Benefits Of Hioko Mushroom, And Contains Of Hioko Mushroom

Benefits Of Hioko Mushroom, And Contains Of Hioko Mushroom

Why is healthy with mushrooms hoiko? because the fungus hioko allowed as materials of traditional medicine that utilises the efficacy of fungal hioko. hioko or latin names Fungus Lentinula ( Pasania Fungus ) is a plant that is rich in protein and a little fat and has a sweet taste, mold hoiko protein and 16 kind of amino acids.

Picture Of Benefits Of Hioko Mushroom, And ContainsOf Hioko Mushroom

in other countries, such as japan, taiwan and china, the fungus hioko have been processed into a drug patent in the form of tablet and capsules. according to a study in japan, hioko mushrooms contain Lc-1 that can enhance the body's resistance against viral hepatitis.

mushroom hioko its nutrition value is very good for the spleen ( the Spleen ( and very good in treating disease of ulcers, can make strong vital energy, increase stamina, lowers blood tension, anti tumor in addition, this plant is often also used for the treatment of colon cancer, vascular, gastric cancer, lung cancer, uterine cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, tumor, hardening on liver, kidney, bleeding, treat thickening of artery walls.

hioko fungus are also useful to improve the function of the stomach and intestines, improves stamina. in addition, mold hioko can be used to prevent inflammation and virus attacks. 

hioko mushroom contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calories, fiber, ash, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, glutamic acid, histidine, phenylalanine, leucine, valine, choline, acetarsone, adenine, linoleic acid, chloramphenicol palmitate, unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, ergosterol, hemicellulose, cellulose, mannitol, glycogen, pentose, etc.

How Benefits Of Mushroom Hioko For Healthy And For Treatment

Behind its small and its blackish brown, turned out to be a fungus hioko has many benefit for healthy and healing of our bodies. among them :

Overcoming Cancer And Propagates Cancer After Surgery.

Here's How : boiled mushroom hioko by as much as 15 gram with water to taste, then drink 3 times a day.

Treatment Of Hepatitis 

Here's How : hioko as much as 15 gram of mushrooms combined with other foods with beef or chicken of fish or with pumpkin, bean sprout, leek etc. steam cuisine created.

Overcoming Uterine Bleeding.

Here's How : saute without oil the hioko mushroom in the pot until dry, then cook with 10 seeds angko. after that, can drink brewed with a way with water warm. drink twice a day, one time drinking so much as 3 grams.

Overcoming Diabetes.

Here's How : cook the mushroom hioko with tofu, then combine with ingredients like food, bean sprouts, leek, pumpkin, melon and etc. then add water to taste, this cuisine in addition to very beneficial for diabetics, it is also very beneficial to sufferers of high blood pressure.

Tackle Measles In Children.

Here's How : provide hioko as many as 10 gram of yeast, coriander leaves 20 grams, cook the ingredients with water as much as the 400 cc, then lets be low tide up to 200cc, drink 3 time a day to the suffer of measles.

When a disease that needs to be cured are not too severe, to measure adult need 10 grams of mushroom hioko per day, while for children need 2/3 than adults.
For severe or serious disease can be added 2 or 3 times the usual dose and still consult your doctor.

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