Contains Of Lotus And Lotus Benefit For Treatment And Healthy - Medical Info -->

Contains Of Lotus And Lotus Benefit For Treatment And Healthy

Contains Of Lotus And Lotus Benefit For Treatment And Healthy

How Contains Of Lotus is Benefit For Treatment And Healthy - Healthy ways with lotus is one of the ways traditional treatment that is effective, efficient and secure as well as economical. the lotus is a plant species of the water that the whole of its parts can be used for treatment, lotus has been known the public good of society or community in city or in villages.

Picture Of Contains Of Lotus And Lotus Benefit For Treatment And Healthy

lily can be found in ponds or rivers, and lotus is currently available on sale at the supermarket or in the markets.
lotus is effective as a tonic for the heart stomach and spleen, lever, can also be used to stop bloods circulation, cure vomiting blood due to a fall or because of the hit, increasing kidney function, eliminate heat in, treat dizziness, normalize blood pressure. blood circulating, can be used as a sedative. improves stamina, sore throats, treat throat dry or wet throat gland inflammation mumps, treating inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea, hypertension, increased appetite, increase sexual desire, treat sick step.

lotus also efficacious for beauty, such smooth skin, delay wrinkles and reduce weight. and the young lotus root can be eaten directly, where as the old lotus root can be cooked or made juice.

lotus contains trigonelline, pyrocatechol which is a substance alkaloid and peroxidase. lotus seeds contain starch, melitose and other nutrients, lotus flowers contains luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol. lotus flower contains nuciferine, reomerine, quercetin and others.

How Benefits Of Lotus And How For Treatment

The Lotus have more benefits for healthy and treatment, because use lotus for treatment is way efficient and economical. so to know how the lotus have benefits. lets read more in this article about it.

Treat Fever, Sore Throat, And Treat Throat Wet And Dry Throat.

Here's How : provide 30 gram of lotus root, 15 gram of sugar cane, and 1 fruit pear, blend all the ingredients, then strain and drink the water.

Treating Cough Blood, Inflammation of Glands Mumps And Treat Fevers.

Here's How : 30 gram of lotus root and 1 bunch of boiled roots of the reeds. strain and refrigerated then drink.

Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Vomiting And Diarrhea.

Here's How : blender 30 grams of lotus root and 2 sections of ginger, strain the water, then drink.

Eliminate Distractions Lever, Bile, Lower blood pressure and Restore Appetite.

Here's How : cook 30 gram of lotus root with 50 gram of green beans or 60 gram of jali-jali, later in the meal.

Improve The Function Of The Heart, Blood Circulation, Normalizes Blood Pressure, Restore Appetite And As A Sedative.

Here's How : cook 30 gram of lotus seeds and 60 gram of jali-jali until it becomes mush. after cold eat porridge.

Improve The Body's Stamina, Increase Sexual Desire, And Delay The Aging Process.

Here's How : provide 30 gram of lotus seeds, seeds chives 15 gram, rice and honey, combine all ingredients, and then cook until it becomes mush. and after a little cold.

Smooth Skin And Face.

Here's How : cook 30 gram of lotus with glutinous rice. add sugar to taste, cook until it becomes mush, then eat.

Treat Sport In The Skin Due To A Shortage Of Platelets.

Here's How : cook as many as 250 gram of lotus root, add 100 gram or dates angco or date palm. than eat.

Treating Chronic Step In Children.

Here's How : cook lotus root by as much as 7 or 14 lotus petals, grab some water, then drink the water to lower the heat.

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