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Tips How Make Healthy And Beautiful Eyes With Simple Way

Tips How Make Healthy And Beautiful Eyes With Simple Way

The eye is one of the body's most crucial tool in your life, imagine if you lost you visibility, not only visual enjoyment around you that can no longer be enjoyed, but you will not be able to enjoy all the activity as previously when your eyes are healthy. your beautiful eyes are not just a reflection of the soul, the eye is also a tool for each activity with enthusiasm. if not cared for properly, highlight your eyes will lose the shimmer.

Picture Of Tips How Make Healthy And Beautiful Eyes With Simple Way

The Factors In Makes The Eyes Do Not Shine And Not Healthy

Sugar Levels In The Eye

what is the relationship of diabetes and eye health? is true that diabetes can make effect blindness? high sugar levels in the blood in diabetics resulted in blood vessels in the retina are fragile and easily broken in addition, the food supply on the retina decreases. this causes the onset of chordal, namely the emergence of now blood vessels which easily broken, if the occurrence of retinal bleeding, of course you will be harmed.

high blood sugar on the ball of the eye can also cause instability of refraction ( a Vision) on the eyes. for those of you who have an eye refraction minus, plus, or cylindrical, the size of your refraction will change-fox. to address it, visit doctors internist and nutritionists in order to get proper treatment to stabilize the blood sugar levels in the body. a stable sugar levels will reduce the risk of the formation of new blood vessels and reduces the occurrence of bleeding in your eyes.

Made Available On Lasik

LASIK ( laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is an action or an attempt to fix and remove the abnormality in the refraction of the eye, or when your eye myopia was detected (minus), hipermyopia (plus), or astigmate (cylindrical). treatment is certainly at risk, but due to the increasingly sophisticated technology, this risk can be minimalist i.e. less than 1% failure, such as the occurrence of blindness, never even existed. so, you don't need to be afraid.

Baca Juga

that may happen is the existence of over correction or under correction for example, if someone has a refraction -5, after doing the power view to be using lasik +1. this mean that he experienced over correction. whereas if someone has a refraction -5, after lasik done, then power up change -1, then he experienced the  under correction. to resolve it, patients should get lasik proofreading, after 3 months.

not only that, a routine checkup after undergoing lasik, regardless of whether or not there is a problem under or over correction , remains required visit your doctor for a period of 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 12 months after surgery as treatment is continued. 

actually the case or not, the occurrence of a fault on lasik surgery depends very much on screening of prelasik. eye checking should be done carefully and in full. and you must be qualified to perform lasik surgery.

Wrinkles And Eye Dim.

how to troubleshoot and resolve the dim eyes of the skin under the eyes are dark and wrinkled?. the trick is applying eye cream around the eye can inhibit the wrinkles around the eyes there are extra but the eye cream will not effective result if you don't a healthy lifestyle.

wrinkles that occur due to increasing age, and only plastic surgery that can remove completely, other appropriate ways to address and resolve the dim eye dark skin under the eyes is with consumption nutritious healthy foods, especially foods that contain vitamins A,C and E vitamins, acids folat, selanium and zinc, other substances antioxidants to delaying the aging process. make balance with enough sports, and try to be more easy going in living life.

avoid stress, sullen faces and tense faces, because it just adds extra wrinkles around the face and eyes. to remove the eyes of dim, you can provide a cold compress with something. for example with eye mask are cooled, or by using a bag of tea which has been deepened by cool water, as well as have enough rest.

Sleep Without Removing A Contact Lens.

how are the consequences if we forget to take off the contact lens? when forget take off contact lens before bed can lead to allergies and infections that can damage the cornea of the eye. because in addition to friction occurring in the eye, causing irritation while you sleep. contact lens can so place inhibit dirt and germs. if it gives rise to symptoms such as : feels stung and watering, immediately visit your eye doctor. that is important in the use of contact lens is discipline.

contact lens have different levels of maturity, for example, can be used for a month, six months, there's even a contact lens that just have the time of your use of only a single day. then you must keep contact lens usage regulations. if it is post the time limit, replace it immediately with a new contact lens.

When The Eyes Are So Lazy.

lazy eyes or lazy eye is a condition in which the eyes you can't spurred again to have the optimal refraction. this is happening due to your late deal with abnormalities in your visibility in their growth. for example, when you are still primary, you have to use glasses or goggles plus minus as a stimulus so that your vision refraction back to normal. however, because it is not given the adequate stimulus, then your eyes become lazy. as a result, when you become an adult, contact lens or glasses not longer able to help you to get maximum vision.

The Secret To Glowing Eyes.

1. Do Regular Inspection

a minimum of one year,one time. especially if you suffer from diabetes, glaucoma (have high blood pressure in the eye), and has a size of refraction (day of view) which is not normal. for example, plus or minus edged cylindrical and try resolve eye problems since the beginning.

2. Have A Healthy Lifestyle

food vitamins content consumption. for example fruits that contain vitamin A,C,E, Zinc, Folic acid and various intake containing antioxidant eye health in order to be always awake, don't forget to do the sport and routine enough breaks so that you're always your fuel.

3. Protect The Eyes From Ultraviolet

select a contact lens with UV protection that protects the cornea and the inside of the eye and the dangers of UV radiation rays, ray ban glasses or use a reflecting back to ultraviolet rays and protects the area around the eyes. and you can avoid the risk of blindness, cataracts and wrinkles around the eyes.

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