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Anemia - Signs And Anemia Symptoms Also How Treat Anemia in Child

Anemia - Signs And Anemia Symptoms Also How Treat Anemia in Child

What is anemia?. Anemia is a condition of the blood carries oxygen and food into the network and it also carried away the rest of the product the secretion of system of the body. so whatever problems about (affect) the blood will also affect the smooth process of the entire body. anemic one of such problems.

Picture Of Anemia - Signs And Anemia Symptoms Also How Treat Anemia in Child

blood contains three cell types : red blood cells, white blood cells, and chips. millions of the cells float in a liquid called plasma, which contains dissolved gases ( oxygen and carbon dioxide), food, and the remaining products.

Red blood cells carrying oxygen to function mainly in the tissues of hemoglobin, which join the oxygen inhalation through the lungs. hemoglobin causes red blood. when the red blood cells, hemoglobin deficiency anemia has occurred then.

Signs And Anemia Symptoms.

you cannot diagnose anemia just by looking at the color of the skin of the patient, because the normal skin color skin on children or infants vary widely, baby or child that pale does not mean children suffer from anemia, for more likely that most of them have pale skin due to the gens of the parent.

how to quickly and more reliably to check whether your baby or your child suffer from anemia or not is to look at the side of his lips, in the tissues that line the eyes, his palm and finger nails. if everything is pale, it is very likely he was suffering from anemia.

The Cause Of Anemia In Infants Or Children.

in this age group, often anemia caused by iron deficiency. minerals of iron needed is required for the formation of hemoglobin. premature infants are especially prone to iron deficiency anemia.

babies usually get enough iron deposits for make enough need during the first six month of his life in the womb of the mother during the last two or three month of pregnancy. baby or premature child who didn't have the opportunity to receive the entire iron rations. as a result he suffered anemia for the first few month of his life- until he can obtain enough stash of food he received.

in baby or children who are above the age of six months, can also suffer from anemia iron deficiency if the food does not contain iron in sufficient amounts. milk contains little iron, so that babies or children aged four to six months need to accept solid foods containing iron in addition to the milk. until the age of so many years, infants usually have enough supply of the mother obtained while he was still in the womb.

young children who suffer recurrent infections anything can also be due to anemia, infections interfere with the absorption and use of iron in the body. this effect, coupled with a poor appetite during infections, can spend the deposits of iron.

there are many causes of anemia, such as because from birth and because genetics, bleeding, and disease. but this rarely happen sand will be accompanied by other signs and symptoms that are preferably at diagnosis by a doctor.

Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia.

should be given enough iron for children who suffer from anemia iron deficiency to fight anemia, in infants who cannot get these important mineral from food, can get it in the form of the drug. greater in infants may be given foods rich in iron, such as liver of chicken, liver of cow, eggs and green vegetables. the extra iron in the form of medicines may also be given if the anemia is severe.

Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia

prevention of preterm birth will prevent anemia in infants and children prematurely enough input foods rich in iron will also prevent iron deficiency anemia iron because of the blood. the infection should be treated with appropriate to guarantee so that anemia does not arise back.

pale on the child be a symptom which is always worrying about her mother, but it should be remembered that most children are pale actually follow the tendency of the family. iron deficiency anemia became pale because that is often the next, Leukimia - a very scary all the mother-is very rare in the order causes pale in baby or children. sign and symptoms of serious illness, this will be much more clearly visible.

so look at your family's skin complexion, see food that you gave on your child or baby, and ask for the help of a physician immediately if you are still not satisfied about the cause of why your baby or child in pale.

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