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6 Tips How To Prevent Sexual Abuse Of Chidren

How To Prevent Sexual Abuse Of Children
Sexual harassment increasingly become a threat to children, not only robs the cheerfulness of expression, sexual violence which caused the damage, either physical or mental damage, such as shyness, helpless, insecure, and a sense of hurt also sieze the time children's future.

tips how to prevent sexual abuse, how to prevent sexual abuse of childeren
tips how to prevent sexual  abuse of children

apparently, the victims of these tragic incidents are increasingly growing day only, and then how to protect and deal with it? here is a complete description on how to protect and deal with cases of sexual abuse in children.

The More Often Children Get Sexual Harassment Will Be More Difficult
in addition to sexual harassment to be physically marked by the presence of a sensual touch that is not desired by the victim at the victim's body area or areas of the body.

sexual harassment can also be done verbally, that is marked with the worlds, like the sensual seduction as well as negative comments directed at the victim. the impact of the sexual abuse of children will vary in each child, depending on the behaviour or the temperaments. 

children tend to be open and positive energy charge will be adaptable and tend to more easily recover from their trauma, whereas children who tend to be closed, it's hard to adapt, with negative content energy and sensitive will take time longer and larger efforts to recover from their trauma.

violence or physical abuse is more often leave the trauma greater than violence or verbal abuse, in addition to that, the frequency and duration of the occurrence of violence or sexual abuse also affect the impact caused.

most often "frequencies" or the longer duration then the trauma inflicted on children are also getting bigger the greater the trauma inflicted, then the length of time required for recovery.

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the victims of sexual abuse will be seen some signs and symptoms of trauma such as insomnia, being reluctant to hang out and chose to be alone, anxiety and fear because there is no other markers is to took out for, parents also ought to be suspicious if the child as lost to do activities.

if not immediately addressed, then the child will not be able to adjust and perform daily activities in accordance with his age, this impact is very large in the optimization of the growth of the child.

Child Victims Of Sexual Abuse Can Be Cured But Can Not Forget
the trauma of child victims of violence or victims of sexual harassment was indeed curable, however, bad memories that cannot be forgotten, meaning is we could not make anyone forget 100% to what was experienced by victims of sexual abuse, let alone if such events gives a deep impression for the child.

the handling of child trauma due to victims of sexual violence, not with the goal of keeping the child over the incident but rather so that children can still age-appropriate activities and its ability, in this recover period, support and acceptance given by the social environment is becoming a critical factor successful children through the process.

when parents, teachers, friend remain invited to speak and interact, the child will feel that he is still valuable even though experiencing unpleasant things, in addition, for a while should also be kept away from the subject and from places that'll make it cry, yell, withdrew from the association and will be terrified.

Who's Vulnerable So Victims Of Sexual Abuse In Children
effort addressing child sexual abuse cases are legally there has been legislation which set them up with a clear and good, but less prevention efforts carried out by the parent.

sexual abuse of children is indeed influenced by the personal characteristics of the victim also factor cannot be denied being a trigger of sexual violent behaviour. for example the beautiful children or children who are growing faster than peers, especially, is the way use the wears is also quite open, this is likely to attract the interest of the perpetrators of sexual abuse.

sexual harassment can be stalking anyone, but some children with certain personalities are more prone to become victims. one of the, is the child with the child's behavior in an easy close to strangers.

will be more vulnerable when the child cannot refuse if touched by a stranger, and children with this type will be difficult to realize that he is being treated will be perpetrator is not abuse to the child who is passive, i.e. children who tend to difficult to resist if confronted with a situation that is uncomfortable for him.

usually can also be victims of sexual abuse, and children of this type will tend to be quit and hard to have the initiative seeks help actively when the abuse was going on.

Make Child Comfortable To Tell You
indeed the face of sexual violence on children is not as easy as the face of sexual violence in adult, difficulties generally faced by the family or experts while helping the recovery process of the victim children compared with more victims the adult is the difficulty in recognizing the feeling and thoughts of victims when such events occur.

kids tend to be difficult to describe verbally clearly about the mental processes that occur when they are experiencing these events, while to discuss these over and over again in order to get a complete list.

it is feared will add to the negative impact on children because children will replay the events in their memories, ideally the face of child victims of sexual abuse carried out by providing a sense of security to children first to tell you.

usually parents who did have close contact with children would be easier to do it, give it an easy question to answer with a short right and by children, such as "is this section (indicate the child's body parts) held or touched anyone else/" if the child answered "yes" then ask " where"? home? or school? after you know the location, parents should inquire about "who' fund, "when" it is done..s

furthermore, parents should seek out information and data through the people who are around the child that possibility can be trusted to provide addition information about the events experienced by the child.

also better parents bring a child to consult experts (psychologists, counsellors, psychiatrists), which can handle the children victims of sexual abuse occurred, so the kids get a quick and precise handling to restore the child's psychological condition due to trauma caused.

6 Tips To Prevent Sexual Abuse Of Children
some prevention efforts on the child sexual abuse that are effective are as follows :
1. give the understanding in children about the kids of sexual harassment and explain to the child, sexual abuse in any form is not a good action and break the rules.

2. teach children about things to do if find the existence of acts of sexual abuse, for example, ran into a crowded place, immediately report to the teacher or principal, and so on.

3. do a complete recruitment and selection is done, experts such as psychologists in order to prevent the possibility of perpetrators of sexual abuse employed in place of many children, such as a playground, school, day care and others.

4. fill each corner of the building is reserved for children with a CCTV camera, so that sexual abuse is detected quickly and easily.

5. do the survey well in forging site activity the children unattended while the parents, such as : schools, courses and other places, make sure the site is safe for children.

6. grow good relations with adults who can be trusted as a resource, which can help keep an eye on children when parents were not together with children, for example " homeroom, guards the cafeteria, parents of other pupils, the principal and other.

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