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Squint - What Causes Squint And How Treat The Eyes Squint

The eyes squint, all newborns experience the squint, this occurs because vision in infants has not been perfect until the baby was around three months. although the vicinity four to six weeks the baby is able to focus his eyes on a particular object for a short time.

squint and what causes squint and how treat the eyes squint
squint, what causes squint and treat the eyes squint

before that time they may be only able to distinguish light and dark, as well as the shadow moves vaguely, so because of the pull of the muscle of the eye, in the break is often a baby's eyes are not aligned.

but if the baby is still having an eye squint after the age of six months, then it should be checked at the expert eye, examination of the developments on a regular basis on all infants who do doctor will explain this matter is yourself are not yet paying attention to squint. but because there is a tendency of family members who have experienced the same squint eyes in every generation sequence. then usually mom first saw the squint on her baby.

Cause Of Squint
usually squint caused by an imbalance in the small muscles that control eye movement, one muscle group attracts the eye with strong in one direction so the embossed "rounds" in one eye.

another major cause for the squint eye or an eye that is near, but it's more likely to be real around the age of two to three years at the time of the child's eyes got wide and usage variations be needs to adjust its focus to vision up close and distant vision.

here on eye will be turning towards the child at the time in trying to focus on a particular object, you can also see that he will close on eye with his hand in an attempt to get a clear visual of the shadow. sometimes there is another squint-i.e. first by using one eye and then the switch with the other eye, the baby is not able to use both eyes together, kind of squint it's  need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent the incidence of this from of squint one side is more common.

verily, in addition to its effect upon the look cross-eyed need to be treated as soon as possible because of the presence of eyes that squint, then the child's brain will receive the shadow double world in around and the brain will hit one of these shadow to prevent confusion on the brood.

but in the next few months, his eyes pressed into less efficient, then the treatment if not done then all the ability to view will be lost.
Examination Of Squint
there are two test done to determine if the beginning of a baby suffering from a squint or not :
1. rays shone into the eyes of the baby, the light will be reflected equally in every pupil in the eyes of a normal "straight". but in the eyes squint, the light is visible outside the center on one eye compered to the other eye.
2. one eye closed with the hand of the doctor. while the baby is looking towards the doctor, if there is a squint at the time appointed, the eye will move it the doctor hands.

Treat The Squint
in the early years of life, treatment may not be necessary, an eye surgeon but need to check the baby regularly, about once a month, then treatment can begin at this stage.

this treatment consists of closing the eyes not squint so eyes squint was forced to use the view. any tendency for vision near or distant vision is resolved by giving a eye glass, after the children grow up and can be invited to work together, then given eye exercises to strengthen the muscles of the eye.

if the squint is very clear, the surgery can be done to change the "pull' muscles of the eye. but usually the eye surgery is rarely performed.
The Sign And The danger Of False eyes Squint
not rarely the baby seem cross-eyed actually had a normal eye. this is because the skin fold (folds of Epictetus) a little wider than normal at an angle in the eye, if the flap is at the time of the inspection done for the eyes squint. then squint to be found as optical illusions. wide Epictetus folds tent to be found in the family.

need to squint at a diagnosis early and treated appropriately to ensure excellent vision in both eyes for life. so do not delay the examination to a doctor if you suspect your baby suffering from a squint.

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