How To Measure Blood Pressure With Sfigmomanometer Or Sfigmo
How To Measure Blood Pressure With Sfigmomanometer Or Sfigmo
There is little mystery about the sfigmomanometer, or often called as sfigmo, sfigmo or sfigmomanometer is a tool which consist of a fabric cuff wrap airtight pouch, which is pumped through a hose from a pump that resembles connecting a rubber ball, and airtight pouch that is connected to the pressure gauges. This tool can be either a tube of mercury with a vertical glass pipe or a similar pressure meter with barometer.cuff wrapped on the arm of the patient, and airbags in the cuff at the pump by squeezing a rubber ball in rhythm. the pressure in the cuff by rapidly rising beyond the pressure on the arteries in the arm so as to stem the blood flow through the artery. people who heard with stethoscope above place the artery on the swell of the elbow when the cuff is emphasized above systolic pressure will hear anything.
then if the listener stop pumping, the pressure in the cuff down slowly, so all of a sudden the sound pulse can be hear ticking in the arteries. the designated number at the time of a sound pulse sound-and are usually very easy to define.
What Is Systolic Pressure?.
systolic pressure is the pressure which is urged on the blood vessels of the heart. at this stage, the pressure cuff is still higher than diastolic pressure-a voice that is heard is the voice of listener friction on the artery walls when blood flow and arterial actually empty on any beats.
if cuff pressure is lowered further, beats are hear through the stethoscope is weakened, then disappeared. the pressure at the time of the vote that disappears is the diastolic pressure, after that the blood is constantly flowing in arteries, and the wall are no longer point to produce the sound.
for people who are experienced, this event only lasted a few seconds. note in order for the patient or the person to be measured blood pressure do not use clothes with tight sleeves if desired to measure blood pressure. because the usual tight clothes will give you the wrong size blood pressure at sfigmo or sfigmomanometer.
so simply put the process so that all people can be trained to measure blood pressure in quite carefully to be treatment guidelines. measuring your blood pressure yourself has been done by tens of thousands of people on the United State and Europe, but less widespread in the United Kingdom, the reason why in the UK people are not interested in doing your own blood pressure measurement? because it is partly due to the fact that United Kingdom Peoples prefer high blood pressure checked to see a doctor because there is no admission charge, and in the UK, high blood pressure measurements can be formed at any time according to your needs.
there is also another fact in the attitude of many British doctor who are convinced that excessive emphasis on high blood pressure you can get you emotionally disturbed, so that any changes to the slightest blood pressure cause you became anxious. if the blood pressure is already stable at normal levels of blood pressure, then you just need to be in the measure no more than once a month.
However, in the first few month of his own blood pressure measurement can be very helpful to a doctor, because he just does the determination of a remedy which will be noted in the prescription for the patient.
but you should discuss it with your doctor if you are measuring your own blood pressure, and doctors will submitted what are the things that are useful to you, and if it is useful, the doctor will also tell you how to use, how often use sfigmo and type in whatever tool to you have to prepare.
Here is a tool that uses mercury more easily in her treatment and can keep it accurate to the time period that is longer than a tool that does not use mercury and tools that use mercury price cheaper.
determine the size of cuff is also important, if you are overweight, or a larger arm size and thick, choose wide and long cuff that fits arms in your roll, if the cuff is too narrow, the size of the blood pressure will be higher than it should be. normal size of cuff is usually suitable for all adults who weigh normally, but on children required special cuff therefore, the child needs to be invited at the time of purchase, so that the cuff size can directly to match.
also the stethoscope should be light weight and good and comfortable in your ears, you should hear clearly through a stethoscope, but now it is much sfigmo that already comes with stethoscope, which is specifically designed to allow for the measurement of blood pressure by themselves.