How To Know About Symptoms Cervix Cancer Or Cervical Cancer And How A Pap Smear Process - Medical Info -->

How To Know About Symptoms Cervix Cancer Or Cervical Cancer And How A Pap Smear Process

How To Know About Symptoms Cervix Cancer Or Cervical Cancer And How A Pap Smear Process

Does knowing the symptoms of cervical cancer and knowing how to cope with cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer with pap smear is necessary?. the answer, obviously very necessary, because usually the changes that happen in the pre cancer cannot be in detection with certain symptoms. in fact, "the patient felt her body 100% healthy, there is no any pain symptoms", but early detection can be the symptoms through a regular examination.

Picture Of How To Know About Symptoms Cervix Cancer Or Cervical Cancer And How A Pap Smear Process

American Collage of Obstetricians and Gynecologist recommend that pap smear test as done since the age of 18 years or when sexual activity begins, after that is repeated every once a year, you could just stop this test by specific notes. first, you and you spouse have a history of love that is minimal, that is to say, before marriage either party-a maximum of two persons only, and as long as it is not playing with the opposite sex more.

second, after three years consecutive following the results of the test and the test was negative, but after three years have passed, you are encouraged to get a pap smear test again, and if the result remains negative, the test can be done every 3 years.

However, even through it has declared secure, there is sill sometimes cancer cells.

that stubborn unnoticed before. why is it so?. this can be caused by the doctor who took the samples available. research results showed approximately 20-50% of women who for three years in a row got a negative test result is precisely stated threatened exposed cervical cancer. this indeed may be reasonable to happen given the errant cell might be lying hidden and covered in mucus, blood, or closed the wound.

The Actual Process Of How a Pap smear Test It?.

first, the doctor opens the vagina with a special tool known as the speculum, and then with some kind of plastic or wooden spoon, the doctor will wipe the outside of the cervix to take a sample of cells that will be examined that example will be on the DAB on the glass, then given a liquid dye and then examined under the microscope.

to get accurate results, there are a few things to note, namely, avoid entering certain liquids or objects into the vagina, because it can remove trace of cervical cancer cells are stubborn, do a test one week after menstruation completed, meaning that a week after the really clean.

do not use creams, douches or drugs in the vagina and surrounding areas during 48-72 hours. and two days before performing the test, don't do sexual intercourse first.

Symptoms Of Cancer Of The Cervix Or Cervical Cancer Symptoms

if you are experiencing vaginal discharge which very much, and bleed when sexual inter course, should you wait to schedule a pap smear test or how?, "when it appears things are unusual, then immediately contact a doctor".

not only that, there are other symptoms that make you should immediately contact your doctor : the long and heavy menstrual bleeding, abnormal, yellowish fluid comes out and smelling and sometimes accompanied by blood and bleeding menopause. all of that is a symptom of cervical cancer or symptoms of cervical cancer stadium.

if your test shows symptoms of abnormal cell development, then the doctor will suggest for you to perform advanced tests within 3 to 6 months, when the result was still positive as well, the next step is colonoscopy i.e. see farther into the cervix with a special tool to do a biopsy or sampling of the cell to be examined  further.

when the results showed a state pre cancer, then the action taken so more aggressive again, i.e. by taking an unhealthy cell network, then the surrounding area burned ( cauterized ) to reduce the bleeding that may occur.

next step handling conization ii.e. cervical tissue biopsy with a shape like an ice cream cone. sometimes this method raises a new issue at a later date because of the result of this special shaped tissue retrieval, especially in propping up the uterus while pregnant.

if cervical cancer has already spread far into the last action, which can be taken is lifting the uterus intact. this usually happens at the stadium and high radiation treatment is very necessary, after that the sufferer will continue to review on a regular basis and in a fairly short period of time. when cervical cancer remains active and spreads in all directions, then the treatment is done is actually more intended to extend and not addressing the disease of cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer.

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