How To Prevent The Cervical Cancer With Natural Way - Medical Info -->

How To Prevent The Cervical Cancer With Natural Way

How To Prevent The Cervical Cancer With Natural Way

Cervical Cancer Definition - cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix or cervical (the lowest part of the uterus that clings to the peak vagina) as a result of the presence of uncontrolled growth. cervix cancer or cervical cancer is a cancer caused by balance HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. because this virus can be transmitted through sexual inter course, then the byte-a sexual partner you and your husband, then the more you are at risk of developing uterine cancer or cervical, so it's not impossible you contracting due to the spread of the virus from your partner in the past.

Picture Of How To Prevent The Cervical Cancer With Natural Way

may who call this cervical cancer is a cancer of the uterus, but the name is actually cervical cancer, cancer is highly recalcitrant, because this cancer spreads slowly without definite symptoms, suddenly everything was too late and the bitter reality facing many of the young women.

should cervical cancer need not be feared, because with early examinations, abnormal cell growth will soon be detected before turning into cancer cell. but according to research Nation Cancer Institute-America. Up to now recorded 5.000 endangered women affected by the disease.

why are so many women who should be exposed to cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer?. the answer lies in the number of young women who are at high risk more and more. plus they assume things that are trivial to check contents and surroundings. if it's already checked, they do not understand what should be checked and they don't know what the next course of action after the examination.

it would be nice that you have knowledge about cervical cancer. so that you don't feel worry about excess and you also be know what to do immediately if there are indeed symptoms of cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer.

women who have had sexual intercourse before reaching the age of 20 years, including those at high risk of developing cervical cancer. why?, because the cell of the cervix in women who are still young more fragile and easily wounded, due to friction that occurs when the sex.

in America, more than 40 percent of women age 20 years exposed to HPV virus and even the endangered between 15-25% suffered from cancer of the cervix. such research result Keerti V.Shah,Md, Professor of molecular field and microbiology immunology at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. and the data showed that in situ carcinoma or the symptoms of the most serious cancer pre reaches a peak at ages 20-30 years.

but it needs to be remembered also that not all women are exposed to HPV virus is definitely suffering from cervical cancer. of the many infected is HPV, only a few are actually affected by cervical cancer. if seen from the results of a recent study, from untreated cases, a third can disappear. while 40% of them do not endanger the growth indicated, only about 1% of those actually affected by cervical cancer.

in addition to sexual intercourse at a young age and another partner, that is to say under 20 years, there are several factors which can result in the risk of developing cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer, among them : often suffer from infection in the vaginal area, due to give birth many children, smoking habit, and deficiency of vitamin and the contraceptive pill usage over 5 years as sustainable.

Pathophysiology Of Reproductive Organ 

at the beginning of the development of cervical cancer gives no signs and complaints, on examination by speculators, appears as the poriso erosip (squamora metaplasia) that the physiological or pathology.

The Cause Of The Tumor Can Grow

exofilik : starting from the squamous-columnar (SCJ) towards the vaginal lumen as a proliferate period experienced secondary infections, and necrosis.

endofilik : from SCJ grow into cervical stomach and tends to hold its infiltration into ulcers.

Colitis : from SJC and tend to undermine the structure of the cervical tissue with early vaginal formless involves to be ulcers.

the normal cervical naturally undergoes the process of meta-plasma (erosio) due to mutual rush both types of epithelial lining, with the entry of the mutagen erosif (metaplasia squamous) which was originally the physiological change into pathology (dis-plastic-discoloration) via INS-levels I, II, III and  ACTS that eventually became invasive carcinoma and the process of violence will go on. 

the invasive phase generally ranging between 3-20 years (average 5-10). hystopatologic most (95-97%) in the form of epidermoid or squamor cell, adenocarcinoma, carcinoma clear-cell carcinoma or mesonephroid carcinoma and the most rare is a carcinoma.

clinical manifestations of cervical cancer when it is already experiencing progressive or advanced stage, then the symptoms that can arise include :

  1. bleeding after intercourse
  2. spontaneous bleeding that occurs between regular menstrual periods
  3. the incidence of vaginal discharge that mixed blood and smelling
  4. pelvic pain and disorders or even can not pee
  5. pain when sexual intercourse
  6. quickly tired, losing weight and anemia 

Classification Of Cervical Cancer

1. Microscopic

a. dysplasia situ carcinoma staging
c. stage carcinoma of mocroinvasive
d. form of abnormality in the growth of cervical carcinoma

2. Macroscopic

a. stadium preclinic : can not be distinguished from the ordinary chronicle servics
b. the stadium beginning : often seemed most lesions around osteum externun
c. stadium half continued : it has been about most or all lips porsio
d. advanced stage : occurs broken of cervical tissue, so it seems like the ulcer with tissue that is fragile and easily bleed.

4. Staging Of Cervical Cancer Based On Figo :

1. stage I : tumor cells reach the layer of stomach or no more than 5 mm depth and a width of 7 mm
stage I AI
stage IAII

2. Stage II, the cancer extends out of the cervix but does not reach the walls of the the hips, the deployment involves vagina 2/3 the top.
Stage IIA
Stage IIB

3. Stage III, the cancer extends up to the side wall of the pelvic and vaginal 1/3 involves the bottom, stadium II includes cancers that hamper urinal causing a build-up of urine in the kidneys and leads to kidney impaired.
Stage IIIA
Stage IIIB

4. Stage IV, the tumor spreads up to the bladder or retrum or extends through the pelvis
Stage IVA
Stage IVB

cervical cancer caused by HPV or Human Papilloma balance Virus. because this Virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, the more sexual partners you and your husband, then the more you are at risk of developing uterine cancer or cervical cancer, so it;s not impossible you contracting due to the spread of the virus from your partner in past.

many who call this cervical cancer is a cancer of the uterus, but the name is actually cervical cancer, cancer is highly recalcitrant, because this cancer spreads slowly without definite symptoms, suddenly everything was too late and the bitter reality facing many of the young women.

should cervical cancer need not be feared, because with early examinations, abnormal cell growth will soon be detected before turning into cancer cells. but according to research Nation Cancer Institute - America. up to now recorded 5.000 endangered women affected by the disease.

why are so many women who should be exposed to cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer?. the answer lies in the number of young women who are at high risk more and more. plus they assume things that are trivial to check contents and surrounding. if it's already checked, they do not understand what should be checked and they don't know what the next course of action after the examination.

it would be nice that you have knowledge about cervical cancer. so that you don't feel worry about excess and you also be know what to do immediately if there are indeed symptoms of cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer.

women who have had sexual intercourse before reaching the age of 20 years, including those at high risk of developing cervical cancer. why? because the cells of the cervix in women who are still young more fragile and easily wounded, due to friction that occurs when the sex.

in America, more than 40% of women age 20 years exposed to HPV virus, and even the endangered between 15-25% suffered from cancer of the cervix. and the data showed that in situ carcinoma or the symptoms of the most serious cancer per-reaches a peak at ages 20-30 years.

but is need to remembered also that not all women are exposed to HPV virus is definitely suffering from cervical cancer. of the many infected which HPV, only a few are actually affected by cervical cancer. if seen from the results of a recent study, from untreated cases, a third can disappear. while 40% of them do not endanger the growth indicates, only about 1% of those actually effected by cervical cancer.

in additional to sexual intercourse at a young age and another partner, that is to say under 20 years, there are several factors which can result in the risk of developing cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer, among them : deficiency of vitamin and pill usage over 5 years continuously. bandwagon. 

How To Cope And Cervical Cancer Treatment

how to extrude or how to cope with cervical cancer the natural way is to consume some foods that are rich in vitamins, because food rich in vitamins can inhibit the incidence of cervical cancer. research show that the growth of abnormal cells that will become great if there is on women who lack vitamin A, Vitamin C and foli acid that is found in many vegetables, green or orange and on spinach.

but it need to be remembered, so far there has been no research that proves that consuming vitamin supplement, weather it's vitamins in the form of drinks or vitamins in the form of capsules or tablets can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

some research suggests to always consume vegetables, consume food that are high in fiber with a balance nutrition. it is very important to prevent or repel cervical cancer before it's too late.

does knowing the symptoms of cervical cancer and knowing how to cope with cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer with pap smears is necessary?. the answer, obviously very necessary, because usually the changes that happen in the pre-cancer cannot be in detection with certain symptoms. in fact, the patient felt her body 100% healthy, there is no any pain symptoms, but early detection can be the symptoms through a regular examination.

American Collage of Obstetricians and gynecologist recommend that pap smear tests done since the age of 18 years or when sexual activity begins, after that is repeated every once a year, you could just stop this test by specific notes. first, you and your spouse have a history of love that is minimal, that is to say,before marriage either party - a maximum of two persons only, and as long as it is not doing with the opposite sex more.

second, after three consecutive years following the results of the test and the test was negative, but after three years have passed, you are encouraged to get a pap smear test again and if the result remains negative, the test can be done every 3 years. 

however, even though it has declared secure, there is still sometimes cancer cells that stubborn unnoticed before. why is it so? this can be caused by the doctor who took the samples available. research results showed approximately 20-50% of women who for three years in a row got a negative test result is precisely stated threatened exposed cervical cancer. this indeed may be reasonable to happen given the errant cells might be lying hidden and covered in mucus, blood, or closed the wound.

How Was The Process Of The Pap Smear Test

first, the doctor opens the vagina with a special tool known as the speculum, and the with some kind of plastic of wooden spoon, the doctor will wipe the outside of the cervix to take a sample of cells that will be examined. that example will be on the DAB on the glass, then given a liquid bye and then examined under the mocroscope.

to get accurate results, there are a few things to note, namely, avoid entering certain liquids or objects into the vagina, because it can remove trace of cervical cancer cells are stubborn, do a test one week after completion menstruation, it means a week after completely clean.

do not use creams, douches or drugs in the vagina and surrounding areas during 48-72 hours. and two days before performing the test, don't do sexual intercourse first.

Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer Or Cervix Cancer 

if you are experiencing vaginal discharge which pretty much, and bleed when sexual intercourse, should you wait to schedule a pap smear test or what? when it appears things are unusual, then immediately contact the doctor.

not only that, there are other symptoms that make you should immediately contact your doctor : the long and heavy menstrual bleeding abnormal, yellowish fluid comes out and smelling and sometimes accompanied by blood and bleeding menopause. all of that is a symptom of cervical cancer or symptoms of cervix cancer stadium. 

if your test show symptoms of abnormal cell development. then the doctor will suggest for you to perform advanced test within 3 to 6 month, when the result was still positive as well, the next step is colposcopy i.e. see farther into the cervix with a special tool to do a biopsy or sampling of the cells to be examined further. 

when the results showed a state pre-cancer, then the action taken so more aggressive again, i.e. by taking an unhealthy cell network. then the surrounding area in cauterized to reduce the bleeding that may occur.

next step handling conization i.e. cervical tissue biopsy with a shape like an ice cream cone. sometimes this method raises a new tissue at a later date because of the result of this special-shaped tissue retrieval, especially in propping up the uterus while pregnant. 

if cervical cancer has already spread far into the last action, which can be taken is lifting the uterus intact. this usually happens at the stadium and high radiation treatment is very necessary, after that the sufferer will continue to review on a regular basis and in a fairly short period of time. when cervical cancer remains active and spread in all directions, then the treatment is done is actually more intended to extend and not addressing the disease of cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer.

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