Ulcers Symptoms Or Mal-absorption Syndrome When It Feels Pain In The Abdomen - Medical Info -->

Ulcers Symptoms Or Mal-absorption Syndrome When It Feels Pain In The Abdomen

Is it affected by Heartburn? this question often arises when a person feels his stomach ache or sharp pain when he was filling her stomach with food.

ulcers symptoms or mal-absorption syndrome
ulcer symptoms or Mal-absorption syndrome

based on research, nearly half of people in big cities suffered from heartburn, from mild to severe. a study, about 100 patients. the complaint dyspepsia, after in endoscopy, as much as 20 percent organic or dyspepsia sufferers are already severe.

heartburn sufferers should not consume food that contain gas, such as vegetable cabbage, mustard greens, jack fruit, and dried fruits. drink that stimulates spending stomach acid, such as coffee, alcoholic and fizzy drinks, drink orange juice and milk should also be avoided. like wise with foods that are difficult to digest, such as tarts, cheese, and meat goats. these type of foods make the stomach work harder and slowing the emptying of gastric contents.

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who us shunned by sufferers of ulcer is a potentially destructive dinning wall of the stomach, such as spicy foods containing vinegar, foods containing pepper, include foods that contain carbohydrates such as rice, noodles and rice vermicelli.

What If Someone Who's Been Eating Regularly But Still Relapse Sore The Ulcer?.
there are two kinds of disturbances (dyspepsia) ulcer, namely functional and organic. functional dyspepsia is a disorder of gastric function due to irregular eating patterns, a lot of consuming fatty foods, drink plenty of coffee, fizzy drinks, drinking a lot and often experience stress, and smoking. on this type of stomach ulcers, gastric condition sufferers actually normal. but the abnormal eating patterns and undisciplined makes stomach acid volatile giving rise to indigestion. in such a case, like it or not like, want or don't want, the sufferer should eat into an orderly pattern set.

Then What Is It Organic Dyspepsia?.
this type is caused by wounds in the stomach and duodenum, among others due to infection with helicobacter pylori germ, if the state of the patients is already severe, bleeding can occur in bowel suffers not to relapse then should avoid the consumption of foods that can increase stomach acid.

But What If Often A Pain In The Abdomen, But Provide Different, Whether It Affected Ulcer?.
not all pain in abdomen is it heartburn, the position of the organ in which often leaves us confused. if the location the solar plexus, it could be that inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum ulcer, it could be that pancreas cancer, hepatitis, pneumonia or a heart attack.

if there is pain in the right upper part of the stomach, then there is possibility of sufferer inflammatory content of bile, hepatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, and pneumonia.

in stomach pain upper left, might be affected by the pain of the spleen, viral infections, and ulcers. if pain around the belly button, there is a possibility of developing bowel blockage, aneurysm aortic, inflammation of the pancreas, and early symptoms of appendicitis. if pain in stomach the middle of the left or right, may be affected by kidney stones, inflammation of the large intestine, or colon cancer, infection of urinary deposits, ovarian cysts, tumors of the colon, or Mal-absorption syndrome.

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What is A Mal-absorption Syndrome?.
symptoms of Mal-absorption syndrome are belly often fells full, bloating, nausea. and it happened due to the unbalanced diet. the process of absorption and digestion of food disturb due to the amount of the enzyme to break down the food is not enough and some food that cannot be digested will be discarded.

if a person is affected by this syndrome, the body slowly experiencing chronic malnutrition, although it has been packed in accordance with the rules. and sufferers of the virus body is usually susceptible to malabsorption syndrome sufferers is to aid digestion absorbs food substances that your body needs.

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Traits Of A Person Exposed To A Mal-absorption Syndrome.
traits of a person exposed to a Mal-absorption syndrome or syndrome indigestion among others : he often experience symptoms similar to the disease, ulcer sufferers are often burping and frequent wind or farting, easily affected by diarrhea, and stomach frequently reads like the sound of people starving, and other causes could be due to genetic factors, can result in lifestyle that made the work of the pancreas - producer of enzymes is not optimal.

to address the problem of shortage of this enzyme, the sufferer should reduce the fatty foods such as cheese, chocolate, and sufferers have a lot to consume fruits and vegetables as a warehouse producing enzymes.

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