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Diet Tips The Raw Food Method To Success Make Your Body Slim And Healthy

diet tips the raw food

Diet tips this time will share how to use the method of diet with Raw Food Diet success make your body slim and get healthy, but before starting a raw food diet methods, to understand the concept, used to the fact, if running it, not healthy and slim down you get, it can harm your body.

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raw food diet right now is the more popular in various countries, even now there is already a community, with some special restaurant provides a menu of raw food. the increasingly popular after diet Hollywood celebrities who undergo this diet. starting from Uma Thurman, Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, Cher, Lisa Bonet, Sting, and Jason Mraz. in addition to lowering the weight of the body, this raw food diet can ward off disease such as cancer, degenerate and prevent premature aging.

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The Living Enzymes.
raw food diet were derived from the theory of a biochemists Artturi Virtanen, Finland's origin. he found, when he chews the food not cooked, enzymes in foods will be let loose in the mouth. like a key in the hole door, the enzyme will complement each other with an enzyme in the production of the human body to digest food.

that is, the raw food diet "don't allow" cultivate food with warming above 46 degrees Celsius, for food warming above 46 degrees Celsius will eliminate food enzyme, even in some degree, cooked food can harm the body. it's describe by Arthur D.Baker, MA,MHE.

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Arthur Baker said, through excessive heat, it the will be created by a variety of foreign compounds in food that can not be digested by the body perfectly. modern food processing not only wipe out the anticancer agents, but also forms a chemical substance that could potentially cause cancer. 

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Choose Organic Products.
if you got interested to follow this lifestyle, there are three groups that you can select, Raw Veganism Group i.e.  groups i.e. groups who only eat vegetables, fruits and nuts. there is also a group of Raw Vegetarianism i.e. groups who consume milk and raw egg, and the last group is a group of raw animal food diets, namely diet group that meat and other animal derived products into their diet.

however, due to controversy over the harmful bacteria on raw meat and eggs, the number of adherents of raw veganism or commonly called raw foodist is far more than the two other diet groups.

Raw veganism or raw foodist must meet the needs of different types of food multivitamin, e.g. vitamin B12 in almonds. then what about the risk of ingesting the pesticides stuck to the vegetable, fruit, and nuts raw? "could be reduce by up to 70 percent of organic apple vinegar by wearing, last moment was vegetables, fruits and nuts. and should we use vegetable, fruit and nut organic products, even though it costs more expensive, but you should know that it is a long term investment.

Doing The Initial Tests.
the key to success is running the raw food diet is a strong determination, understanding, and an exploration of different kinds of food. and before doing this diet, specify first the goal, if we only want to lose weight instantly or to live more healthy? raw food diet is not true may be temped at the sight of cheese, cake and stop raw food diet because she is considered strange by his friends due to raw food diet.

before commitment really run it, then do the initial test against yourself, i.e. by way of trying in a week, 3 or 4 days eating only salads, avoid gluten bread and food from all day, if you can last up to several months, meaning that you are ready to be a raw foodist. we recommended that, before you start raw food diet is advised to consult with a health professional who understand the medical history of your body and the concept of this diet.
5 Tips To Enjoy Raw Vegetables.
1. Change The Mindset.
if you associate the vegetable with a bad taste on the tongue, regardless of how that is done, you still will not be able to enjoy it, then change that view and feel the difference.

2. Try Aloe Sensitivity Trainer.
over the years, flavor enhancer, artificial sweeteners, artificial food substances and others, unwittingly have blunted the sense of taste on the tongue, that's why we have to reduce the food with contains such material from daily diet. thus the raw vegetable and fruit flavor will be more acceptable to your tongue.

3.Start By Slowly.
no need to change his diet drastically, place vegetables, fruit and raw nuts in your daily menu, for example, with sprinkled on the food you eat, try enjoy mayonnaise salad with dressing, if you get used with it, switch to raw dressing or no dressing at all.

4. Decorate The Dishes With A Menu Of The Rainbow.
like a rainbow, a rainbow of vegetables have such colorful, and each color represents owned vegetable vitamin, mineral, and taste vary. input the vegetables and fruits you've never try it into your dishes. shape into a rainbow-like or interesting shapes and beautiful spirit so you will enjoy it.

5. Process Vegetables And Fruit Into Juice, Or Sauce.
be creative! if at first you are still hard to chew raw vegetables in the original form, change the course into a juice or into the sauce.

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