What Is Intussusception And Intussusception Symptoms - Medical Info -->

What Is Intussusception And Intussusception Symptoms

What Is Intussusception And Intussusception Symptoms

What is a intussusception?. Intussusception is a flap to the inside portion of the intestine it self so that the flow of food through the intestines become clogged. disease intussusception this sound awkward and confusing, but the disease is easy to understand.

Picture Of What Is Intussusception And Intussusception Symptoms

in addition to the occurrence of fold in the intestine, blood vessel become creased at the intestine folded into, this is the primary cause of pain is felt in the circumstances of developing intussusception. the blockage can be through or only partially, but in any case, when the intussusception this happened to a baby or child, of course must soon get serious handling of the doctor.

a baby or child between the ages of three to twelve months tend to suffer from intussusception can arise at any age of the child, but is rare in children after a two-year old son.

Intussusception Symptoms.

in children or a baby, intussusception has very specific symptoms and it all happened suddenly, as like :
  • a baby or child is experiencing bouts of stomach pain is great so the baby or child will pull of limb upwards, and the child will scream out in pain.
  • the skin and the face of a baby or child will look pale because of the effect of wrinkled blood vessels in children.
  • in a few minutes maybe ill be gone, pale and in skin will be lost, as well as a baby or child will look normal again, and it's just a few minutes, after that, the child will come back showed symptoms that he was stricken with the disease intussistolic.
  • children or babies have an increased body temperature,
  • in some infants or children or infants will experience body weakness, he will look tired and ill so require immediate treatment from a doctor.

Treat Intussusception.

intestine folds into this need to be fixed and treated, with surgery, necessitating the child performed in patient at the hospital. a bowel telescopes can easily return it to its normal position, if this situation continues and look worse, then the pieces of the intestine may die because of lack of blood supply matching, and the colon needs to be discarded.

then the diagnosis from the start of the main causes of abdominal pain in infants or children is indispensable, it is better to make the alleged wrong rater than put off because you're not sure. ask the doctor make a diagnosis quickly rather than putting it off.

Then If Intussusception can Return After Surgery And Cutting Intestine?.

there is a possibility of a relapse, but this state of intussusception which return a relapse is very rare, only a few babies or children who are disadvantaged who suffer relapse or intussusception continuing intussusception.
Then What Is The After Effect From Surgery?.

There is no special after effect from surgery, but the baby or children need to stay in hospital for a few days to ensure that the food has been provided with satisfactory, the stitched on his belly will be removed after seven to ten days. after the baby or your child return to home, he only need a general treatment, given sufficient affection.

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