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How To Treat Coronary Artery Disease Without Surgery

How To Treat Coronary Artery Disease Without Surgery

Many people suffer from coronary artery disease, and the disease can be treated with the method of Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), This method is a method of treatment without surgery, with methods of Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in actions very quickly, and does not need to need the long time to stay in hospital care and the patient can immediately return home and do activities as usual.

Picture Of How To Treat Coronary Artery Disease Without Surgery

coronary artery disease is one of the major killer diseases in the world, the number of sufferers of coronary heart continues to grow every years, coronary heart disease is the result of blockage or narrowing of the arteries ( The blood vessels leading to the heart).

the onset of coronary artery disease from fatty build up on the walls of the arteries in the heart, gradually followed by various processes such as stockpiling and connective tissue erosion, circumstances that would narrow the arteries of the heart.

when narrowing occurs at the left main (arterial blood vessels that rises in the main duct of left heart), the impact is more severe than the constriction occurs in other areas in heart, since almost two-thirds part of the heart will not get enough oxygen and nutrients due to obstructed the blood flow to the heart.

the shortage of oxygen supply would give rise to complaints of pain in the chest while performing the activity, when the activity is stopped or during rest, the pain will be gone. the blockage should be immediately addressed. when continuously left then it will cause damage to the heart muscle that can cause sudden death.

How To Treat Coronary Artery Disease Without Surgery?.

ancient coronary heart should be handling by means of bypass surgery. this surgery makes the new channels, so that the flow of blood to the heart become smooth again, the new channel could be taken from existing blood vessels in the chest, arm or leg, while a channel that is already clogged will be allowed to die.

now along with the technological advances in medicine, there are new ways to tackle the disease, the new method is Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), which dilates the blood vessels of method previously cramped with how to install ring salute medication drug. or salute balloons PCI is performed without dissecting the heart. small flexible hoses which ends in pairs in the ring placed through vessel of the arteries in your arms or legs towards the heart, assisted with the imagine on the monitor, the doctor catheter tip exert toward blocked arteries in the heart, the ring is then mounted in the area are clogged.

the advantages of the method of Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention is, patients don't need to be dissected or on the pusher, as this method without surgery, post-surgery treatment in hospital is very short so the cost became cheaper. when completed the ring mounted to dilate blood vessels, patients are allowed to go home and can run the activity on the next day, the risks of the method of Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention is small around 0,5 percent.

PCI faster actions compared with the actions of bypass surgery. in General, PCI is performed about 30 minutes to installation the one ring, but sometimes can be around 3-4, because it depends on the difficulty level.

Although it has many advantages, not all patients can be treated with this method, how PCI not be performed on patients with constriction vascular conditions, constriction is said to be heavy if in that area has been going great so erosion almost resulted in a total impasse. PCI also should not be done if the narrowing is apparently more than three places, then the patient can not be treated with this method of treatment because of the cost, PCI will be great, the appropriate action for that case with surgery bypass.

that is why before the actions of the patient should perform a series of tests in advance to find out the degree of severity over the blockage, in addition there is also a series of standard tests to find out the history of other diseases, such as weather the patient has a history of diabetes, history of kidney disease or weather the patient had a history of hepatitis diseases. if the patient has a history of the disease, then treatment with PCI method could have been done, but required special handling.

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