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2 Solutions For Children Be Smart And Healthy And Strong

In the article about Healthy Tips will discuss how to make your children grow up healthy, smart and strong, it may seem trivial, but it's very important for you as a parent.

tips solution for children be smart and healthy
healthy tips

you naturally want the best for your children, the intake of a healthy and balanced food is ensured can support optimal growth, but often difficult children receive such important things so that it gave rise to various problems in the growth of the child, then what is the solution?

to get a healthy, strong, smart and necessary nutrients, either makronutrient (carbohydrate, fats, and proteins) or mikronutrient (vitamins and minerals). the nutrients responsible for physical growth and sexual maturity as well as required to meet the needs of the energy required.

Baca Juga

each child's nutritional needs differ, depending on the age, height, and weight, as well as activities, for example, in children ages one to five years should get balanced food composition containing 50-60 percent carbohydrates, 15-20 percent protein, 30 percent fat, vitamins and minerals.

Healthy Eating Patterns
children need the intake of balanced diet with a varied food menu, nutrition and child nutrition expert, Dr. Soeklola, give an example consisting of cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and animal protein such as fish, chicken, or meat that is given in the number of quite as much as 3 time in a day.

Doctor. Lola also suggest mothers to provide healthy meals and snack provided varied between meal times, such as fresh fruit, fruit juice , or pudding.

however, in establishing the proper child nutrition often face problems, such as lack of appetite, concentration difficult, and often pain. usually the children are often less appetite because less food menu varies every day, it can also be caused townhouses of bland foods to solid food, the lack of micro-nutrients (vitamin B1 and Ly-sine) and the condition of the body that are less healthy

if the child is not the child's appetite, are also not able to concentrate is optimal, he will experience fatigue, even stress; eye health be compromised; and disorders of the brain health, children also tend to get sick more often when the weather conditions are less good, was at the peak of exhaustion, and endurance of the body decreases.

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Should The Granting Of Multivitamins
if the child is experiencing problems like that are written at the top, the consumption of multivitamins indeed needs to be done " parents should anticipate it with a multivitamin supplement drink regularly to meet the balanced nutrition".

contents anything that exist in the multivitamin that is needed by a child? for example, namely Ly-sine Micro-nutrients needed to balance food intake into the body, it is also good for the absorption of calcium, muscle formation, wound healing, the production of hormones, enzymes, antibody, and L-carnitin. this is suitable when your child less appetite.

in addition, children in need of essential amino acid taurine which is located in part of brain, in lack of concentration, the function helps in shaping and regeneration of brain tissue, as well as the development and health of the tissues of the eye. then for the durability of the body, children also need vitamin C.

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by understanding the needs of the child, a healthy and balanced diet , as well as the granting of multivitamins and minerals are true, then the parents can optimize your food intake so as to support the growth and development of the child. 

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