Fever Seizure - How To Treat Fever Seizure And How Prevent Seizure - Medical Info -->

Fever Seizure - How To Treat Fever Seizure And How Prevent Seizure

A seizure is a seizure that occurs due to an increase in body temperature quickly, the face of the child will be blue, her eyes going rounds and limbs will vibrate, could also occur a great vibrate on the body.

fever seizure and how to treat fever seizure
fever seizure

children under the age of one years, until the beginning of the age groups of two to five years, it is very likely to suffer spasms a fever, his occurs because at this age a child's brain is very vulnerable to an increase in body temperature suddenly, around ten percent of the children experience at least one spasm like this during the early years.

at the age of five, most of the children have been able to overcome vulnerability to seizures fever, children who suffered the spasms a fever does not mean it will suffer from epilepsy later in life, reality most of the children who suffer one time seizure fever will never suffer a seizure again.

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any infection, does the throat, ears, chest, or urinary tract may cause spasms a fever if the body temperature is rising too high and too fast.

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How To Treat Fever Seizure?
this situation is very stressful for all mothers, but don't panic, you need to keep your mind remain lucid, during which time the progressive spasms-usually very short-don't try to curb your child's movement , but take away the sharp objects of any kind. get rid of various toys from near the affected child is cruel.

to avoid possible injuries while the seizures take place, avoid furnishings from around the body, don't try put anything in the mouth of your children, after the movement of the worst spasm passed, rotated the body of the child carefully in order to lay down on the side of his body, it will guarantee your child's breathing is not clogged.

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immediately after the seizure stops, so give a care with lovingly and made it feel comfortable, because although he wasn't aware of what has happened to himself some time ago, usually a child will feel confused and scared as soon as you dealt, measure and note your child's body temperature.

create be loose wear used by your child. go to the window and open window, give your child a cool drink, if not very high fever and your child suffer and feel uncomfortable due to this, the contents of the little tub with cold water, let your child standing in the bathtub, and over the water in the bathtub into the body of your child.

after the child feel more comfortable, immediately contact your physician and let your know how your child's body temperature, from here you will know whether it is worth giving to tablet spasms a fever or, if your child's body temperature has returned to normal, preparing will likely the presence of other causes.

while you are waiting for the doctor, your child must being cool, then give cumin, panadol, or junior aspirin appropriate dose recommended in the packaging, and this would help lower the temperature of the body of a child.

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Prevent Fever Seizure in Children
after witnessing a seizure fever that occurred in your child's, the mother will aware of circumstances that many give rise to a scary incident, so that if similar circumstances arise : high body temperature that accompanies the infection in one part of the body, action cool as suggested in up, you can doe to reduce the likelihood of onset of back spasms a fever.

you don't need take drastic measures to cool your child in the bath if your child only suffered a  mild fever, because the brains of young children still too rudimentary to cope with high temperatures on his own body, this causes the onset of seizures or may be a lot of delirious at the time he had a fever.

you have to remember! that despite spasms a fever is a frightening incident for the view, if you do not panic and do the actions mentioned above, then you child will not experience the dangers of long term.

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