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Fever And How To Check Temperature And How To Treat Of Fever In Child

What Is A Fever?
fever or increased body temperature is a symptoms of body resistance to infection, the normal temperature body really consistent on average 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius)

what is fever and how p check temperature and how to treat of fever
how to treat fever in child

How To Check A Child's Temperature
body temperature can be checked with the clinical thermometer is in fact a ball of mercury associated with narrow channels in a glass box with the mark degree temperature, as the water heated, mercury the mercury climbs on this channel and the temperature of the body is number on the place of the stopping of the mercury.

do not place the clinical thermometer in the mouth the children because children can be beat so that het mouth was full of glass, insert the thermometer under the armpit or folds into the folds of the thighs. leave a child in this position for at lack of a minute, then read the temperature. ( you have to wiggle the thermometer so that the mercury dropped into his ball before measuring the temperature the body of anyone).

remember also to wash the thermometer in cold water before using it. do not use hot water to wash the thermometer because it can crack the ball containing mercury was.

Baca Juga

there are also lanes-fever (fever-strips) which can be purchased, child saw body temperature readings when placed on the forehead of a child. lanes-fever is more easily used by a very small child her age rather than use clinical thermometers and much more exciting for him.

to get the actual readings, temperatures of the agency should not be measured after exertion or after a child is not usually drink something hot-this activity can increase  temperature of the body there by providing false test results, no need to check the temperature of the body of the child in the period of time during the illness, you will be able to assess the real temperature in the body of your child by touching her skin.

The Infection Could Raise The Temperature Of The Body Of The Child

1. Upper Respiratory Track Infections
upper respiratory track infections are the most common in this age group-include er infections, because this infection commonly accompanies the infection, respiratory track in children who are not able to tell the source of the illness to you, then the increase in the temperature of he body is often the only sign of ear infection. body temperature can rise at speeds that make uneasy in children of this age group.

they can play around with the happy and, 30 minutes later, sick with a temperature of the body has peaked, thankfully with proper treatment temperature of the body of the child will go down as son as possible as fast possible.

2. Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary track infection is a state of another can cause mild fever being one of the more obvious symptoms, especially in girls. mild temperatures increase body along with complaints of "stomach pain" and due to her can be a sign of urinary track infection. doctors need to check your child's urine sample to make a proper diagnosis.

3. Fever Time Kids
may have one of these diseases may showed him with an increase in the temperature of the body, but after twenty-four hour or more, will be clear of the classic signs of specific infections.

Other Reasons For The Increase In The Temperature Of The Body
do not consider trivial effects of excessive heat on child, the climate is hot, especially the exceptional high temperature for children, it can cause the sting of heat (heat-stroke) except do care to keep the body cool.

in such circumstances, if the temperature of the body has been high, the lack of fluids can exacerbate this problem and cause an increase in the temperature of the body further, then you need to get water and juice drinks.

to a number of other causes of fever rarely attacked children and require the help of a doctor -the first for a proper diagnosis, then to the right treatment advice, so if you child is suffering from a fever that does not subside within two days, you should contact your doctor without delay any longer.

Fever Side effects That May Occur.
in this age group, and also in children under the age of two years, the high fever can cause what is known as the spasms a fever. this is an immature brain reaction against a sudden increase in body temperature-in adult people, the reaction in the form of delirium (delirious). after the age of five, rarely arise spasms a fever.

you should call the doctor if your child's fever seizure sufferer (for the first treatment you have to give up until the arrival of medical aid.

fever is the body's reaction to infection or any number of reasons beyond the excessive heat, fevers in small children should not be ignored, especially if fever was settled.

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