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4 Medical Technology Who Saved Human

4 Medical Technology Who Saved Human
Over the last twenty years ago lost of amazing breakthroughs made in the field of medicine, thanks to cutting-edge medicine, various disease that destroy millions of people can now be cured quickly and safely.

medical technology
medical technology

surgical techniques already forward such as organ transplant techniques to successfully cure other ailments, while medical science is progressing steadily, and the doctors know much of the workings of the human body and slowly more and more longer disease and symptoms of the disease that is completely curable.

the treatment is dependent on two things ; the diagnosis of the disease the patient appropriately, and secondly, the treatment of the disease exactly anyway, now it's the doctors already have the tools are very sophisticated to examine the inside of the body, thus, doctors are assisted to find the disease in time to find the disease early so that treatment time is still likely ti succeed.

just as in many areas of modern technology, the computer begins to noticeably impact is widespread in the practice of medicine, the results of a photo shoot with X rays and radiation by using disguises techniques as well as the high frequency sound waves can be analyzed by computer, thus obtained portraits from the body part being examined in much more detail. 

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in surgical computer monitor important information such as the patient's heart rate, body temperature and the rate of his breath, now surgeons can run micro surgery, " a sniper using a "scalpel "laser" brazing for microscopic blood vessels. the patient is fitted with the electronic device which regulated the heartbeat or with other devices that incorporate drugs into the bloodstream over a period of time the number of drugs that can be arranged according to your needs. 

almost every branch of medicine utilizing a computer. the practice of the family doctor ever even been entered by him. micro computer can store more information about diseases and symptoms than can be remembered by the doctor.

thus, doctors assisted in making the diagnosis, the computer will never be able to replace doctors, but the computer can save you valuable time and be great tool to fight the disease. 

Laser Surgery Technology

laser surgery
laser technology

the laser is a beam of X-rays that are powerful as small as a pencil, a laser beam differs from a flashlight beam because the laser beam is only composed of wavelengths only, it means is that the laser light does not spread out so it doesn't lose energy and can be compiled directly into a very narrow place.

in this way the "blade" laser can burn diseased tissues without damaging the healthy tissue that is located nearby, and because of the completeness of the laser is not the least bit touching the body of the patient, the laser is completely clean of germs, the laser has become raw supplies for ear surgery eye surgery and a variety of other complicated surgery.

Please Read Also About What Is X-Ray And Who Is Inventor Of X-Rays

first the doctor had only X-rays to see the inside of the body, but lately developed a number of new scanning techniques, a new way to detect the number of X-rays are absorbed by body tissue.

computer analyze that data to form a cross-section of latitude throughout the body, the same image can be obtained using ultra sound, i.e the sound waves are very high tone, the sound was reflected in the varying density of the body network and the picture can be seen a doctor at props video color.

Heart Pacemakers
symptoms of heart disease which is common is the state of the ability of the heart beat with normal speed, cardiac pacemakers are implanted inside the patient's chest can provide electricity the rate's regularly to stimulate his heart.

therefore, patients can live normally, trigger current heart emits data about the achievements of the heart. thus the doctor can check the progress of the patient without the use of expensive tests.

cardiac pacemakers are run by a small battery that can be turned on for approximately eight years, once the battery runs out, and when it's time to replace the battery with a new battery it.

doctors today have thousands of sorts of medicines to cure diseases, nothing destroy disease-causing organisms; there is that eliminates the symptoms of diseases such as diabetes.  

diabetics cannot produce important hormone known as insulin, insulin is a hormone which regulates the height of low sugar levels in the blood, therefore insulin must be injection into the patient's body so the patient's can live normally, experiment in the laboratory of the European Space put in orbit by the space shuttle plane showed signs of the possibility that the spacecraft would constitute a good environment to make new medicines 

absence due to the Earth's pull style means that much more make the easy to elaborate on existing drug, such as insulin, naturally, a new kind of this engineering pioneered the way for drugs that are more potent in the future.

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