Hypertension And 5 Factor Cause Of High Blood Pressure
Hypertension And Factor Cause Of High Blood Pressure
Do you know what factors cause high blood or cause hypertension? other cause factor hypertension or high blood pressure is like obesity, constipation, cigarettes, alcohol and emotional factors.
Do you know what factors cause high blood or cause hypertension? other cause factor hypertension or high blood pressure is like obesity, constipation, cigarettes, alcohol and emotional factors.
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just as a salt, obesity is a very important factor, because the amount of salt you consume is equal to the whole number of the foods you eat every day. the desire t eat is biggest mistake you for sufferers of hypertension.
if excess weight increases, then your blood pressure increases, the more success you lose excessive weight can also reduce blood pressure to a normal level.
but the success of it defends on how you do it, just by letting you hunger is usually not the right answers because you cannot continue it and will go back to the old eating patterns so that your weight will again as before, or even more than before.
but the success of it defends on how you do it, just by letting you hunger is usually not the right answers because you cannot continue it and will go back to the old eating patterns so that your weight will again as before, or even more than before.
you need to change your eating habits and began a program of physical exercise. physical exercise, the right type of selected as long as the planned appropriately, will make the body more fit and tone to help lower your blood pressure.
Factor Of Constipation Causes High Blood Pressure
concerning the issue of good advice, there diet that you should take not : don't allow yourself to experience constipation, caused tension because of force to remove the dirt that hardens due to constipation quickly raise blood pressure high, sometimes to the level of harm.
if you have high blood pressure, it can also cause a considerable strain on the arteries in the heart or brain causing heart attack or stroke, is not something which happens to be when many people died when trying to defecate.
as the story. King George III died the same way i.e. due to constipation, therefore, try to let your new diet consists of lots of fibrous foods, high-fiber diet that is both highly recommended.
Factor Of Smoking And Alcohol Cause High Blood Pressure
consideration concerning eating habits will not be perfect without any mention of smoking and alcohol, though it rarely affects the nutritional ingredients considered by those who like to smoke and drink alcohol. smoking increases blood pressure only for a while, the improvement did not last long, and cigarettes cannot be blames as the cause of high blood pressure in people with hypertension.
but smoking has some influence directly harm the heart, when the blood vessels in the heart is already tense because of high blood pressure, then smoking can cause disaster to the life of the sufferer of high blood pressure. therefore, hypertension and smoking only a few stems in a day should avoid smoking and consuming alcohol.
in contrast, alcohol in sufficient measure, does not seem to worsen the influence of hypertension, of course depends on how you define "just enough" it. enough if it say here that most people who drink because the social demands, and argue they have no problems with alcohol, may feel the given definition of doctor on "measure enough" was too conservative to his hobby.
drinking alcohol is more than just a pretty really can raise blood pressure and speed up the influence of the disease. if you have high blood pressure, you need to review your habit for drinking alcohol and you have to be true to your self, if you stop consume alcohol then you can do with full certainty that high blood pressure you will descend and remain at the lower level as long as you keep trying to quit alcohol.
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drinking alcohol is more than just a pretty really can raise blood pressure and speed up the influence of the disease. if you have high blood pressure, you need to review your habit for drinking alcohol and you have to be true to your self, if you stop consume alcohol then you can do with full certainty that high blood pressure you will descend and remain at the lower level as long as you keep trying to quit alcohol.
Emotional Factors Cause High Blood Pressure
although it can be said that emotional stress making the rising blood pressure for a brief period, these reactions disappear back along with the disappearance of the causes of such stress, although you feel not happy at work, or experience excessive anxiety, there is no evidence that this is so only cause high blood pressure.
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if stress is a cause of permanent, and it appears there is no way to resolve it, then you will experience hypertension on an ongoing basis, so that stress becomes a risk. if this is concerning on yourself, then you have to learn to cope with stress quickly.
repressed anger may be the more destructive emotions in relation to your blood pressure as compared to anxiety or depression, repressed anger can actually increase blood pressure because there is a release of adrenaline of adrenal gland by the constantly stimulated however, self awareness, relaxation and meditation can be very beneficial for you in the face of stress.
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