Nocturnal Enuresis And How To Cope Nocturnal Enuresis In Child - Medical Info -->

Nocturnal Enuresis And How To Cope Nocturnal Enuresis In Child

Nocturnal enuresis, most mother feel how difficult it cope with nocturnal enuresis in children, bladder control is studied during the first year on child's life and the lives of infants, children and infants with a habit of wetting the bed with urine is a reality that is completely normal, only when this custom was continued after a five-year old children up to six years, then needed help to overcome it. 

nocturnal enuresis
nocturnal enuresis in child

it is true there are number of children that are clean and dry at the time of the nigh and during the day, at the time their was two years, but this is more of an exception, not an uncommon.

more kids who can control his bladder during one night in the next couples of years, but although it has reached school age, one in every ten children still bed wetting every night, this number soon declined in the past few years, even though without treatment. 

until the age of fifteen years only a handful of children who are still nocturnal enuresis in bed - but there are still some, so don't be too not realistic about when your child will control the bladder. nocturnal enuresis is often seen as the nature family - now a few adult family members suffer from similar problems. 

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Helping Children Who Are Above The Five-year Period To Be To Control The Bladder
remember, you child wants to stop nocturnal enuresis - it's just that child is not aware of the signal transmitted by the bladder into the brain of the child at the time of the child bed, here are some ways to help :

1. "List of Star" that simple can help, stick the star on the calendar for each night when your child not nocturnal enuresis in night day, and leave blank number in the calendar when your child doing nocturnal enuresis a night, thus, the night that your child is not pressurized nocturnal enuresis and pushed for better to control the bladder.

2. even many doctors did not consider your child, "lifting" the child at the time her parents will sleep will help, if the child is actually aware at the time felt like urination, and this effort can help.

restrictions on the granting of a liquid not a good, clear thinking, three glasses of milk or drink three of fruit juice shortly before going to bed will encourage bed wetting. but restrictions on the giving of liquid during the later part of the day can be called an atrocity, an effort also had little effect on the influence of children's nocturnal enuresis.

3. "Buzzer" alarm or a special designed, which is placed in the bed of child, often proved successful for children over the age of seven. before this age, the noise of the bells can make children become afraid, this tool consists of two special silver slab of paper placed above cotton or cotton and polyster. linen (bed linen made from nylon material is not suitable(, as well as it is connected alarm which is controlled by the battery.

when the child begins to nocturnal enuresis, then this series to be complete and an alarm will sound button to turn off the special bell should be placed far enough away from the child bed, and it forced the child to get out of bed and turn off the bell that, then the child can go to the bathroom to finish emptying the bladder. 

4. available drugs 'lighten" your child's sleep, but this might to be dangerous because these drugs have a taste like candy, overdosing can cause fatal and tragic consequences. it also had the effect of short children's nocturnal enuresis, back on the bed as soon as the drug is stopped, therefore, such medication is not recommended.

5. finally, make sure that your child doesn't worry against a things snapping in all schools, ruckus in house, or special events. such worries may cause the child to lose control of your bladder, especially if it the kid new feel it.

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