4 Tips For Overcoming The Trauma Of Post Accident
Trauma Due To Accidents
the accident seems so problem that there is no stopping, after sorrow and grief and pain, there is still a shadow of anxiety and trauma which continue to pursue. it takes great support to able to rise from the traumatised.
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What Is Trauma
Trauma is a common in someone who had an accident, especially is an accident nearly claimed his life. a life threatening accident or cause someone nearly lost their lives or are injured will greatly affect the person's condition after the crash.
in fact, the effect on the person;s condition until well after the accident, medical science inhabitants refer to it as disruptions in post traumatic stress.
Why Are Women More Vulnerable Will Be Trauma To
it cannot be denied that the accident that severe or life threatening someone can indeed affect a person's psychological condition, severe accidents that threaten the life of a person at least could provide the impact of acute stress disorder usually occurs more than one month.
although it's common experienced by many people, the stress disorder or post traumatic is more prone to occur in women with personality traits,c certain. the women in question is a women who has the personality of a threshold, and stress factors before any accident could affect.
several other factors for example due to lack of support from family in the face of such events, small or early trauma in the kids and consuming alcohol weight often become the harbinger of easy stress disorder people experience this.
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Early Symptoms Of The Trauma That Is Often Overlooked
stress disorder after accidents or trouble post trauma stress can take years, however, not much was able to recognize the symptoms, especially at the beginning of the event.
family and the officer may focus more on the physical condition of the injured due to the accident, but did not forget or think of the mental wounds, maybe very often occur in these conditions.
symptoms of acute stress disorder and post traumatic stress disorder physically was difficult to sleep, become more sensitive, irritable, difficult concentration, other symptoms are the most easily recognized is his attitude that always avoid conditions, place or something that relate to traumatic events.
They Also Are In The Situation Again Because It Always Connects His Thoughts With The Traumatic Event.
existence of trauma cause someone often have scary dreams associated with that event, so this person will experience an uncomfortable stress condition that is triggered by the presence of something either internal or related external with these traumatic events, or something if the significance is similar to or identical with the traumatic events that.
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psychiatric disorders result in disturbance of thoughts, feelings and behaviour of someone thus, psychiatric disorders can interfere with the function of personal and social functions of a person, then it is, handling people who experience acute stress disorder stress disorder and post-war trauma requires good attention.
first, it can be done by ignoring the presence of symptoms of the disorder and immediately asked for the help of experts if a problem occurs, in addition to the physical condition, also note whether there are symptoms such as night mares, thought that always remember the place the condition of the wreck, sleeplessness and difficult concentration.
then consider whether the physical treatment of post had finished, there are symptoms associated with thoughts that continue to in occupation with the event.
related to the handling of acute stress disorder and post traumatic stress disorder, doctor will generally prescribe types of antidepressants SSRIS such as Sertraline (Zoloft), sleeping pills that usually promotes sleep and help sleep more soundly can also be given to patients, the drug is mostly derived from the benzodiazepine such as estazolam.
in addition, the nature of individual psychotherapy can also be done to reconstruct back confidence and reduce a sense of regret that can occurs when a patients had an accident that results in the lives of other people missing.
4 Tips For Overcoming The Trauma Of Post Accident
1. fix the physical condition, good health will affect the emotional mental condition
2. aware of the event, an accident has happen and nothing can be done to assume it doesn't exist.
3. immediately recognize symptoms of traumatic stress due to the accident.
4. immediately ask for help on the experts, if needed
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