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Do To The Lack Of Drinking Water, Causes And Signs Of Dehydration

Due To The Lack Of Drinking Water, Causes And Signs Of Dehydration

Not drinking enough water in the long run can lead to the occurrence of the made high blood pressure, blood circulation becomes worse, digestion so disturbed, damaged kidney function, increasing risk for the formation of kidney stones and also the risk to experience urinary tract infections.

Due To The Lack Of Drinking Water, Causes And Signs Of Dehydration Image

water is one of the essential needs for living beings. without water and human beings can only survive for 9-10 days, whereas without food humans can survive for 45-65 days.

Even so, often we assume this water intake is trivial, the composition of an adult human is around 69-70% consists of water, while in the baby almost 80% of his body is composed of water, and on the fetus even more than 90% of his body consists of water.

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water is needed by all parts of the human body to perform its activities. the benefits of water for the human body among others are:

7 The Benefits Of Water To Human Body

  1. water as material forming cells
  2. water as a carrier material
  3. water as temperature regulator
  4. water as a solvent
  5. water as a reactant
  6. water as a lubricant
  7. water as absorbed

the amount of water that is needed by the body is highly variable, depending on the type of food consumed, the temperature and humidity of the environment, the level of activity of the body, gender and age and condition of the body.

the body requires approximately 2-2,5 liters of water per day. the amount of water it needs includes intake from drinking water and food.

the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of intake water, one of them is through the thirst. thirst is the natural mechanism in maintaining water intake in the body and is a clue that the body is experiencing dehydration (loss of body fluids) and the body was giving signals because the fluid deficit. 

It is very important for us to always drink water before you feel thirsty so that the fluid balance of the body stay awake. then it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water or 8 glasses a day to replenish the fluids and maintaining health.

The Easy Way To Find Out The Signs Of Dehydration

an easy way to find out the status of hydration (balance of body fluids) is by checking the color of the urine pale yellow colored issued and does not smell, then it shows that the body need water intake more so as not to experience dehydration.

Causes Of Dehydration

dehydration occurs due to the body loses more water compared to food consumption. but dehydration can also be related to levels of mineral salts (especially natriun and potassium) in the body. 

dehydration can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, drug use that results in lots of piss, sweat profusely because of the hot weather. and others.

6 Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration

  1. the thirst
  2. the urine slightly colored and thick
  3. the amount of sweat that is slightly
  4. a dry mouth
  5. limp body
  6. the skin is less elastic.

Due To Dehydration

dehydration can also cause a decline in the fall in blood pressure so it appears dizziness when standing up. If dehydration is the higher or dehydration gets worse could trigger a decrease in consciousness to brain damage, because the brain is the organ that is most sensitive to water shortage.

not drinking enough water in the long run can cause the onset of high blood pressure, bad on blood circulation, disturbed digestion, kidney function is damaged, increasing the risk to experience urinary tract infections.

It is therefore very important to drink enough water every day. because by drinking enough water on a regular basis can prevent the onset of dehydration so the body's health will be better and also improve your physical and mental abilities.

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