10 Ways To Keep Your Colon Health To Avoid Hemorrhoids Disease - Medical Info -->

10 Ways To Keep Your Colon Health To Avoid Hemorrhoids Disease

How To Keep Your Intestinal Health And Healthy Colon
How do we keep the bowel and we are colon always healthy? if only we can rest, escape to the pleasure of the mind that is cool and calm as well as learn to welcome life as advent.

with no need to go back and forth on the highway the road, urging us to be in the middle of crowd, and not to complicate ourselves will have difficulty then, don't feel afraid to come.

all activities that makes our brain is saturated and tired, otherwise it will make the colon we became slack, surely we have become prisoners of the world as happens on most people who suffer from the disease of constipation and if people keep colon health, it will be little bit of pharmacies and drug stores that sell laxatives.

almost 50% of the officers of the company suffering from the diseases that harm the human body it is. such as : constipation, gastric infections, disease of the heart, vessels heading and the disease started from a very sensitive colon, or large intestinal that are static, is one of the most common of these diseases.

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then, as it is known by any doctor, the disease cannot be treated with drugs laxative, the cure is only found in the thoughts that feel calm and feel relaxed.

10 ways to keep your colon health to avoid hemorrhoids disease
avoid hemorrhoid disease

if you want to free up the stomach disease problems, the better you take care of all the anxiety and tension of mind in yourself first.

many patients have complained will colon spasms and often feels very ill, therefore here will share tips or how to make a colon always healthy.

10 Ways To Keep Your Intestinal Health And Healthy Colon
1. Sleep Longer At Night
8-10 bed time hour is the best time to sleep, and slept one hour earlier than the time usually is better, and wake up to do half an hour from the time you usually wake from sleep in the morning to give you enough time to your own to the entire day of activity.

2. Drink 2 Glasses Of Water
drink 2 glasses of water as the first even in the morning before eating, and 6-8 glasses any more liquid ingredients throughout the day.

3. Eat or Sufficient Breakfast
one glass of milk, one egg, beaten rice or bruin brood, a type of nuts and fruit, eat at regular times, don't overlook the meals or don't eat with haste.

4. After Breakfast
after breakfast use little time for bowel movement with equanimity, don't do it in a hurry in this case would probably cause haemorrhoids.

5. Take Enough Time For Your Job
do not force yourself or others, you will be quickly finished off the job would be better, if you do so.

6. Stop Working a Few Minutes At Noon
or begin to work a little more quickly in order to be able to walk calmly to the scene of a bus or train to a place than to hastily finish the work in time to catch a bus a train people on board is full.

7. Take Time To Exercise
body building and muscles on a daily basis, it can be made within a few days, to work in garden or play tennis or golf, on top everything make this exercise a permanent event for you.

8. Don't Eat Your Own Choice of Laxative
don't ever buy a laxative of your own choice, let the doctor determine your type of illness and prescribe a remedy suitable to the disease.

laxative are used with a lot of water that is the kind that is now recommended by many doctors, replace the hard drugs or drugs that rough that can make the stomach such as cascara, phenolphthlein, and others, which can act as whip to your stomach is normal become dependent upon the drugs was.

9. Remember That Life is Yours
make the intestines and colon you're happy and don't let you live with great haste, because it will make you a quick death, and you have any rights to your life.

how much more prudent to have passion for your life that all our lives! remember that you only have these day, and so the time is late than your think.

10. Learning So That Your Life Is Quiet and Peacful
with what is on you in life, high ideals it is good it is, but the ideals can kill you! although those goals to earn a better life, but you do not slam your body too hard to get what you aspire by forgetting your health physically and mentally.

That's 10 ways to keep your intestinal health and healthy colon.

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