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5 Benefits Of Sunlight To The Human Body And Soul Treatment

5 Benefits Of Sunlight To Skin And Body Wellness
When you sit under the heat of the Sun that, you start thinking about all the miraculous events that can be done by the Sun to the human body, the sunlight is inexhaustible source of energy that can be taken by each person just by taking the time create a light absorbing it.

5 benefits of sunlight to the human body and soul treatment
5 benefits of sunlight

maybe you feel too cold if sitting on park benches. but you can sit inside a warm house and let the sunlight entering through the slit, windows and illuminates the face or your feet where you can sunbathe in the house.

Bellow Are Some Of The Advantages, Which Are Done By The Sun To The Human Body.
the heat was felt when the skin is exposed to sunlight that's the kind of heat that is most healthy for our bodies, because it will bring the blood to the skin's surface, the Sun in the summer gives colour to pinkish, even in the winter sunlight can carry colours so through window glass.

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it is true that the presence of window glass have been filtering out Ultraviolet rays that are very useful, but the warmth of sunlight can feel it a little lack because of that window.

it is true there are also many people who don't can sunbathe in various places, especially in the rainy season so most of the Vitamin D we need must be obtained in the form of fish oil, vitamin ingredients, or food ingredients mixed with vitamins, such as vitamin D on milk but keep we need sunlight is beneficial to the health of our body.

the rainy season is a very difficult season most of us rarely go out of the house, never did take off or go off the roads into the mountains during the rainy season arrives.

it certainly is in the rainy season or winter season, we felt not healthy like never before, we are so worried to go out of the house even to go to work, so fast you feel fresh again, let us on move more violently until we feel limp and about to fall because of tiredness.

otherwise shall we take a little time to give next year, is the opportunity to our body to rest, repair and build endurance of the body, in order to again become more fresh. one of the best breaks create do it is immediately after completion of the lunch hour.

although it only had half an hour for lunch, eat your meals in a shaded spot under the Sun. sit quietly just think only and do not move.

feel the warmth of the sunlight it and take the energy from the Sun, and try the lean and ponder how the magic of this world and how good the Lord bestow on the rich and the poor, namely Sunlight, because the rays the Sun is a blessing which is very useful for human life.

soon you will feel your blood flow to the skin surface and one feeling warm and fresh will taste in your entire body, a feeling of quiet will overwhelm you. one feeling magic section will replace the feeling half dead because of tired and will make your foot into it than ever feels the weight of that. all these things you can be if you just take time and let the Sun emits light and hit your body and soul.

5 Benefits Of Sunlight To The Human Body And Soul
1. when the sun's rays hit your body, you will get new energy

2. when the sun's rays hit your body, your meal will get vitamin D intake are produced when UV rays hit oil that is present in the skin of your body.

3. a smooth blood circulation and grow on your skin, especially the blood circulation on the face; in particular this cleans all materials that are not of a very important part of the body as in the liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines.

4. the relaxation make the calm, which helps in the repair of body cells are already damaged.

5. feeling happy that you think it's a very magical, which came when taken at the times to pray, then will feel how beautiful life is.

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