Benefits Of California Prune For Treatment Heart Coronary And Kidney Disease - Medical Info -->

Benefits Of California Prune For Treatment Heart Coronary And Kidney Disease

Benefits Of California Prune For Treatment Heart Coronary And Kidney Disease

California Prune - California prune is included in the family Sclerosis plants from Asia that are already adapted to local climate, so it has high nutritional compared with from his native country. California prune are how to use prune fruit treatment are dried, in juice or in extract.

current California prune fruit this corresponds to the name that is derived from California, because California has a soil that contain certain substances that can produce the California prune has the characteristic as a remedy.

Picture Of Benefits Of California Prune For Treatment Heart Coronary And Kidney Disease

in China there is a prune in the name Li, but it is best to prune fruit from California that are very useful for the treatment and health.

California Prune Fruit Benefits

California prune is dried fruit can be found in supermarket in canned from r wrapped, prune fruit can also be made into syrup, jams, sauce, extract and more. and California prune mixture can be used as bread or cooked into a soup, a salad, pudding and more.

traditional medicine uses the California prune fruit can treat a variety of diseases, including the diseases coronary insufficiency or weak heart, high blood pressure, kidney inflammation, food poisoning, stomach spasms, asthma, allergies, ulcer stomach, bleeding, sore throat, dizziness, low blood pressure and other.

California prune can be mixed with other natural ingredients, because the substance of mucus that is present in the California prune contains iron which could not join the astringent tannin's found in other natural ingredients are have function as medicine.

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therefore, it is recommended to eat immediately or prune fruit directly consume the California prune fruits, because now we can already find in supermarkets in the form of syrup or juice.

to get the delicious cuisine, the appropriate temperature for the taste of sour and sweet is 20 degrees Celsius up to 40 degrees Celsius. if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, then feared to be damaging substances that are contained in the California prune fruit so it doesn't have the efficacy as medicine again.

California prune does not have side effects when consumed continuously, California prune can make the body condition be improved because it can improve the function of the organs of the body.

The Content In The California Prune

California prune contains calories, protein, carbohydrates, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and others.

How To Treat A weak Heart Or Coronary Infections With Prune Fruit

here's how : the California prune as  much as provide 30 grams in the form of extract (for once drinking), with  brewed water being boiled with temperature 20-40 degrees Celsius. drink this water every day twice, for ten days.

or, 30 grams of the California prune brewed with water that has been boiled with temperatures between 20 to 40 degrees Celsius. and drink twice a day.

*for people with heart, in addition to drinking these medications also fixed medical treatment to the doctor of the heart.

How To Treat Hypertension With Prune Fruit

Here's How : use California prune in any cuisine that is created, as it becomes a soup. in addition, the California prune can be eaten directly.

should hypertension sufferers drank as many as California prune extract 30 grams each time the drink was brewed with water with temperatures of 20 to 40 degrees Celsius. drink twice a day.

How To Cope With Kidney Inflammation With The California Prune

Here's How : create a stir-fry or soup made from soy, chives, vinegar beans, tofu, and vegetables that you like. let the ingredients are cooked until the temperature reduce to 40 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius, after that, enter the California Prune.

*kidney disorders sufferers beside eat up this California prune, still it is advisable to always consult a doctor.

How To Resolve Constipation With California Prune

one of the causes of the occurrence of constipation is due to the body's water shortage. for it takes a lot of California prune contain substances which easily melts.

Here's How : mix California prune with syrup, and drink as much as 2 glasses each day to recover from the disease of constipation.

or, simmer 30 grams of leek, roots take water, enter the dry white 20 grams of mushrooms, carrots, and potatoes to taste. made into soup. once cooked, let a moment, enter the 6 California prune fruit, packed as 2x a day.

How To Stop Bleeding With The California Prune Fruit

Here's How : provide the broken black yeast 100 grams, lotus root already cut up as many as 30 grams, fry both of these ingredients, and add the other ingredients are frowned upon. once cooked allow to cool, then insert a 6 California prune, stir then eat.

1. The California prune drinking 1-2 glasses every day, but not in the form of the California prune extract and without sugar

2. if the dried plum-shaped can be consumed approximately 10 pieces per day

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