Anatomy Physiology And Supporting Body Tissue
Anatomy Physiology And Support Tissue
Support Network
Support Network
Support network is a group of specialised cells that are similar in shape, magnitude and her work, which serves to support and substantiate the various body composition that is in the vicinity.
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Connective Tissue
connective tissue is a network between the cells. there is a lot of intracellular substances consisting of fiers of collagen fibers and chewy. on connective tissue, this intercellular materials made by their cells. the shape of the chart-this chart intercellular differentiated into two types namely :
1. form amorphous (without form) : liquids, such as gelatin, and is hard
2. fibrous form (shape of thread). these forms can be distinguished into three forms, namely :
- threads-thread of collagen (white threads). these threads to its very soft, strong, but less elastic.
- thread-thread reticulated (fine thread). thread-thread is organised like the mesh and serves to hold the cells of the connective tissue.
- threads-elastic yarn (yellow yarn). thread-thread of this nature very elastic layered and arranged.
6 Kinds Of Connective Tissue Cells :
- the macrophages cells are connective tissue cells with shape is very large and can eat cells that enter into our body.
- mast cells are cells of the connective tissue in the cytoplasm contains many sports, these cells can produce heparin.
- cells are fibroblasts, the cells of this type are most numerous in connective tissue.
- fat cells are connective tissue cells that function specifically to store fat.
- plasma cells are the cells of the connective tissue which forms such as spheres, the nucleus like a wheel (flat round)
- pigment cells are connective tissue cells that are widely found in the skin and eyeballs. this connective tissue can be found anywhere in the body.
The Function Of Connective Tissue Cells
- making of intracellular materials.
- making blood cells
- phagocytes, consuming bacteria of foreign matter that gets into the body
- make antibodies (the immune substances)
- making heparin that prevents blood clotting function during in its channels.
A Variety Of Connective Tissue
1. the connective tissue embrional
embrional connective tissue is a connective tissue cell star shaped and resembles the intracellular jam , found in ambryos and umbilical cord round.
2. the areolar connective tissue
connective tissue areolar connective tissue is that their cells are separated from one another by substance liquid jam in it contain fibers such as mesh. the function as water storage places and events important in inflammation.
3. The Loose Connective Tissue
the connective tissue that ties their cells to each other because of the loose among the network there are many tiny holes, there are a lot of loose connective tissue under the skin, many contain fat, it functions as a material anchoring, protective and reserve food.
4. Fibrous Connective Tissue
fibrous connective tissue connective tissue is the areola among their cells contain fibrous fibers or fibers of collagen, the network that its properties are very strong but only little can be skewed his blood vessels.
it function as a support. wrap, and a liaison between the network. the network includes, among others :
- ligament, connects the bone with the bone book
- the muscular aponeurosis, connecting to each other
- fascia, muscle, and wrapping membrane
- tendo, which connects the muscles with muscle, or muscle with bone.
5. Chewy Connective Tissue
chewy connective tissue is the connective tissue between their cells contain many fibres supple, elastic like rubber, nature is present on the blood wall vessels, its functions provide suppleness in the network.
in addition to the above there are connective tissue connective tissue that can make a special white blood cells that is RES network (Endoplasmic Endothelial System) that is present in the heart and in the spleen.
The Network Prone (cartilage)
this network has many small holes in it, there are many cells prone, its nature is denser and stronger than normal tissue, elastic and easily skewed among their cells there are many blood vessels.
understanding the cartilage is a connective tissue that is closer than the ordinary connective tissue, their cells called kondrosit and the young cell called kondroblas.
All Kind Of Cartilage Tissue
1. Hyaline Cartilage
hyaline cartilage contain much of fiber hyaline (cartilage clear) colour as green or forage and slippery, there are on the ends of joints, cartilage of nose, between the ribs and sternum, embryo, larings, trachea and bronchi.
2. Elastic Cartilage
elastic cartilage contains many elastic fibers, fibers in colour to brass, was found in the earlobe, epiglottis, tuba Eustachian.
3. Cartilage Fibrous
fibrous cartilage contains fibrous fiber-fibers, there is between of the spine and the symphysis. many cartilage contains substances intercellular, CaCo₃ to its supple, elastic, not easily broken but easily skewed.
Bone Hard
most network hardware contains salt lime phosphate consisting of cells and matrix contains collagen fibers and intercell under inorganic, inorganic slat for nail and bones is calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium magnesium Florid, and florid.
spongeosa bone tissue make up the plaited, there is on the epifise ( the tip of the bone), a bone compact, looked solid at the diafise (central) that surrounds the bone marrow cavity).
3 Kinds Of Bone Cells
1. Osteosit, is in a capsule, had many bumps coming into the channel branched, and connect the cell and another capsule called kanalikuli.
2. the osteoblast, stem cells of the bone in order to synthesise organic material with collagen fibers on the surface of the bone, turning into a separate osteosit kanalikuli formed around a protrusion.
3. osteoklast, giant cells have many protrusions called riffle is present on the surface of the bone.
Network Function-Prone
- cover a buffer while the embryos would then be turned into hard bone
- as a buffer (the bones of the nose and ears of programs)
- connectivity between the bones (e.g. joints)
a. Bone Matrix
organic elements consisting of osteocollagen fibers in connective into one by the cement substance which are asidofil ( a substance is acidic) and the mineral calcium phosphate crystals in the form of bone collagen fibers arranged in the shape of lamellae coating braided as the building compounds.
the periosteum, the fibrous sheath enveloping the bones closely connected in bones, many contain connective tissue endosteum, smooth coating, is the limiting sum-sum of the cavity extends as a coating system channels compact bone, composed of the reticular network is dense and has the ability of bone formation (osteogenic) and formation of blood (hemopoietik).
b. Construction And Remodelling Of Bone
remodelling occurs due to the reabsorb on certain areas and the laying of new bone at other places. reabsorb in touch with osteoklast, osteoklast produces bone in the cavity on the surface of an spongeosa.
c. Regeneration Of Bone
after a broken bone, there is bleeding and blood clotting occurs, fibroblasts grow and capillary blood enters the network and form clots blood granulation which turns into a dense fibrous tissue, cartilage and the temporary kalkus uniting a broken bone.
osteoblast evolved from the periosteum and endosteum embedding bone spongeosa, prgressively replacing the cartilage becomes bone kompakta kalkus, and excess bone will be absorbed.
Please Read Anatomy Physiology And Bodily Fluid Displacement
Various Bones
1. Bone Based On Shape
long bones : the shape is long like pipe (example, humeral bone, the tibia, the bone of the femur)
short bones : short and irregular shape (e.g. the vertebrate bone).
2. Bone Based On The Structure
young bone tissue that is a closer network of connective tissue. their cells are called condrosit and the young cells called condroblast.
hard bone tissue that is a network that is very hard, it can not be cut with knife because he contain lime. and it had a hard tissue section as follow :
- bone tissue, there are network kompakta in the central part of the long bones (diafisi)
- spongiosa bone tissue, the tissue is at the ends of long bones (epifisis), many have the obvious holes can be seen with the eye and its shape resembling a sponge (foam. inside the holes is the bone marrow
- the connective tissue of the periosteum that envelops every bone and collagen fibers
- in the central part of long bones, there is a room called the medulla osseum flava.
- the red bone marrow is made up of a network of reticulated found : eritroblast which later became the erythrocytes, leukocytes which later became mioblast, and osteoblast (bone cells) as well as a reticulocyte.
- between the network and the bone marrow, there is a hard bone membrane called endosteum.
The Development And Growth Of Bones
a. kanalikuli is a smooth channel system empties into the gap network, directly relates to the fluid in the system kanalikuli, the exchange between blood and bone resulting in osteosit stay alive.
b. are vascular i.e capillary content contained in channels havers.
c. aposisional growth mechanism is not appropriate because the interstitial is not possible on the cartilage
d. non-elastic i.e. bone is destroyed and make return with the reconstruction continued.
The Function Of Bone Tissue
- keep founding body
- forming a cavity to store (protect fine organs)
- forming joints
- as a place of stay of ligaments and muscles
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