How To Heal A Wound On The Baby's Umbilical Cord And Hernia Umbilical - Medical Info -->

How To Heal A Wound On The Baby's Umbilical Cord And Hernia Umbilical

How To Heal A Wound On Baby's Umbilical Cord
When the baby is in the womb of the mother, she gets food and air, through blood vessels that flow in the umbilical cord, once the baby was born. the doctor or midwife will snap its head rope and cut it about 2 cm from the belly and tie it.

how to heal a wound on the baby umbilical cord and hernia umbilical
umbilical cord and hernia umbilical

the remains of this belly button strap apart within 7-10 days, sometime until 3 weeks will be disconnected, after this cord apart will leave rough patches, which takes several days longer, sometimes several weeks to dry out and heal.

slow healing that will cause this rough patches growing thick with tissue granulation tissue (called a new network that is growing, if there are any wounds. the intent to replace the old broken network. the network of granulation any excess will be more prominent than the surrounding skin). this situation does not bring any result also against the baby.

these patches should be treated carefully and well, and kept it clean, so germs can't infect the wound. do not sow any on this wound, all you need to do is to keep these scars remain dry.

after the bath, pat dry with sterile gauze, and then cover with gauze that folded in 3 layers, if the belly button has not yet healed it became wet and discharge, you should be more careful, so try again if the baby bed wetting diaper wetting ,urine is not about cuts.

clean the wound wet it every day with alcohol 70%, the doctor will probably give you a liquid antiseptic for cleansing the wound every day. if this belly button around skin show sign of infection, such as the red skin of its surroundings, rather bloated, take your baby to the doctor immediately to get better treatment.

How To Treat Hernia Umbilical In Infants
hernia umbilical is showing off the intestine through the belly button that already covered the skin. this is caused by the muscles of the abdomen during a baby still in the womb, penetrated by blood vessels, umbilical cord remains open.

after the umbilical cord should be closed this hole will close on natural. but there is a big hole is the time it takes somewhat longer to close. to prevent a bowel through this hole, you can put up a rather wide transverse plaster belly button.

this way is usually less useful, besides plaster can cause abnormalities in the baby's skin is allergic. hernia umbilical rarely cause abnormalities such as hernia in other places, these hernias rarely require action.

later if the child was aged 6 years to 8 years, and hernia is still too often prominent, and shows no signs of waning, would be well advised to ask a doctor to take action and close the hole.

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