What Is Tetralogy Of Fallot, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, And Complications Tetralogy Of Fallot - Medical Info -->

What Is Tetralogy Of Fallot, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, And Complications Tetralogy Of Fallot

Tetralogy Of Fallot Definition
Tetralogy of fallot is a heart disorder with cyanosis disorder characterised by 4 combination of 4 a abnormal include septal vertical septum, aortic stenosis pulmonal, overriding, and hypertrophy of the right vertical. component of the most important in determining disease severity is degrees pulmonal stenosis from very mild to very severe, stenosis pulmonal being progressive, the longer the more weight.

what is tetralogy of fallot, definisi, causesm signs, symptoms and complication of tetralogy of fallot
tetralogy of fallot

Sign And Symptoms Tetralogy Of Fallot Or Etiology 

  1. endogenous factors :
  2. different types of genetic disease :chromosome abnormalities
  3. the presence of certain diseases in a family of diseases
  4. children born before suffering from congenital heart disease

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3 Exogenous Factors Tetralogy of Fallot :

  1. maternal pregnancy history
  2. the mother was suffering from infectious diseases
  3. exposure to X-rays

Pathophysiology Tetralogy of Fallot
due to a large VSD and stenosis pulmonal haemodynamic changes will occur then pulmonal stenosis that occurs that causes the blood that comes from superior and inferior cava vein entirely will be showed in the right ventricle, then goes into the aorta without burdening the left ventricle, so right ventricle hypertrophy occurred.

while ventricle left is relatively small, the VSD causes going right to left shunt thus arising pulmonal stenosis causing cyanosis, blood flow to the pulmo be decreased so that hipoksemia is compensated with polistema.

8 Complementary Examination Tetralogy of Fallot

  1. radiological
  2. x-rays on thorax showed decreased blood flow pulmonal, no enlargement of the heart
  3. electracardiogram
  4. on ECG axis QRS is almost always be deviasi to the right
  5. echocardiography
  6. aortic dilation showed a decrease in arterial size pulmonalis, and decreased blood flow to the lungs
  7. cardiac
  8. required before surgery to find out multiple ventricular septal septum

6 Clinical Manifestation Tetralogy of Fallot

  1. cyanosis
  2. dyspnea
  3. dyspnea attacks paroksismal
  4. the delay in growth and development
  5. pulse normal blood vessels
  6. noisy systolic

Complications Tetralogy of Fallot

  1. thrombosis pulmonary
  2. CVA thrombosis
  3. brain abscess
  4. bleeding
  5. relative anemia

tetralogy of fallot patient does then can be recovered? the answer is the possibility of patients cured is difficult because tetralogy of fallot innate genetic, but can be in minimalis by means of heart surgery.

The Shape And Size Of The Heart
the heart is formed by the organs of the muscular, apex and base, atrium cordis right and left as well as right and left ventricle, the size of the heart left and right 12 cm, length 8-9 cm, width and thickness of approximately 6 cm. weight heart roughly around 7-15 ounces or 200 to 425 grams and slightly larger than a fist.

The Space In The Heart
there are 4 chamber heart where two of the spaces it is called the atrium (foyer) and the rest is ventricle (the booth). the second is the atrium space with a the muscle wall due to the low level posed by the atrium.
The Shape And Size Of The Heart.

4 Heart Valves

  1. tricuspid valve, located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 
  2. pulmonary valve, having a closed tricuspid valve, blood will flow right through the verticle from within
  3. truncus pulmonalis
  4. bicuspid valve, regulate the flow of blood from the left atrium left ventricle
  5. aortic valve, consisting of 3 leaf valve is on the base of the aorta

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