Mental Disorder - Sign And Symptoms of Mental Disorder - Medical Info -->

Mental Disorder - Sign And Symptoms of Mental Disorder

Mental Disorder 

disorders of the Mental have signs and symptoms, let's see how the sign of the psychiatric symptoms an which will be describe in the article.

Picture Of Mental Disorder - Sign And Symptoms of Mental Disorder
soul disorder

Sign And Symptoms Of The Disorder Of The Mental

1. tension, a sense of despair and melancholy, agitated, anxious, restored to deed (convulsive), hysteria, the taste is weak, unable to achieve the goal, fear and bad thinking.

2. disorder of cognition on perception : feel heard (perceives)whispering something that was sent to kill, throws, up to genting, burning of houses, but people around him did not hear it.

and the fact there is no sound only appears from within the individual as a very heavy form of anxiety he was feeling. this is often called a hallucination, the client can hear sometime, see something or feel something that actually there is no according to others.

3. disorder of will power: usually patients have weak willpower (abulia) has difficulty making decisions or start behavior, esah once woke up early. difficult to shower, can't take care of yourself up to look dirty, smelly and disheveled.

4. disturbance of emotions : soul disorder sufferers often feel happy, joyous overload sufferers feel as important as the king, as an entrepreneur, as a rich man, etc. but at other times it can feel very sad, weeping, helpless (depressed) until there is an idea to end his life.

5. psychomotor disorders : hiperaktivitas, sufferers usually do excessive movements such as genting rose to the top, running, walking forward and backward, bounding, doing anything that was not ordered or something wrong against anything that has to be done. speechless not moving or even bizarre movements.

While Signs Of Schizophrenia Is :

1. Cognitive Symptoms

cognitive symptoms are symptoms of schizophrenia are very clear and very important, such as :
  1. delusions are generally found in schizophrenic thought was the wrong beliefs and irritation and so attached to her mind so that it is no longer possible to change.
  2. hallucinating experiences reveal about the fact are wrong and it's not right at all, her, smell, or see all something that really isn't there.
  3. full of broad attention stimulus, resulting in what is called the full stimulus.

2. Symptoms of Mood

schizophrenics experiences the dullness of emotions, apathy, aloof, and daydreaming is a response to situations that should cause excitement, fear and anger.

3. Somatic Symptoms

many drugs used to treat schizophrenia patients would cause the effects of somatic disorders as a side the mouth becomes dry and more sensitive to the Sun.

4. Motor Symptoms

there are certain disturbances which apparently become the hallmark of schizophrenia patients such as grinning, stereotypes movements or fixed (as touching hand, deleting anything, pull the hair, the attitude of the body stiff and uptight, smile it looked bland), portrayed the hallucinations are encountered (such as hear attentively), take the odd positions (often clumsy and tiring) in a long period of time such as the position of the fetus in the womb.

The Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Are Divided Into 2 Groups :

1. Symptoms of Positif

positive symptoms are real symptoms, i.e., sensory changes, perception, hallucination, chaos nature mind (speaking garbled), restless, rowdy felt himself a person of importance, and conduct that is irregular.

2. Negative Symptoms

vague symptoms, such as a flat or blunt the effects of the disorder, did not have the motivation, a sense of discomfort, and withdrew from society, and it is difficult to abstract thinking.

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