Tip Stop Granting Milk Bottles In Infants And Children - Medical Info -->

Tip Stop Granting Milk Bottles In Infants And Children

How To Stop Drinking Milk Bottle From A Baby
Act calm and follow the will of the baby, let the baby to determine his own way, perhaps a baby aged 5-6 months getting tired of drinking from the bottle and drinking from the Cup more him like, gradually you should be increasing the amount of milk inside the cup.

tips stop granting milk bottles in infants and children
tips stop milk bottle in baby

give him a drink of water, clear also from the cup, after a meal, this way the baby stretched pack bottle of little by little. then slowly remove altogether the bottle on the hours where is attention at least on bottle. on Sunday it also remove one more bottle.

the last milk bottle in the evening is the most loved the bottle, so that's kind of hard o let go, willpower to stop drinking from a baby bottle, not held steady. at moments he is ill, are suffering from colds, teething, babies are often missed drink milk from a bottle more then usual. in this case, fill his desire, if that period has passed, he will gladly take off the bottle again.

babies who refuse to stop drink milk from a bottle, often just want to try to drink a little of the cups and then throwing the cups angrily, or they pretend are not qualified to understand the usefulness of the cups of it.

they allowed the teacup that's stuck to his lips and let the milk flow from the corners of his mouth, and he will smile with plain, seem to not understand.

in general they are willing to accept the new drink from the cup after the age of 12 months. but they are still less loved and suspicious of the contents of the cup until the baby was 15 months.

be always one small glass of milk contains 25-50 cc near the baby. at certain times, for example if she was playing around. maybe if that baby is thirsty, then the baby will be interested to try drinking a little.

if you happen to see your baby is drinking from a cup of it, do not you told your baby to drink more, you should behave as if you do not see your babies drink milk from the glass it.

if the baby is full of suspicious this want to drink milk from a cup, does not mean he wants to immediately leaves the bottle. still take some time again to stop drinking from bottles in total.

especially at a time when a baby or child you can't escape from the bottle of milk in the evenings that is commonly brought to bed, this is the most difficult thing is released by the baby and most difficult performed by a mother who wanted to stop the giving milk via a bottle to his son or baby.

You Must Be Good At Taking Time
as a parent, you must be good at taking the time to stop the children drank milk from a bottle, sometimes a baby left alone by his parents to drink milk from a bottle, longer than it should.

usually these old people worried if you see a baby to drink just a little bit away from the cup, for example if at the age of 8 months baby's usual milk 200 cc drinking in the morning, 150 cc, 100 cc of milk and milk in the evenings from the cup, then if it's at night gives children or babies drink milk from a bottle, the baby may still want to drink a few dozen cc milk again, or if your baby or child you want to drink as much as 200 cc of milk from the bottle, maybe he just want to drink 100-150 cc from the cup.

infants older than 6 month and already want to drink milk from a cup in total amount of approximately 300 cc a day, as well as to seem not so looking for more bottles of milk, it is certain that you should stop giving your baby milk from a bottle in total.

if parent let the baby or his son was drinking milk from a bottle, then the longer it will be increasingly difficult for parents to let go of the habit of drinking from the bottle.

at the age of 10-15 the month will be harder again changed his habits, other difficulties will also arise, is if parents familiarise baby fall asleep with a bottle of milk in the mouth in the second year of his life.

milk bottles used for make sleeping the baby, or clogging his mouth any baby or child crying, day or night, mom and dad kindly create one drink in a bottle any time her son or her baby crying without a care in the middle of the night though.

as a result the baby thus receive 8 bottles of milk in 24 hours, it means a child or your baby as much milk 1500-2000 cc drink a day, of course the baby will not be more tasteful to ea other foods.

babies who drink too much milk and lack other food will suffer impaired balance of substances in his body, the baby will suffer anemia due to iron deficiency in the body.

as we know, the milk only contains very little iron, in terms of nutrition, it is important to be known by the parents, so that baby does not drink the milk of more than 1000-1200 cc of milk per day.

in terms of the development of the soul, an old man who gives the baby food other than milk, as if to give the impression in the souls of infants, parents expecting a baby more quickly grow large, and baby feel happy to be big and strong like his father or if girls, he will eat other food passion to be grow large, beautiful and healthy like her mother.

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