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General Pharmacology - Drugs, Drug History And Development

General Pharmacology

Pharmacology has the meaning of the word Etymologically, that which comes from the Farmakon Pharmacology meaning Drugs, and Logos meaning knowledge. so this means a science of pharmacology that studies the efficacy or the effect of the drug.

Picture of General Pharmacology - Drugs, Drug History And Development

Definition Of Science Of Medicine


Pharmacology is the study of all aspects of the drug, that concerns about the nature of the chemical and physical properties, physiology, resorpsi and the fate of drugs in living organism.


farmakognosi is knowledge and the introduction of drugs derived from natural materials (plants, animals, and the minerals) and the active substances they contain.

Baca Juga


biopharmaceutical is a science that investigates the influence of the therapeutic effects against drug formulations, in the form of preparations which should be made in order to produce drug effect is optimal.


farmakokinetika is a science that investigates the fate of a drug in the body, starting from the moment of his deed, the absorption, transformation and distribution to work, inactivation, and ekskresi.


farmakodinamika is the study of the effect of the poison from a remedy against the body of the organism.


farmakoterapi is the study of the use of drugs to treat the disease and symptoms.

The history Of Drug Development

the drug from time to time, from age to age is now more and more of its kind found, and more and more drug companies that emit a wide variety of brand drugs and drug type. however, did you know that the drug has a history in its development?

The Process Of History Of Medicine

The Source Of The Drug

the source of the drugs can be obtained from vegetable material, animal, chemical and where the third ingredient has the same benefits i.e. cure, relieve symptoms or prevent disease and symptoms.

1. Drugs Of Vegetable Materials

drugs ascribed phyto is a drug that usually can be directly used for treatment, and the process is simply boiled or brewed with water or can be also in extract.

Examples of drugs of vegetable ingredients are :

  • atropine
  • in reply
  • morphine
  • came beladona
  • ephedra vulgaris
  • poppy somniferum

2. The Drugs Are Source From Animal

the drugs are sourced from animal ingredients is a drug produced from animal organs and can be produced from metabolites or products.
Example of Animal Drugs Are : fish oil, shark (organ), penicillin, penicillin-Chrysogenum (metabolite)

3. The Drugs Are Sourced From Chemical Or Synthetic Ingredients

the drugs are sourced from chemical or synthetic ingredients is a drug derived from the results of a chemical reaction after knowing the structure of the nutritious substances.
Example of Chemical Drugs Are : Antalgin, paracetamol, CTM, etc.

Drug Name And Classification

the name of the drugs are divided into two classes namely the generic drugs and patented drugs, any drugs which are divided into 5 groups, namely drug-free, hard drugs, drug specific hardware and drugs narcotics.

The Name Of The Drug

1. Generic Drug 

generic drug is a drug that is named after the generic name of the substance benefits.
example of generic drugs are : antalgin, paracetamol, CTM, amoxicillin. etc.

2. Drug Patent 

drug patent Is a Drug Company With  Distinctive name is protected by law (Copyright) which is a registered trademark.
examples of drug patent are : amoxan, lapimox, etc. 

Drug Categorization Based On 5 Level Of Security

1. Drug-Free 

a drug free is a drug overdose value group is safe despite the excess is used (by symbol the existence of a green circle).
examples are : drug-free remedies rub, massage oils, medicinal touch, etc.

2. Drug-Free unlimited 

unlimited free drugs are a group of drugs overdose value relatively safe but in the use of which should pay attention to the common position. and usually this limited drug free are marked with a circle color of blue.
examples of drug-free is limited : decolgen, inza, neozep, etc.

3. Hard Drugs 

 hard drugs are medicines that may be provided with a prescription due to need supervision during treatment, and the hard drugs are usually given a sign of stabilizing.
examples of hard drugs are : the antibiotics, the drug injection, antihistamine, etc.

4. Drug Specific Hardware 

hardware specific drugs are medicines that affect the psychic trait of patients and the drug is usually marked with a red circle.
example of hard drugs are : diazepam, luminal, etc.

5. Narcotic Drug 

narcotic drug is a drug that can lead to addiction or adiksi or depency. and the drug is labelled circle plus the red cross.
examples of narcotic drug are : morphine, pethidine, duragesic, codeine, etc.

The Classification Of Drugs Upon The Shape Of The Material Of Packaging

the classification of drugs based on the shape of the material or packaging are divided into 5 groups, namely in the form of :

1. Tablets of capsules or kaptab :

  • regular tablets
  • tablets applaud sugar
  • tat enteric salute or salute membranes
  • the tablet off slow or sustain release
  • sublingual tablets
  • vaginal tablets or tablets bulk

2. Capsules :

  • soft capsule
  • hard capsules

3. The Syrup :

  1. solution
  2. spension
  3. emulsion
  4. elixiry
  5. dry syrups

4. Semi Solid :

  • foottment
  • cream
  • jell
  • enema

5. Suppositoria

6. Ovulla

7. Injection

8. Infusion

Grouping Drugs Based On Improved :

A Drug That Is Effective For Kemoterapetik Is :

  • antibiotics
  • fungistika and virustatika
  • sulfonamides
  • tuberculosis drugs
  • cure beautifulosy
  • antimalarials
  • sitosttica
  • antiseptic and disinfectant

Cure Stomach Disorders :

  • Antasida
  • drugs-digestive 
  • antiemetic
  • asked remedy
  • drug amoebiasis
  • anthlmintic
  • rigging

Central Nerve Medications :

  • analgesics
  • hypherapy
  • epilepsy drugs
  • psicofarmaka
  • neuroleptics

Drugs Order Of Autonomic Nervous :

  • adrenergic and adrenolitik
  • cholinergic and anticholinergics

Drug Impaired Heart-Vessels :

  • diuretics
  • heart medications
  • cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • vasodilatasia
  • hypertension medication
  • the anticoagulant
  • hematika

Cure Asthma And Bronchitis :

  • Cough Medicine

Hormonal Medications For :

  • pituitary and hypothalamic hormones
  • sex hormones
  • thyroid hormone and tiroistatika
  • countscripts Oral
  • ACTH and kostikosteroida
  • insulin and oral antidiabetic 

Other Medicines :

  • antihistaminika
  • vacciness and serums
  • vitamins and minerals
  • cure gout and rheumatism
  • migraine medication

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