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Causes Headache And Migraines Make Side Effect To Mental Disorder

Causes Headache And Migraines Make Side Effect To Mental Disorder 

Headaches and Migraines  - Have you ever felt a sudden headache? now there are many victims of this one disease (headaches). and we should have known the origin or the consequences of headaches.  

most likely more people who take aspirin, drinks that contain alkali and peal-peal which eliminate headaches and that is more than we thought. at least a drug store is visited daily by sufferers in trying to find a cure. almost forever we see there those who want to buy headaches and other drugs.

3 Causes of Migraines and 3 Ways to Treat Headaches Quickly  

it was very interesting for the experts to examine this headache, one of the leading nutritionists in the United States, Dr. W.H. Sebrell Jr., and he is Director of the National Institutes of Health, has expressed the opinion that this kind of headache has been caused by low blood glucose.

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breakfast left behind, nervous tension during activities, too little lunch, all of which were the cause of the headache. why is breakfast left behind and a little lunch can be a cause of headaches? because if you don't have enough food in the stomach where the food is intended to produce the sugar your body needs.

1. Due to Glucose Deficiency 

if our body lacks glucose then you will experience nervous disorders, the head becomes dizzy, and the body becomes weak and tired. and have you ever felt that way when you were active.

 of course there are other factors that also have control over the headaches suffered. when you are busy you don't notice that in your activity your body has experienced dryness.

if we neglect to take enough water. so especially women who often only drink a little, then look at your lips will look dry. the more busy we work, the more we need to drink more water. really very sad, when it's very busy we often forget to take a drink of water.

Dirty air in the city can also cause the headaches that we feel. if we are in crowded rooms until the temperature of the surrounding air becomes very hot and dusty like in a narrow room, which is not good for the room's ventilation, maybe we will suffer from lack of oxygen and lack of oxygen is one of the causes of these headaches . 

But nerves that are tense, which is caused by a myriad of solid activities, may also be a cause of headaches, it is better to take a meal full and take a break when it is time for lunch.

the amount of activity you do makes the blood vessels in your body become narrow, and eventually causes headaches. therefore, do activities appropriately and do activities calmly and happily.

2. As a result of mental disorders 

 Women who experience frequent migraines are at risk for depression, according to recent research based on health data for 14 years. as well as internet users who every day sit diligently using the internet. then what is the connection? 

Research experts at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have conducted a study of 36,000 women who suffered from migraines from a few years ago or continue to experience it. they are at 36 percent the highest risk of depression.

During 14 years of research, mental disorders were more common in women who often had migraines, compared to those who were rarely affected by migraines. The researchers also found 6,500 women who still had migraines were at the highest risk of developing depression.

researcher Dr.Tobias Kurth, someone of epidemiology at Brigham and Woman's Hospital in Boston, said that women who have migraines should not assume they will experience depression, but they must be aware of the causes that can trigger the depression attack.   

migraines usually occur for 4 to 72 hours accompanied by throbbing pain in the head, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to sound and light. Previous research has also shown women with chronic migraines more than 15 times a month, then risk four times more likely to experience depression. 

Picture Of Causes Headache And Migraines Make Side Effect To Mental Disorder

3. The Internet Caused The Disrupting Of The Soul.

the use of the internet including social media can cause serious mental disorders when used as a means of isolating themselves. examples of the cases of disorders of the soul due to the negative use of the internet began to appear in some countries.

many people are not aware that in time he closed themselves against social communities, addiction can be browse or as an escape from problems related to his personality.

the number of social media that is often the way out for people who lack the association in the real world, while using the internet, he displays a distinct personality with her everyday, it is resulting in her getting away with the social reality that exists, can not even accept yourself with what it is. in the associating of the internet, he can go around deleting friend when she felt uncomfortable or doesn't like, unlike the real world, that there is some sort of accountability over the deeds he does.

not only does social media network media, the internet is also increasingly easy access to pornography can lead to distorted sex behavior, the internet increasingly makes it easy for someone to obtain information and discuss sex deviant behavior.
moreover, it is now the more popular online games over the internet has also contributed to the existence of the tendency of a person spent much time alone in front of the computer than he is interacting with fellow human beings, based on research, five hours after being offline, the condition of the human brain that does the game online in a long time, still the game online against. and if seen from the view point of psychology, there should be strengthening against the individuals, one of them by giving an individual capability can critical thinking in the face of advances in information technology.

3 Ways to Overcome and Avoid Headaches Quickly

1. Start Well

wake up early if you want to go on the move so you can take breakfast with enough, if possible, you can take the breakfast menu with orange juice, milk, eggs, rice from mashed rice, and fruits. 

the protein in milk, eggs and mashed rice will take a little time to digest, so it will maintain energy to support you to do activities throughout the day. and that you will not get from a piece of bread and a cup of coffee, because drinking coffee on an empty stomach is very dangerous.

with so little food, you will definitely feel tired and under-powered at around ten o'clock. morning meals with a large portion will keep glucose in your blood from running out so quickly that you can avoid headaches.

and don't be wrong in thinking about breakfast will make you fat like a barrel. of course it won't happen that way, you will burn your fat quickly in your activities and activities on that day. at a glance, it is the excessive dinner that makes you sleepy and sleeps after having finished dinner which makes your body like a barrel.

2. Drink Lots of Water

before you leave home, drink one or two glasses of water, this is added with lemon juice and drink milk at breakfast time, and it will water your body, and help you keep the headache away. 

while if you live in a city, then look for a cool place and drink as much water as you can, remember, you must drink at least one drink at a time. and avoid tea, coffee, soft drinks, because the drink does not add water to your body, on the contrary, the drink will make your body experience liquid dryness.

because these stimulant ingredients all contain caffeine, which makes your kidneys have to spend a lot of water, so you should avoid the drink and replace it with fruit juice or drink mineral water.

although it is true you drink a cup of water plus coffee or tea, but your body will remove it a bowl of water through urine because caffeine in the coffee has made the kidneys have to work hard in removing toxins in your body. 

Caffeine also depletes the supply of glucose in the blood, and depletes the supply of glucose in the liver. this is why you may feel refreshed after drinking a cup of coffee, but you will know from experience that soon you will feel weak again after drinking a cup of coffee.

3. Take a Long Breath

the air in the city is bad, the oxygen content is very low, and full of fog, smoke and dust. on every corner of a busy road, where there are many vehicles. air is full of carbon monoxide, so much. 

 that is why city police may not work or guard the street corners for more than a few weeks, if not, of course the police will become victims of the carbon monoxide poison released by car chimneys.

you can be a victim because of the carbon monoxide poison when in town, and some of your headaches may be one of the causes and you feel weak because of carbon monoxide poison.

So if there is a park in the city, you better sit for a while in a park that has fresh and clean air, and try taking a deep and deep breath to take the air clean to clean your lungs.

clean the gas-filled trash, like carbon-carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide fumes coming from the vehicle's pots, and replace it with fresh oxygen, then you will feel more happy and calm and of course you will feel clear brain.  

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