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How To Granting Hipnotika Or Sleeping Pills, Effects And Mechanism Of Action Of Sleeping Pills

How Granting Hipnotik Or Sleeping Pills, Side Effects And Mechanism Action Of Sleeping Pills

Hipnotik-Sedatif-Hipnotika or sleeping pills are substances that are generally given at night with the aim of heightening the desire faal and normal to sleep, facilitate or lead to sleep. If a dose is given in hipnotik lower dose of therapy. then the drug to function as a sedative (soothing) and generally given during the day.

How Granting Hipnotik Or Sleeping Pills, Side Effects And Mechanism Of Action Of Sleeping Pills Image

The Philosophy Of Sleep

the need for sleep can be considered as a protection of the organism to avoid the adverse influence of the body due to the effects of sleep deprivation. beds in the center of the brain will regulate the function of the physiology of sleep is very important for the health of the body.

at the time of the parasympathetic nerve activity enhanced sleep with the effect of constriction of the pupil (miosis), slowing respiration and blood circulation, as well as the stimulation of the activity of the digestive tract (peristalsis and secretion of SAP-SAP gastric-intestinal reinforced). with the short beds at the time, the process of collecting energy and power recovery of organism is strengthened.

Stages Of Sleep

during one night in General can be distinguished 4-5 sleep cycle and each cycle consists of two stages, namely :

1. Sleep Calmly

quiet sleep also called Non-REM sleep or Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS), on the basis of the electrical activity of the brain (E.E. G = Electroencephalogram). typical is the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, and muscle relaxation muscle movements without face or eye muscles.

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SWS is approximately one hour and include forms the deepest sleep. the next stage is followed by stage two paradoxical sleep.

2. Sleep Paradoxical

paradoxical sleep or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and E.E. G activity similar to a State of conscious and active as well as seemingly quick eye movements. the motion of the heart, blood pressure, and breathing and ascending, blood flow to the brain increases greatly loosens the muscles. during REM sleep that originally lasted 15-20 seconds occur many dreams, then known as the sleep of dreams.

the first cycle is overtaken in turns by the quiet sleep phases around the 60-minute brake, and sleep about 20 minutes. This dream phases gradually become longer, until finally in the morning can last for 45 minutes.

otherwise in his sleep soundly in the first hours are the most deep and slow-gradually becomes more shallow. such changes seem to continue to age. sleep becomes more shallow sleep and dreams become longer.

newborns need sleep for 14 hours, adults need an average of 8 hours, while those with old age (50 years >) the average enough to sleep 6 hours per day. sleep REM in infants is 50% from the bed entirely and be down up to 20% at the age of 6 years and almost constant for a lifetime.

When the brakes are blocked and being shorter, for example due to given sleeping pills, then patients experience it as sleep not sleep and felt fit (not fresh). It is consequently can cause psychological disturbances and disruptive health.

growth hormones (Growth hormone, GH) is essential for the stimulation of the body and the growth response of amino acids and protein synthesis by the network. It turns out that the secretion of GH mainly occur during sleep, that is on phase 4 and phase 4 SWS and during sleep-REM.

sleeping pills in General pressing phase 3 and phase 4 SWS as well as sleep-REM so that the secretion of GH is declining, although the use of chronic suppression of sleep-REM is temporary, but when therapy is stopped will happen REM-rebound (disruption of normal sleep patterns). the medications Benzodiazepines turns pressing phase 4 SWS without disturbing the secretion of GH or sleep-REM.


insomnia or sleep can be caused by many factors, for example because of coughs, due to pain (rheumatism, gout, migraines, sprains, and others), shortness of breath (asthma, bronchitis, and others) and it is very important also because of interference emotion, tension, anxiety, or depression. to overcome this problem then the main thing is the cause-the cause above, if still doesn't fix the problem, then it can be given sleeping pills with dosages as low as possible. the use of sleeping pills should be stopped immediately after the patient can sleep soundly in order to avoid the habit and addiction.

most sleep medicines given and deserve to be given in people with sleep disorders is medication to sleep with the Benzodiazepines, Kloralhidrat and their derivatives. Promethazine (50 mg Phenergan) is an antihistamine with side effects drowsiness is often as effective as a sleep medication.

Side Effects Of The Use Of Sleeping Pills Or Hipnotik

1. generally hipnotik extend sleep time, but will shorten the period of sleep-REM, for example the barbiturates, in addition, these substances also produced with different electrical activity with normal sleep E.E.G.

2. after the used 2 weeks is often ineffective hipnotik again in terms of quick reactions to make the patient sleep, because of rapidly occurring tolerance and habits, as well as narcotics though not so great. a result is that required larger doses to achieve the same effect. only the Benzodiazepines that are not or almost lose their effectiveness after a few weeks of use.

3. the occurrence of BRAKE-Rebound, that disruption of normal sleep patterns often occur after the treatment is stopped, as if in compensation of deficiencies during therapy, sleep-REM extended with uncomfortable symptoms when sleep like nervous and feel worse, with fear and distress, often full of dreams, a great delusion. even the least hipnotika does not affect sleep-REM was the Benzodiazepines and Kloralhidrat.

4. cause dependence or addiction, and there are two types of addiction caused by hipnotika :

a. physical dependency

physical dependence is when treatment is stopped, symptoms occur abstinensi (withdrawal symptoms) in the form of impaired body functions, such as sweating, shaking, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, dizziness, obstipasi, and so on. this maybe effects caused by lack of endogenous substances (for example: endrofin and similar benzodiazepine) receptor to occupy the receptors for these substances in the brain.

b. the psychic dependence

Psychic dependence for example feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression, and can not sleep (rebound insomnia). tolerance and habituation (habit) often play an important role in the onset of dependency.

5. Other side effects

  1. respiratory depression : especially at high doses, it is necessary cautiously in patients with asthma.
  2. blood pressure decreased notably by the barbiturate medications
  3. obstipasi : namely on the use of old especially the drug barbiturate
  4. hangover : the effect of time on the next day which may include nausea, mild in the juice heads and minds messed up. This is because almost all hipnotika  "long Acting).

The Combination And interaction of Sleeping Pills or Hipnotika

  1. a combination of two or more drugs hipnotika can give effect to adiksi or potensiasi.
  2. alcohol in General strengthen hipnotika drug effects.
  3. effect of antikoagulan reinforced by sleeping pills, except the benzodiazepines and Glutethimide does not affect the relative effects of anticoagulants
  4. weaken the effect of corticosteroids, tetracycline, tetrasiklin and antidepressants kinidin
  5. kloralhidrat can not be shipped with furosemide. because it will cause the occurrence of vasodilatory or vasokontriksi blood vessels.

How To Use Sleeping Pills As Sedativa

many of the drugs hipnotika, especially the barbiturates, if given in low doses then will serve as sedativa (reliever), for example :
  • If used as a sedative: a dose of 15-30mg
  • If used as a 100 mg dose: hipnotika.

Classification Is Based On Chemical Structure Hipnotika

The Barbiturates :

  • phenobarbital
  • butobarbital
  • cyclobarbital
  • hexobarbital

The Benzodiazepines

  • diazepam
  • nitrazepam
  • flunitrazepam
  • triazolam

The Alcohol

  • kloralhidrat
  • trilofos
  • diklorofenol 

The Bromide :

  • potassium bromide
  • sodium bromide
  • ammonium bromide

Other medications : 

  • glutethimide
  • talidomida
  • metaxalone

Classifications of sleeping pills based on Old Work 

1. Ultra-short Acting

are sleeping pills or a fast effect occurred hipnotik and very quickly anyway the loss. the drug is frequently used as anestetika public iv. examples are: tiopental, tial barbital, hexobarbital. 

2. Short-acting

are sleeping pills or the speed of onset of hipnotika has the effect of moderate (about 15 minutes), and remained somewhat short (2-3 hours). the drug is frequently used as sleeping pills. examples are: siklobarbital and secobarbital.

3. acting Intermediate

are sleeping pills or hipnotika who started the effect after 30 minutes and is expected to be able to survive for 5 hours. examples are; butobarbital, heptabarbital, and alobarbital.

4. Long-acting

are sleeping pills or hipnotika who started work after 8 hours and can last about 6-10 hours. can be used as sleeping pills for long. for example: barbital, phenobarbital, and methylphenobarbital.

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