Definition Of The Anthelmintic Drugs And Other Types Of Worm Disease - Medical Info -->

Definition Of The Anthelmintic Drugs And Other Types Of Worm Disease

Definition Of The Anthelmintic Drugs And Other Types Of Worm Disease

Definition of the anthelmintic-Antelmintika or worm medication is a drug that is used to eradicate or reduce the worm in the intestinal lumen or in the tissues of the body.

Definition Of The Anthelmintic Drugs And Other Types Of Worm Disease Image

Diseases Caused By Infestations Of Worms In The Body

1. Ascariasis

ascariasis is a disease caused by roundworms (Ascaris Lumbricoides). roundworms are quite dangerous because it can spread to other organs if not immediately diobato. as a result of complications is sperti appendicitis, ileus, or pancreatitis.

How To Ascariasis Treatment

  • mebendazol
  • piperazin
  • pirantel
  • befenium

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2. Ancylostomiasis

ancylostomiasis is a disease caused by hookworms (Ancylostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus), transmission occurs by the larvae enter the skin in place was wounded in the legs. hookworms associate themselves in the intestinal mucosa and suck blood in the human body.

How To Ancylostomiasis Treatment

  • Befenium
  • Tetracloroetilene

3. Taeniasis

taeniasis is a disease caused by tapeworms (Taenia Saginata and Taenia Solium). transmission occurs due to pork or beef or fish containing the worm eggs. tough tapeworms destroyed because his head in the burrow mucous membrane intestines until hard penetrated by drug.

Treatment Ways Taeniasis

  • niklozamid

4. Enterobiasis or Oxiuriasis

enterobiasis or oxiuriasis is a disease caused by pinworms (Oxyuris Vermicularis). transmission in children often occurs through autoreinfeksi, the eggs are attached to the finger by the time scratching the anal, and then eaten along with foods.

How Treatment Enterobiasis or Oxiuriasis

  • Mebendazol
  • piperazin
  • pirantel
  • pyrvinium

5. Strongyloidiasis

strongyloidiasis is a disease caused by a worm (Strongyloides stercoralis) threads. transmission occurs by the larvae of autoinfeksi shaped threads through the skin.

6. Trichuriasis

trichuriasis is a disease caused by worms whip (trichiura Trichuris). transmission through eggs belonging to the human body.

7. Filariasis

filariasis is a disease caused by worms henis Filaria (Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori).

Worm Disease Medications

1. Befenium Hidroksi Aftoat

befenium hidroksi afloat is kuartener ammonium compounds-shaped pale yellow crystals, has a bitter taste and is slightly soluble in water.

Drug Activity Befenium Hidroksi Afloat

These drugs cause complete muscle worms because the sensitif against acetylcholine lost and these effects are not reversible.
Children's dosage: 2.5 grams, and 5 grams in adults.

2. Dietilkarbamazin

dietilkarbamazin is in the form of crystalline citric salts do not colored, have a sense of that awful, but dissolves easily in water.

The Activity Of Drug Dietilkarbamazin

These drugs cause a loss of Wuchereria Bancrofti Microfilaria Malayi from circulation through the blood quickly.

Use Of Dietilkarbamazin

These drugs are effective for treating filariasis
Dosage: 2 mg/kg 3 times a day for 14 days.

3. Diklorofenol

diklorofenol beige color with a powdery smell and taste similar to phenol, hardly soluble in water.

Diklorofenol Activity

the drug is effective for tapeworms found in humans as well as pets.

Use Of Diklorofenol

to treat disease tapeworms or taeniasis
Dosage: 3 times a day @ 2-3 grams.

4. Levamisole

levamisole is an isomer of tetramisol that have the effect of antelmintika

The Activity Of Levamisole

the drug levamisole is effective against ascaris, a. Duodenale, and n. Americanus
Dose: single dose of 3 mg/kg body weight

5. Mebendazol

mebendazol is broad spectrum antekmitika, in the form of a yellowish white powder, insoluble in water, and is not hygroscopic.

Activity Mebendazol

drug mebendazole effective against roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms and hookworms, so can be used for mixed infestations.
Dosage: 100 mg 2 x a day for 3 days.

6. Piperazin

piperazin generally in the form of citrate, the form of white crystals which are highly soluble in water.

Piperazin Activity

This blockade causes piperazin drug response of a muscle worms against acetylcholine so complete and easy worm issued through Peristaltic gut.

The Use Of Piperazine

piperazin effective for Ascaris, and pinworms.
Dose: day 1 x 75 ml/kg body weight.

7. Pyrantel

pyrantel is marketed in the form of a pamoat-shaped salt crystal white, no taste and is stable.

Pyrantel Activity

pyrantel drug is effective against roundworms, pinworms, the worm thread, or hookworms.
Single dosage: 10 mg/kg body weight. circulation.

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